Michael Foster 989 |
I am making a sorcerer and im multi classing into fighter, I am aware this will slow my spell progression but im hoping to find a PFS legal method to make back the lost CL (so while I dont get new spells my old ones gain damage/duration etc).
I need it to effect all spells of my class, or at least all spells of 1 school (evocation).
Will be Sorc 3/Fighter 1/Sorc X
Normally I would use magical knack (as it is specifically designed for this) but I read the PFS additional materials and this trait is specifically not allowed.
I can always buy an orange prism Ioun stone (30k) later on but I would like this to be a bump to my CL later not 30k used to cover the cost of a 1 level fighter dip.
I have 1 available trait and 1 available feat at level 5 (im not worried about CL loss till then anyway but if there is a trait to fix it ill take that). I currently do not have a faction picked as all of them look tempting for different reasons
Michael Foster 989 |
Gives Light armor proficency and a free feat to take arcane armor training for the -10% spell failure in armor.
I would need to spend two feats to attain the same bonus, meaning a minimum of character level 7 before I would get it by which time, I would be looking at heavily enchanted armor.
Gives me better all day defences than keeping mage armor up at this level, meaning I can use a wand of shield at the start of a fight but still have decent AC even if I get suprised.
Eldritch Knight is the hope to be honest, but at the same time losing 2 caster levels hurts, earliest entry for a Fighter/Sorc is level 8 (6 Sorc/1 Fighter/1 Eldritch knight).
I picked Shaitan bloodline so I dont get anything really fancy from my bloodline after level 3 (well 9th I would get like 2 bonuses but nothing huge) But unless I can cover the lost caster levels my damage with evocation spells will be sorely lacking