Charm and Compulsion Effects upon Caster's Death

Rules Questions

Based on your interpretation of the rules what happens when the caster of a compulsion spell such as dominate person dies? Is the person dominated still dominated and under the compulsion of the caster? Or does he carry out the last command and then sit mindless for days until the spell wears off?

I ruled that the compulsion was removed upon the death of the evil villian but I got arguments about that. I was too damn tired of fighting over rules after an seven to eight hour session of play even though the spell says they complete the task they are ordered to do to the exclusion of all else.

There is nothing under duration in the magic section that covers what happens to a spells duration after the caster dies. Unfortunately there could be a lot of variations and questions raised by this but my thought is any spell that is not permanent or instantaneous would end upon the caster's death.

So illusions would cease, the affects of blesses and buffs would end, and compulsions and enchantmens would end as well.

I'm just curious if others agree or disagree and why they believe that?

A caster dying does end the spell unless it is a spell that requires concentration by the rules.

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concerro wrote:
A caster dying does end the spell unless it is a spell that requires concentration by the rules.

I think this is supposed to be does not.

cwslyclgh wrote:
concerro wrote:
A caster dying does end the spell unless it is a spell that requires concentration by the rules.
I think this is supposed to be does not.

You are correct. I meant to type "does not".

Thanks for catching the error.

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