Skills of the Inner Sea Instead of Ultimate Skills

Product Discussion

The Exchange

I would love it if books were made to add information about Golarion instead of the generic splat format. I'm not even sure if information in the bestiary is Golarion specific.

As an idea starter, feats, arcatyepes, and prestige classes should help answer questions about the world, such as:

How good of an acrobat I need to join famous troups or perform for a Chilaxian baron and not be beheaded.

How pricy are the famous works of art, how good of a craftsman are the dwarves compared to elves. Who made my gear? Is trade common between Osirien and Geb? Who works this trade route?

How tall are the highest mountains, and what are the climb and survival checks? Is it possible for my hero to ford the strongest rapids? What items and people can help?

Tell me about the professions popular around the inner sea, how do people live?

Make a brief outline of how laws work in the various countries, what can one do about abused/killed slaves in Chiliax...legally? What does the town watch have the authority to do? what qualities do they look for in members? Are some areas known for being corrupt?

How modern are the beliefs of the world? How educated are people, how are they taught? How can I stay free from imprisonment, torture, or fast justice?

Are mercenary groups common? Who lets them exist inside their kingdom.

How are dragons and other powerful creatures interacting with the world politics?

GeneticDrift wrote:

How good of an acrobat I need to join famous troups or perform for a Chilaxian baron and not be beheaded.

From what I recall in the inner sea world guide, Level is sort of an abstract concept that isn't really modeled precisely in game. That would mean that the skill DC is probably fairly variable.

In short the DC is determined according to the plot which probably depends on the PC's level.


How pricy are the famous works of art, how good of a craftsman are the dwarves compared to elves.

Don't know, dwarves have an alternate racial bonus to make them better at crafting in stone and metal that provides a +2 bonus so.. some of them are 10% better.

Who made my gear?

I think you can answer that yourself. It can come from ye olde corner store e , be found in your uncles attic after your mysterious death, come from the barracks of your disolving unit , or your mom could have made it for you along with your bag lunch

Is trade common between Osirien and Geb? Who works this trade route?

I could swear i saw a map of common trade routes somewhere.


How tall are the highest mountains, and what are the climb and survival checks? Is it possible for my hero to ford the strongest rapids? What items and people can help?

Sounds like more depends on the PC's level adventure hooks.

Make a brief outline of how laws work in the various countries, what can one do about abused/killed slaves in Chiliax...legally? What does the town watch have the authority to do? what qualities do they look for in members? Are some areas known for being corrupt?

They're probably leaving that up to the dm's... but some guidelines might be useful. There might be some of that in the cheliax sourcebook.


How are dragons and other powerful creatures interacting with the world politics?

The inner sea world guide says that Good aligned dragons tend to stay out of the affairs of mortals, to the point that most people assume any dragon is of the evil variety.

Mengakare on hermea is (literally) a huge exception to that.

The Exchange

Skill dcs would vary by group and by audience, but it would be nice to learn more about performances from in world material. How good are they, when could I even try to join these acting groups? I haven't seen many hints on things like this.

Things like this shouldn't vary based on the pcs, it makes the world silly. The race and religion books have not added much to the flavor of the world. It's Golarion not generic setting v1...

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