Artists will depict your RPG characters / monsters!

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The Exchange

So... Are there any other artists on the boards?

Liberty's Edge

Hopefully. I have characters that made Ruloc's list, but I know others would like characters drawn.

It's just that Ruloc's the freakin' man, and he's got mad art skills to prove it. I haven't really seen anybody else that rivals his skill on here, then again I haven't searched through all the pages on this thread.

The Exchange

There was one guy a while back who tried Ruloc's art style. I thought it was pretty good. I wonder where he went.

Liberty's Edge

SHOUT-OUT to other artists.

Don't be intimidated by our love of Ruloc :)

If you want to try your hand and share your work, please do.

Heck, we had no idea about Ruloc and his talent until he posted here.

Let us know about your talent!!

Start with a sample pic, choose an existing request, or offer to draw a new request.

We love artists, old and new. Showcase yourself!

Sovereign Court

Well, I just completed a couple pics of my own characters.

Csilla, priestess of Pharasma
Koushouku, kitsune Archeologist Bard

Jess Door wrote:

Well, I just completed a couple pics of my own characters.

Csilla, priestess of Pharasma
Koushouku, kitsune Archeologist Bard

The first one 404ed.

You remind me very much of a friend of mine...

Sovereign Court

should be fixed

Nope, still down.

Too many j's in jpg...jsut take out a j

Sovereign Court

it's fixed on my box!


In case a new post will show up correctly even when the edit doesn't.

The Exchange

Tirq likes... Tirq likes alot.

Do you think you could do one of mine? I do not think color is needed, although it is very nice.

He is a large ang gruff swordsman. A sellsword by trade. He wears a large Green coat, and dark brown clothes underneath. He has a giant sword on his back with swirls and a blue crossguard. He has a lot of brown hair, not down to his shoulder, and not high above his head. He also has a small goatee.

His name is Gwendal. Do you think you could draw this guy?

I'd still want Ruloc to do a portrait of Dakryn, but if anyone else wants to take a stab at him, I don't mind at all.

Jess Door wrote:

it's fixed on my box!


In case a new post will show up correctly even when the edit doesn't.

I'm liking your style.

Cool stuff Jess. Don't suppose you'd consider a commission?

Orthos wrote:
Cool stuff Jess. Don't suppose you'd consider a commission?

I'm really liking your style and am considering myself....

The Exchange

It reminds me of anime/manga.

I like anime/manga.

Sovereign Court

Tirq wrote:

Tirq likes... Tirq likes alot.

Do you think you could do one of mine? I do not think color is needed, although it is very nice.

He is a large ang gruff swordsman. A sellsword by trade. He wears a large Green coat, and dark brown clothes underneath. He has a giant sword on his back with swirls and a blue crossguard. He has a lot of hair, not down to his shoulder, and not high above his head. He also has a small goatee.

His name is Gwendal. Do you think you could draw this guy?

I am willing to try. My guys are not always incredibly masculine, fair warning. :)

What kind of coat? Short? Long? Trenchcoat-like? Pirate coat? Are his clothes tough and well used, maybe stained a bit? Or rich fabrics with fancy piping and expensive details? what color is his hair, his eyes, his skin? Can you explain what you mean by "swirls" in his sword? Is it painted? Is the blue crossguard enameled or a jewel or simply painted? Is the giant sword a Greatsword (2 handed), a bastard sword (hand and a half), or maybe a sword for a giant, like the barbarian iconic? Does he only use the sword? Do you want him in armor? Any signature magical or mundane items you associate with him?

Orthos wrote:
Cool stuff Jess. Don't suppose you'd consider a commission?

I don't accept commissions because this is my hobby. I will draw something for you for free, though, if I think I can do it justice. :) How's that?

Here, it's not horribly up to date, but it'll give you a good look at my style:


The Exchange

Oh, Ah'm Masculine! Ehahahaha!!

This is Gwendal.

The coat is long, down to his ankles, and is a lush forrest green. The coat is armor, so it looks thick. His clothes look like that of a Mercenairies, dark, thin, and used.

His hair is a mix between brown and blonde, but not streaked.

The swirls look like waves, reminicient of a whirlpool. The blue is part of the Greatsword, and is has no jewels. His only weapon is his sword. The sword is massive, but not for a giants.

Thankyou for doing this.

