Bolka - Goddess of Marriage and...

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Grand Lodge

I just rolled up a Dwarf Inquisitor of the Goddess Bolka. When scouring the world of Golarion for information to aid in my character development I found this interesting tidbit.

According to the Dwarven Racial companion wrote:

Bolka (The Golden Gift): Daughter of Torag and Folgrit, this happy goddess has long blonde hair and a figure that would make even the most reserved dwarf catch his breath.

She makes arranged marriages blossom into love and inspires confirmed bachelors to decide to seek a wife.

Emphasis mine.

And here I thought nearly 100% of Dwarves were already bearded!


/edit spelling

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Oh, they are all bearded. The girls' beards are just a wee bit lower...

See also - this thread.

Grand Lodge

Ummm... yah.

I guess my joke doesn't translate to the written word that well.

Former VP of Finance

sveden wrote:

Ummm... yah.

I guess my joke doesn't translate to the written word that well.

Hehehe. No, no. It works. =)

The joke was gotten, but was being taken in a different direction. :D

Though this also depends on how closeted one sees dwarves as being, to necessitate bearding...and possible merkining.

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