Can't get to my account

Website Feedback

Grand Lodge

Just as it says - cant get into my account... it 'thinks' about it but nothing happens and doesnt move me to the next page when I enter my password

Same here...


I'm unable to edit posts, and they toss me to the first page of a thread or a product page. Started last night, and still doing it. Definitely something going on.

Sovereign Court can get into account.

I can't buy anything either. When I check out of my shopping cart, I just go to the home page.

To be more specific, the problem appears to be with the secure server that Paizo uses for storing accounts downloads, and logging into the forums to enable edits and whatnot.

What appears to be happening is that any time I try to go to a page that's found in the "secure" subdomain (, I'm sent to the login page, but when I type in my password as per usual, it just sends me back to the login page - no error or anything.

Problem with the session variables, perhaps? (If that's how you guys deal with logins, of course.)

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

I rewrote something yesterday that shouldn't have broken anything and didn't during testing, but clearly broke some things for some people. I've rolled back the change until we figure out what the problem is, so things should be back to normal now.

Sovereign Court

Still not letting me on Gary...same symptoms. submit password gets you back to home page...

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

There may be some residual weirdness left over. Try clearing your cookies, see if that helps.

Sovereign Court

No luck with the cookies...

I will try again in a bit.

Any other ideas?

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

I can't tell easily from the logs what's going on with your account, Time Bandit, but I've poked some things on our end with your account, see if that helps.

Sovereign Court

When I goto the log in screen, I enter my email address and password. Then it brings up the exact same screen. Enter my email and password again, brings up same screen again...

Sovereign Court

hit sign out (though not really in), entered my email addy and password, brought me back to your front page again...

I had that weird problem too. I had been using Chrome at the time.

It works fine when I use Firefox though...

Dark Archive

I get the same issues as Time Bandit. When I logged off completely and then attempted to log back in, it would just shoot me back the home page. After about 5 attempts I refreshed the page just to see and low and behold it said I was logged in in the little bar at the top, but I still get the issue with editing where it just takes me back to the password entry form.

This happened to me earlier. Thoguht maybe I had gotten hacked, then ended up in an almost endless "You must change your password to continue" loop.

It's ok now, though.

Sovereign Court

aye all is well. all is well.

Thanks PMG...

Grand Lodge

Time Bandit wrote:

When I goto the log in screen, I enter my email address and password. Then it brings up the exact same screen. Enter my email and password again, brings up same screen again...

Me too

Edit - Fixed

Well this is odd.
I am logged in. I can post. But I cannot access My Account or My Downloads.

Changing my password worked to let me onto the boards but nothing else. Does it take time to propagate the change?

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

I poked your account, you may need to quit & relaunch your browser and/or clear any cookies if you can.

Thank you PostMonster! It all seems to be working now. Even focus is back.

You guys are good and amazingly fast.

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