Jess Door wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Cool stuff Jess. Don't suppose you'd consider a commission?
I don't accept commissions because this is my hobby. I will draw something for you for free, though, if I think I can do it justice. :) How's that?

Generous of you. I just consider it more polite to offer commission first and let you turn me down rather than the other way around =)

I'm crashing for the night but I'll get a description up tomorrow. It's for a group shot of six, so if that's too much feel free to shoot me down in advance. ;)


Amazing Jess. If you feel up to it would you do my character that I am doing in my husbands game? She is a half-elf gunslinger caring a Revolver in her hand. She has the symbol of Zursvaater ( If he has one) on the hilt of her great sword and also around her neck. She is of the Mysterious stranger archetype and wears a hat like Carmon San Diego. She wears a black cloak covering her mithral breastplate. She has kinda a cow boyish look for the most part. her hair is long and pulled up in a pony tail and she has a scar across her right cheek. She has a cocky smile on her face most of the time.

^^; I hope this is ok.

I was thinking something a bit more extravagant, so...I guess you wouldn't be interested in something truly labor intensive, Jess?

Sovereign Court

Wow, fast response! To avoid disappointing too many people, I'll limit it to Gwendal, Ravagwen, Orthose and FHDM for now. The pics I posted are the first I've drawn in months, so I don't want to commit to too much. :)

Sovereign Court

Freehold DM wrote:
I was thinking something a bit more extravagant, so...I guess you wouldn't be interested in something truly labor intensive, Jess?

all I can say is throw it at me, and I'll let you know if I think it's beyond me.

The PCs in my Darklight Sisterhood game all have minions. I wanted to draw each minion the way they looked at level 1 and how they look now at level 3-4. The downside is that it's a LOT OF MINIONS. My wife has three, everyone else has 2, and it's a 5 player game.

Sovereign Court

11 minions. Are these people?

Later than anticipated but here goes =)

These six characters are the main cast of a story Scint and I are writing. All humans, so don't have to worry about any unusual species traits.

Position, pose, grouping, etc. is up to you, though would like them together rather than individual portraits if that's workable. =)

Age: 28
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian (Germanic)
Height: 5'7"
Build: Athletic

Appearance and Clothing: Iris has bright red wavy hair that hangs wild and untamed down to the middle of her back, bright green eyes, and a constant grin on her face. Her skin is heavily tanned by years of travel, and covered in tattoos - on her left bicep, usually covered or partially obscured by her sleeve, an iris flower wraps around her arm, while swirling tattoos of snakes and wyrms chase in random loops and swirls across her entire body save her face, including a complete circle around her neck.

She wears a shawl around her shoulders in deep red-violet, the color of fine wine, and a matching skirt that hangs to the middle of her shins; both are littered with patches in contrasting and complimentary colors where the fabric has been hand-mended. A white blouse is worn under the shawl. Under her dress, she wears blue leggings and brown boots, though the former are usually not visible. She sometimes carries a nondescript quarterstaff.

Personality: Iris is free-spirited, friendly, and nosy. She has a tendency to poke into things she best not, and a chronic do-gooder nature that often prompts her to attempt to be helpful or heroic even where unwanted or unneeded. Fiercely independent and dangerously non-committal, she's prone to following whim more than plan, and has a dreadfully short attention span. Frequently flirtatious and extremely un-choosy with her partners, but refuses any kind of dedicated relationship.

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian (Scandinavian)
Height: 5'3"
Build: Thin but not toned

Appearance and Clothing: Nick appears formal but hurried. His sandy brown hair is kept short but rarely combed, giving it a rushed look as he generally only bothers to pat it down or drench it if needed. He has blue eyes and wears round owlish glasses. His skin is fair and pale, his build small and his appearance bookish.

He wears a nondescript grey shirt and dark trousers, a darker grey coat with several pockets both within and without, and carries a satchel on his shoulder containing tools, notebooks, writing utensils, mechanical parts, schematics, and the like. A belt holster on his right hip carries a small pistol. A creature that looks like a furry iguana with bat wings attached to its front legs perches on his shoulders.

Personality: Nick is extremely intelligent, capable, and scientifically minded, able to keep and record large volumes of information, think quickly and creatively on his feet, and notice excessive detail with ease. He's also somewhat impersonal, a bit naive, reclusive, and a little timid. He has a severe crush on Lana, which he only recently managed to put into words. Very good with animals, though he tends to be jittery around larger or more wild creatures he doesn't know well.

Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: Half-Middle Eastern, Half-Caucasian
Height: 5'10"
Build: Wiry

Appearance and Clothing: Lana's black hair is cut short, cropped just below her ears. Her hazel-brown eyes are dark and a little large. She wears a scarf around her neck in fiery shades of red, orange, and yellow, with "اندیشه نیک، گفتار نیک، کردار نیک" written in dark blue on it (may not be visible depending how the scarf is displayed). Her skin is a slightly lighter shade of olive than Avner's, due to her mixed heritage. A few small scars litter the sides of her face, as well as occasionally on other parts of her body where skin is visible.

She dresses like a warrior: clad in a chain vest over a brown tunic, wearing armored gloves, leather leggings, and boots. A scabbard on her back, with a leather strap crossing her chest from shoulder to hip holding it in place, carries a large claymore. Her equipment, combined with her height, strength, skill, and frame which strongly mirrors her father's (Avner), makes her more intimidating and daunting in appearance than much of the rest of the cast.

Personality: Lana is a dedicated soldier, devoted daughter, and loyal member of the militia. Generally easy-going with regards to others, she is somewhat of a perfectionist when looking to herself, and spends immense time in practice at both her fields of expertise - swordfighting and weaving - when not involved in one of her two jobs. She is extremely protective of her friends, to a somewhat reckless level.

Age: 32
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian (Greco-Roman)
Height: 5'4"
Build: Waifish

Appearance and Clothing: Ferra is scrawny and almost ill-looking. Her hair is a pale, straw-colored blonde, thin, and tied back in a ponytail that hangs lank and straight in place down to just above her shoulderblades. Her eyes are a dull grey and usually underlined by dark circles. Her skin is just as pale, giving her an ashen, sickly look. A rough band of reddened skin about an inch wide wraps around her neck, where a slave's band once rested.

Ferra dresses in dull neutral colors - a simple brown dress with a black belt, an off-white high-collared tunic, and a long-sleeved brown coat, buttoned closed. She leans on a black cane with a silver band at the base of the crook, denoting to the knowledgeable the hidden blade within. A pistol hangs in a holster from her belt on her right hip, while a trio of daggers are set on the opposite side, partially obscured by her coat.

Personality: Ferra is stern, stubborn, and rather jaded, viewing the world with a skeptical eye. Blunt and direct, she has little time for frivolities or niceties, and is known for never apologizing - at least verbally, preferring to give gifts or perform favors to those she feels she's wronged as the worth of words (save those that perform magic) to her is near meaningless compared to that of deeds. Analytical, obstinate, and distrustful to a fault, she is slow to befriend and slower still to lower her defenses to even her closest associates.

Age: 49
Gender: Male
Race: Middle Eastern
Height: 6'1"
Build: Muscular

Appearance and Clothing: Avner is a tall, broad-shouldered, powerful looking man who has aged to near fifty quite well. His black hair is cut short, not even reaching below his ears, and has begun gathering grey flakes as his age progresses. He has dark brown eyes, dark olive skin, and a short, well-maintained mustache and beard, likewise peppered with grey. Like Lana he wears a scarf, bearing the same script; his is a light grey, with the text in red stitching.

Unlike Lana, Avner does not wear armor. He dresses practically, wearing a simple shirt - he prefers light colors, normally whites, greys, light blues, etc. - with dark pants, a leather belt, and boots. Two curved blades hang in sheathes from his belt, one on each hip.

Personality: Avner is a man who's seen it all. He is a former soldier, long-time medic both in and out of war, husband, father of two, and member of the local militia. Avner is almost impossible to surprise or offend, taking almost everything in an educated, enduring stride without flinching. He is patient, long-suffering, and personable, very much a gentle giant, but intolerant of foolishness or his time being wasted on minor issues when more important things are going on.

Age: 37
Gender: Male
Race: African
Height: 6'4"
Build: Lanky

Appearance and Clothing: Philip is first and foremost a rancher. Tall, thin, and broad-shouldered, with long arms and longer legs, he might remind one of a scarecrow. His hair is short and dark, but almost always hidden beneath a straw cowboy hat; his eyes are hazel tinged with amber gold. His skin is a very dark brown, and his face littered with a persistent stubble shadow. He rarely smiles. His appearance gives him a weathered look due to years spent working outside, and his limbs have several scattered scars.

