Inquisitor question

Pathfinder Society

The Exchange

Can an Inquisitor receive his divine powers from the prophecies of kalistrade under PFS guidelines?

The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Since the Prophecies of Kalistrade is not a "god" in the normal sense, no he cannot receive his powers from them. However he could revere the tenets of the prophecies while also choosing a god that is similar to those (Such as possibly Abadar).

Here is the relevant text from the guide, bolding the important part.

PFSOP Guide 4.1 wrote:
Religion: Characters can elect to worship any deity listed in a table of gods in the Core Rulebook, The Inner Sea World Guide, Pathfinder Chronicles: Gods and Magic, or any other source listed as an official Additional Resource. Characters may elect to worship an evil god, but must always be within one alignment step of their chosen deity. For clerics, this is an especially important choice, since the deity’s alignment determines whether the cleric channels positive or negative energy, a decision with significant tactical implications for the cleric and her allies. Characters who do not receive powers from a divine source may choose to be atheists or to have no deity at all.


Brendan Missio wrote:
Can an Inquisitor receive his divine powers from the prophecies of kalistrade under PFS guidelines?

Note also that the Kalistrade crunch in the Faction Guide are not open in PFS play.

The Exchange

Thanks heaps :)

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