Spanky the Leprechaun |
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Re: Paladins,.....
Go to Youtube.
Every damn episode of a show called Have Gun Will Travel is on there for free.
This will answer every and any paladin question you will ever have, and will teach you how to be a man.
For the rest of your life, any time you have a question, you will be able to say to yourself, "what would Paladin do in this situation?" and then think back to Have Gun Will Travel like Qi Chang Kane in that show, and you will be able to overcome your deficiencies.

drunken_nomad |

Wherefore art thou?
But seriously. I got a question that only you know the answer to...since wiki is being all correct and whatevers.
What was the name of that dumb movie that came out about the same time as Pans Labyrinth but it had something to do with a tree and maybe an hourglass and a couple.
Thats the kind of things I look up on wiki.