In addition to his hat he dresses in a loose cotton rancher's shirt, denim trousers, and cowboy boots, and often has a bandanna hanging around his neck. Like Lana he wears a scabbard on his back with the holding strap crossing his chest from shoulder to hip; however his holds a rifle rather than a sword. Two short curved daggers are stuck in his belt, and a straight knife in one boot.

Personality: Philip is a loner, a man more comfortable around his herds and flocks and dogs than most other humans. Gruff, stern, and blunt, he speaks little, preferring to let his actions speak for themselves and conversing in monosyllables when he can get away with it. While a man who does and acknowledges effort and hard work, he prefers efficiency, disliking unnecessary or wasteful work, regardless of the reason be it tradition or habit or lack of knowledge.

Liberty's Edge

Jess Door wrote:

Well, I just completed a couple pics of my own characters.

Csilla, priestess of Pharasma
Koushouku, kitsune Archeologist Bard


Thanks for posting, Jess. I see the requests are already coming in ;)

Liberty's Edge

Any one is welcome to try their hand at my Character!

Willow Golel:
Willow Golel , about 125 years old, 6’1”, 117 lb., with a slim build. Long reddish black hair that goes just to her lower back. Her hair looks mostly black, unless hit by the sun which gives it a deep cherry red shine. She Has Bright blue eyes that seem to glow. Willow has a raw sexuality about her but has yet to realize it, nor would she care if she did.
She is young for an elf but very talented for her age. Having grown up in a nomadic family in the wildest parts of the forests, all through out the land, she has become quite knowledgeable and proficient in survival and hunting.
Willow, having lived in the forest all her life, is quite familiar with the wildlife no matter where she is. But she seems to have a natural kinship with the wolves and on occasion has been known to travel with a pack through some of the more dangerous areas. Currently she has become fast friends with a black female wolf she calls Moon. So named for the colour of her eye, one dark brown eye and one bright blue eye which resembles the full moon in the night sky. They are travelling companions.
Her Family are Herbalist by trade and tradition. With their knowledge of nature, the need to explore and learn more of the world it seemed like a true calling. Willow and her family have spent years exploring everything and anything they could coming across many different races and experiencing everything from the lightest magic to the darkest evil and everything in-between. Each encounter have taking away a new life lesson weather it be in combat or adding to her already extensive array of skills. Though no matter where she was or what she was doing she would always have an eye out for that rare and special plant to make her potions. And of course, the most rare and unusual of plant species could only be found in the darkest or most dangerous of areas, in which her family had no concern over exploring.
After years of willow spending her family time exploring dark caverns, ancient ruins and forgotten dungeons she has become very experienced in many rogue like skills. Staying out of sight, in the shadows, being her favourite. Also her lock picking skills are second to none, and she still finds it exciting to see what is behind those locks, good or bad. Sometimes her curiosity can get the better or her and takes her to places, by herself, she knows she shouldn’t go. But she has become very self-sufficient, on her own now for the past 50 years. She knows the forest like no other and can survive on her own deep in the forest for a very long time.
Willows favoured weapon is the hand crossbow, though she is proficient in all ranged weapons. She also knows her way around a sword, should her opponent get too close for comfort. Her secondary weapons are a rapier and a few daggers.
Her weapons and armour are her only possessions she cares about ( or actually owns) so she tends to keep them in as best condition she can, and it really shows in her custom made armour. Willow has a dark, almost Gothic, style which shows particularly in her armour. She wears light leather armour. Dark red and black in colour with elven designs pressed into it. She wears a double belt which her sheath rapier hangs by, it also acts as a utility belt for her herb collecting and her potions. The bolts for the hand crossbow is always close at hand, literally. They are attached to her bracers. 5 bolts around each in what look like individual sheaths. The sheaths look like two strips of leather that are weaved with in the bracers to create open pockets for the bolts. Her daggers are carried in her boots. Two daggers in each and the boot its self comes up to just below the knee.
Willow, though friendly and approachable, still considers herself to be an observer no mater her location. She is, VERY rarely, the first to approach friend or foe alike. Unless there is a situation that so warrants it. And if a combat situation arises, hidden under a shy and friendly disposition, this is a highly reactive, swift and fierce opponent to be faced.
Being a herbalist has made Willow care a great deal for, what the rest of her people believe to be, the weaker races. Willow does not share the same thoughts. Having helped thousands of sick and injured in her lifetime, she has come to realize that these frail beings have more strength and courage then most. She looks down on no one but the kind to take advantage of others at their most vulnerable. And that is one thing she will not stand for. Being of the chaotic good alignment, Willow follows her own moral compass. So she found that the Andoran faction was the best fit for her. If anyone should wrong her, her family, or anyone she feels doesn’t deserve such treatment, she will make sure retribution is paid the way she sees fit. Sometimes just the simple act of being rude is enough to make the coin purse a bit lighter.

