1920's D20 "Modern" GMPC Help


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Hey all,

I'm going to be running a 1920's occult themed d20 campaign where people will be playing unique and somewhat supernatural creatures or beings.

It's going to be kind of a Hellboy/Cthulhu like campaign.

I'm devising a PC that will be played by myself, who is the GM.

This is actually common amongst our group, most of us who do run also play along side the players, though rarely in any spoiler type frame of mind.

I digress.

My goal is to create a character that would have a set of either magical or mechanical arms. The arms I'd like to have advance in power as the character advances in level.

I'd like them to be able to function as both a melee weapon and as a ranged attack and I'd like them to boost the characters strength (which, without them, would be considered virtually nonexistent since the character has no arms themselves).

Anyone have any thoughts on how to pull this off?

You don't need anything. Just create your arms and give them whatever str bonus or effects you want. Think of them as new magic item you created. Considering the theme I would go with some kind of art deco mechanical arms with hydraulic or pneumatic muscles that give a +4 bonus to strength. Add slicing arm attachments and built in pistols or maybe small cannons or grenade launchers. Or maybe blowdarts powered by the pneumatic system.

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Steal the permanent animated object rules from pathfinder's ultimate magic 9available under the PRD).

The rules allow using craft construct to make a permanent animated object that can be built as you wish it, so you could make a Doc Oc style vest/harness with multiple arms.

Other construct rules allow you to make them as armor.

Improve them when you upgrade the enchantment.

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