Crazy Magus questions and clarification requests!

Rules Questions

Greetings rules wizards!

I'm a relatively new player and I've managed to stumped into some really odd stuff so I'm hoping you masters can help me out.

1. Spell combat + 1h-weapon w/ two hands:
In my full round attack can I cast a spell, then use two hands to on my scimitar to gain +.5 str damage? Does this also work if I'm Spell Striking with my spell?

2a. Spell combat + Prehensile Hair + Two-weapon fighting:
Hexcrafter Magus @ level 4 grants me a hex. The hair is limb that is as dexterous as a hand. In theory this lets me use my hair(beard) to cast a spell for spell combat then (in theory) have a weapon in each hand for two-weapon fighting. If this is possible, how to the penalties stack up?

2b. If I have beard, and two weapons going can I cast a spell to spellstrike with my main hand, melee with my main hand, off hand, and beard? Or do I give up the beard attack.

3. Prehensile Hair + 1 level of White Haired Witch:
Hexcrafter Magus 4 and 1 Witch give me two hair-based attacks. I personally believe this grants me two seperate natual attacks, but some others think that they all affect my hair so they abilities merge creating a reach 10, optionally primary or secondary natural attack, with a free grapple check. I'm on the side of them being seperate, but solid clarification here would be awesome.

I may have more later, but these seem to be the most prominant to me right now.

Thank you for your help in advance,
Magnus the Magus.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

In short to answer all your questions, or at least most of them.

The only qualifier on two handed combat for a magus is this.

1. Are you doing spell combat this round?

2. IF the answer to 1 is yes, than you've got to keep that hand FREE for the entire combat round. No if, and, or buts.

Dark Archive

Magnus Arcanis wrote:

Greetings rules wizards!

I'm a relatively new player and I've managed to stumped into some really odd stuff so I'm hoping you masters can help me out.

1. Spell combat + 1h-weapon w/ two hands:
In my full round attack can I cast a spell, then use two hands to on my scimitar to gain +.5 str damage? Does this also work if I'm Spell Striking with my spell?

No you can't, spell combat is a full round action and specifically states you have to have an empty hand while using spell combat.


2a. Spell combat + Prehensile Hair + Two-weapon fighting:

Hexcrafter Magus @ level 4 grants me a hex. The hair is limb that is as dexterous as a hand. In theory this lets me use my hair(beard) to cast a spell for spell combat then (in theory) have a weapon in each hand for two-weapon fighting. If this is possible, how to the penalties stack up?

Yes it is possible but the penalties are horrible.

The beard will be at -7 (-5 secondary attack + -2 for spell combat)
Each manufactured weapon will be at -4 (-2 for TWF + -2 for spell combat)

2b. If I have beard, and two weapons going can I cast a spell to spellstrike with my main hand, melee with my main hand, off hand, and beard? Or do I give up the beard attack.

Not really, spellstrike only allows you to deliver a spell through your weapon. So in this case you would use a standard action to cast a spell and use the free action to deliver it through your weapon.

ie; 1 attack that delivers the spell.

Mathwei ap Niall wrote:

2b. If I have beard, and two weapons going can I cast a spell to spellstrike with my main hand, melee with my main hand, off hand, and beard? Or do I give up the beard attack.

Not really, spellstrike only allows you to deliver a spell through your weapon. So in this case you would use a standard action to cast a spell and use the free action to deliver it through your weapon.

ie; 1 attack that delivers the spell.

Not sure if I understand your answer here. Or maybe my I asked my question wrong.

Let me try again.
It being a good idea aside, with Prehensile Hair and a weapon in each hand can I do this?

1. Cast spell with beard.
2. 5-step in
3. Spellstrie with Scimitar (-2).
4. Melee attack with Scimitar (-4)
5. Melee attack with Handaxe (off hand weapon) (-4)
6. Secondary Natural attack with my beard(-7)?

Or since I used my beard to cast the spell, do I lose step 6?

Dark Archive

Magnus Arcanis wrote:
Mathwei ap Niall wrote:

2b. If I have beard, and two weapons going can I cast a spell to spellstrike with my main hand, melee with my main hand, off hand, and beard? Or do I give up the beard attack.

Not really, spellstrike only allows you to deliver a spell through your weapon. So in this case you would use a standard action to cast a spell and use the free action to deliver it through your weapon.

ie; 1 attack that delivers the spell.

Not sure if I understand your answer here. Or maybe my I asked my question wrong.

Let me try again.
It being a good idea aside, with Prehensile Hair and a weapon in each hand can I do this?

1. Cast spell with beard.
2. 5-step in
3. Spellstrie with Scimitar (-2).
4. Melee attack with Scimitar (-4)
5. Melee attack with Handaxe (off hand weapon) (-4)
6. Secondary Natural attack with my beard(-7)?

Or since I used my beard to cast the spell, do I lose step 6?

the issue is you said you where just using the spellstrike ability and that only allows you to deliver a single spell through a weapon.

The Spell Combat ability allows you to cast a spell and attack at the same time.
Now if you intend to use Spell Combat AND spellstrike in the same round then that's a different question. If you did want to do that then it's already been answered in question 2a.

Mathwei ap Niall wrote:

the issue is you said you where just using the spellstrike ability and that only allows you to deliver a single spell through a weapon.

The Spell Combat ability allows you to cast a spell and attack at the same time.
Now if you intend to use Spell Combat AND spellstrike in the same round then that's a different question. If you did want to do that then it's already been answered in question 2a.

Very good then. Just leaves us with number 3 (again). I've talked to some gamers around and I have recieved a ton of different veiws, but by far the ones mentioned above are the most dominant.

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