Golarion specific mini bestiary

Lost Omens Products

Would anyone else be interested in the idea of a Golarion specific mini bestiary 64page line of products?

Monsters that are world specific with themes on Golarion, the first world, the various planets, the outer planes, etc.

Maybe if enough people show interest in this idea that the people at Paizo might actually make it.

I dont understand what the differnence of this compared to the regular Bestiary is

The hardcover Bestairies are world neutral and are much bigger. This would be monsters that are campaign specific such the metal men of Numeria. That way we can get creatures they more than likely would not put in a hardcover bestairy. Plus having a theme like denizens of the first world, Animals of Golarion, It came from beyond stars, Life of Castrovel, etc. would be interesting or just have it as one shot of Golarion specific monsters that they feel are too related to the campaign setting to put in a setting neutral book.

That makes a lot of sense actually - an expanded version of the mini-bestiary at the end of the Inner Sea World Guide. I'd be interested in it.

Firepelt Cougar
Riding Gecko's
Sandpoint Devil
Golarion Goblins

Now I understand I could get behind that

You could also add all the High Level Monsters that go along with each god from the APs could go in there cause thouse wont be in the Bestiaries

You mean the Heralds, in one book would be cool.

-normal animals that are only found on Golarion.
-metal men of Numeria.
-that metal scorpion thing in Numeria.
-mutants found in the mana waste.
-the Heralds and other diety specific servants.
-inhabbitance from the other planets.

I asked James Jacobs about the odds of seeing such a product and he said "Yes. a very good chance. A VERY good chance"

I think this is a great idea and look forward to it very much. If a Golarion Bestiary featured extended info and longer write-ups, something like the entries in the APs I would be even more on board.

I for one would also like to see something along the lines of "Dinosaurs Revisited" but perhaps this could also address it. I am by no means a dino-fan boy, in fact far from it. For whatever reason I have always had this weird hang-up about using dinosaurs in my games - not sure why, just have. I guess they seem too anachronistic. Maybe its the armchair scientist in me.

I would love to see some type of article or Bestiary extended entry that spoke to the "in-game" reasons/rationale dinosaurs are present as opposed to being extinct or vastly evolved like the mammals and avians and whatnot. I would HATE to see a cop out of "its magic" or "its the GM's choice" or what-have-you.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

A Golarion Bestiary probably would NOT feature the longer writeups found in the Pathfinder AP bestiaries, since we kind of want to keep those longer writeups as a key feature of the Pathfinder APs in the first place.

We'll see, though!

I don't mind them not having the longer wrightups to be honest. There might be exeptions but not to many.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Would be nifty to see Bestiary entiries on pathfinderwiki.com. Not the whole write up but just Golarion specific flavour. Or a Paizo blog or 2 with Golarion creature fluff.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Would be nifty to see Bestiary entiries on pathfinderwiki.com. Not the whole write up but just Golarion specific flavour. Or a Paizo blog or 2 with Golarion creature fluff.

The Golarion specific flavor in a monster is, in fact, the part of a new monster that can NOT be reproduced as part of the OGL, so there's that.


Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Would be nifty to see Bestiary entiries on pathfinderwiki.com. Not the whole write up but just Golarion specific flavour. Or a Paizo blog or 2 with Golarion creature fluff.

Tom, we've been working on it, see the Creatures by CR page. Click on any of those and you'll see the information that has been input for them.

Unfortunately we're still a smaller subgroup of the posters to the boards. So many of the creatures only have the info box right now, as no one has had time to do a detailed writeup. But that's also the glory of a wiki, anyone can help out!

Well hopefully such a book will give Numeria some love.

I am curious about what would go in there because even though I have all the campaign setting books to date. I can't think of that many known Golarion specific monsters especially if they are focused on the Innersea area only.

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