[Icons Game Tokens] New Product: Miniature Replacements / Stand-ins

Product Discussion

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Miniatures are expensive. Cutouts and standees are too fragile. Icons™ Game Tokens are the perfect compromise. Fill out the ranks of nameless ratmen or orcs. Build a personalized collection of durable tokens, ready for easy transport.

Icons™ Game Tokens are useful as minis stand-ins for RPGs, chits for board games, pieces for card games, and more. The best part: no unwanted pieces. You create your order, chosen from our ever-expanding catalog or by using your own images.

We're still testing out our online store. For the month of February, customers who enter the coupon code "TEST01" will receive a one-time $5 credit on their order. Happy shopping, and feel free to offer feedback/suggestions!

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Interesting. It looks like these are all 1", any plans for other sizes?

Joe Wells wrote:
Interesting. It looks like these are all 1", any plans for other sizes?

I'm looking at ½" and 2" tokens, eventually, but no timeline yet.

Took a look at your site, am curious as to what material your tokens are made of. Are they plastic? Chipboard? Pressed paper? And how is the printing accomplished? Is it a laser printing done onto the surface of the token, or is it a sticker you are applying?

Concept intrigues, and the sample shots look decent, but your site gives next to no information that I could find.

Good questions! I've added an about page with some answers.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Seeing that they're made of wood was unexpected. Should be a nice product.

Here are my impressions of your site and shopping cart:

The little animation where the token slides into the cart is nice. An obvious visual clue that your click has been registered. Especially nice since the cart goes off-screen as you scroll down the list. I know other sites that scroll the cart down with you. Just a thought.

The More Details button doesn't seem to do anything. Not that I'm really sure what other details might be behind it. It doesn't seem like any information is missing.

Checking out as a guest was just a touch unintuitive. After filling out my contact info, it wasn't immediately clear what I needed to do next.

Got this error at checkout:
FPDF error: Alpha channel not supported: /home2/dorkista/public_html/store/img//logo_invoice.jpg

Did get confirmation e-mails, though.

The confirmation e-mail looks nice and the guest tracking feature is nicely done. I also like the reorder button.

Anyway, I have a small order coming my way. Looking forward to seeing them in hand.

Also, a thought for a product- Purpose-made "size increase" tokens. Tokens that you can put under a mini / standee / token that indicates it's now Large instead of Medium, etc.

Good luck with these, I hope this goes well for you!

Dotting for future use. I also want to mention that, for me, when I'm building "armies" of bad-guys it would be very helpful to have a standard pack where each member of the "army" has a number. The picture for each can be the same because they are just representative of a race. For example a pack of 12 (or more depending on production costs, etc.) kobolds, where each kobold has a picture and a number. I can tell you that if you had these, I would have already purchased them. I could, obviously, create my own, but then I'm uploading 12 different images, etc. A set of standard numbered armies would be right up my alley, then I could use my pre-painted plastic minis for bosses and such. I can promise you that I will be making a purchase shortly. I just have to hunt down the images of some of the monsters I have coming up that I don't have minis for.

MendedWall12 wrote:
Dotting for future use. I also want to mention that, for me, when I'm building "armies" of bad-guys it would be very helpful to have a standard pack where each member of the "army" has a number.

Oooh now that's an idea! I'll see what I can come up with.

Joe Wells wrote:

Got this error at checkout:

FPDF error: Alpha channel not supported: /home2/dorkista/public_html/store/img//logo_invoice.jpg

Hmm. Back end stuff isn't my forte, but this is not acceptable. Thanks for passing it on.

Icons™ Game Tokens wrote:
MendedWall12 wrote:
Dotting for future use. I also want to mention that, for me, when I'm building "armies" of bad-guys it would be very helpful to have a standard pack where each member of the "army" has a number.
Oooh now that's an idea! I'll see what I can come up with.

Now that's customer service. :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I wanted to pop back in here, and give some praise to the product. I got my order in a very brief amount of time, and they are very high quality miniature replacements. They fit perfectly with my flip-mat, and the color quality is great. If you are looking for an alternative to miniatures, these are a great product. I had two custom tokens in my order and they turned out great.

MendedWall12 wrote:
I wanted to pop back in here, and give some praise to the product.

Thanks for that, sir. You'll also be pleased to learn that you can add numbering to any token now.

There's also a handful of new tokens: birdfolk, undead, and goblins.

Next on the list is adding combo packs. After that: 2" tokens!

Icons™ Game Tokens wrote:
MendedWall12 wrote:
I wanted to pop back in here, and give some praise to the product.

Thanks for that, sir. You'll also be pleased to learn that you can add numbering to any token now.

There's also a handful of new tokens: birdfolk, undead, and goblins.

Next on the list is adding combo packs. After that: 2" tokens!

Excellent! Now I can have my minion armies numbered right on their token.

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