Gunslinger, with bombs!

Homebrew and House Rules

So i was sitting and reading ultimate combat i kind of love idea but was missing something critical! what you ask? BOMBS! yes bombs! i really loved idea of a gun totting bomb throwing psychopath!

Now is great because we now have the alchemist! and the gun slinger! so my question is thus! is there an archetype out there for the gunslinger that gives them bombs like the alchemist? i really don't want all magic involved in the alchemist itself i'd much prefer to have grit/deeds over extracts and such but having discoveries and all cool bombs from alchemist would be great!

of course i COULD make my own and fiddled with a few ideas...but i just wonder... if one already out there and it would save me a ton of work!

Adventurer's Armory has Grenade, Fuse, it's a lot like dynamite. It might give your build the special something without multiclassing.
I don't think that paizo products have what you need, perhaps someone knows of a 3. party book.

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