Knowledge of Razmir in PFS

Pathfinder Society


In PFS how common is the knowledge that Razmir is a fake?
Is it something that can be known with a DC X Knowledge (?religion?) check? Or is the secret so well kept that no one knows?


A Knowledge (local or religion) check DC 20 should suffice for the character to know the falsehoods of Razmir. For more information about the cult of Razmir read the appendix in the back of Pathfinder Module: Madk of the Living God.


DC 20? that seems low

Shadow Lodge 1/5


4/5 ****

Knowing for sure that he's a fake may be beyond a simple check. Knowing the possibility he's a fake seems more like a DC 20 to me.


Cassual observation of Razmir priests may reveal something is amis. Anyone familiar with either criminal syndicates or with true deities and divine powers will know them ascharlatans. IMO thats a DC 20.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

It's a high enough check that normal people in Razmiran, in continual contact with the Masked Priesthood, haven't caught on.

Noticing that a particular priest is using arcane magic with divine trappings, instead of divine magic, might be a Spellcraft check with a DC of 20 + spell level.

Jumping to the conclusion that all his priests are faking it and that Razmir must therefore be a false god seems unwarranted.

(For a datum: my monk Petrus hails from Razmiran; he believes that Razmir is a god, but an evil one, despite the frequent shows of benificence. Having been in Absalom for a few years now, he has come to find that Razmir's divinity is a point of discussion among some of the academics of the Society.)

Shadow Lodge 1/5

Diego Winterborg wrote:
Cassual observation of Razmir priests may reveal something is amis. Anyone familiar with either criminal syndicates or with true deities and divine powers will know them ascharlatans. IMO thats a DC 20.

There are feats in Magic of Golorian that explain how he is 'faking' it.


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Anybody who beats the Spellcraft DC on a priest of Razmir might note that it's a little bizarre that the magic is typically arcane. Many might have their own hunches that Razmir is unconventionally divine, but he has always claimed to be different from those other gods, being the only one who walks among his people. That his priests are typically goons is no grand tip-off, as almost any evil god's worshipers tend to come off as jerks anyway. Even the use of magical items in demonstrations of healing can be explained as being holy relics that are integral to channeling Razmir's will (and the clandestine training in First Step may impress this upon the faithful as being actual, "no need to bluff" truth).

I typically associate the check as DC [unbeatable], as there are almost no mortals that actually know the truth for certain; I recall a reference that stated only a handful of the Visions actually know the truth. Those who blaspheme Razmir tend to end up dead, and even worse would happen to those who actually have solid evidence. A DC 30 Knowledge (Religion, Local, or Arcana) check might turn up some bizarre inconsistencies, but they would be more fuel for conspiracy theories than actual proof. Again, Razmir claims to have taken the Test of the Starstone. Who is your character to doubt that?

It would be like making a Knowledge (Religion) check to suddenly know what happened to Aroden or a Knowledge (Dungeoneering) check to understand what the aboleths have really been up to all of these years. The Inner Sea World Guide drops a few hints as to how Razmir might be uncovered or undermined in the future, but I feel that he is most compelling as a political and quasi-divine figure if his non-divinity is not easily known. Until it is revealed in the campaign setting, it is best left as an in-character mystery.

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