Jess Door wrote:

11 minions. Are these people?

Yes, of various races.

The Exchange

Hey, Jess, How are things going?

okay I have an idea maybe it will fly maybe it won't but here goesI would like to offer a prize for some artwork by ANYONE who cares to enter this lil competion
here is my offer
I am part of a game that has been going on for the last 3 years in the WORLDS LARGEST DUNGEON ( gest#0 )our GM has been awesome in being able to post our exploits our triumphs and more than a few blood spilling failures but I want to see what visions his tales of our daring do bring to mind for our creative artists here in the wonderland of the Piazo messageboards
so with that said read our tales and pick a scene or a character or even one of the big baddies( yes if you want info on the big baddies we have faced just ask I can get you more detailed info on them )or even a group portrait of any of the adventures at one point in time and do your best
you will note that our GM has gone to lengths to do some creative photography please don't steal his Ideas but you can use them as a basis
I am offering a $50 amazongift card to the winner ....... Oh how is it going to be judged .... glad you asked , the art work will be shown to all our gamers at current and we at the table will see who has done the best job to our minds
so who is game for it

what no one is interested ?

This thread's pretty inactive, Red Guy. The main artist who's been involved, Ruloc, has been busy with IRL stuff for a while, doesn't take commissions, and has taken his last batch of requests cut off at a deadline over a month ago. The only other person who's expressed any interest has been Jess Door, who took four names but otherwise is not working on any projects or accepting requests.

No one else here currently is a participating artist that I know of, we're all interested observers or requesters =)

Orthos wrote:

This thread's pretty inactive, Red Guy. The main artist who's been involved, Ruloc, has been busy with IRL stuff for a while, doesn't take commissions, and has taken his last batch of requests cut off at a deadline over a month ago. The only other person who's expressed any interest has been Jess Door, who took four names but otherwise is not working on any projects or accepting requests.

No one else here currently is a participating artist that I know of, we're all interested observers or requesters =)

well fuddled dum doo

Hopefully this starts up again, if not it can't be helped.


Sovereign Court

Oooo... Dotting. Normally, I come up with character by browsing pictures, but perhaps I'll think of a cool character without having a picture...

Actually, I have!

Sawyl Mathers: Just an average villager who got chosen by Pharasma do be her oracle. Long story short, the other superstitious villagers cut out his tongue, sewed his mouth shut, and killed him (yes, in that order). He's a homebrew race that I made: a geist, basically, something of an intelligent zombie that doesn't rot once it's been reanimated (in this case, by Pharasma). From a distance, he still looks perfectly human, if maybe a little ill. Still, he was dead for a little while, not to mention the whole mouth sewn shut part.
Anyway, he tends to wear bulky clothing in muted neutral colours and a thick scarf to cover his mouth (since he kept it stitched shut). His eyes are pale blue and he originally had chestnut hair.
I don't want a pretty corpse like a vampire or something, but a completely putrescent zombie is a bit far in the other direction. Somewhere in between - ideally, I'd like him to still be reasonably handsome (in an average guy kind of way) if you can look past the decomposition.

Of course, there's the problem that I want a picture that shows his a geist, but his clothing is purposely chosen so that even casual conversation (if he spoke) would take a DC 10 or 15 Perception check to notice he's off. As such, pretty much the only parts of him that are actually visible are from about mid-nose up... How to show his outfit, but also show him... ^^' I apologize for the conundrum.
If a solution can't be found, feel free to choose for yourself whether I get to have or eat my cake.

Just a warning - there are no active artists currently making use of this thread, so it might be a while before you get any response.

Sovereign Court

Ah bugger. But it's all right, I'm in no rush.
I'd join in to help, but this is about my best. And most of my stuff isn't even half this "good".

Silver Crusade

Ayse Ajam
Female half elf ranger
In many regards Ayse is quite attractive. She wears her long raven hair in a single braid over her shoulder and her eyes are the same color of gray as an approaching storm on the sea. Her skin is tanned from long days working in the sun and she has a slender build. She has some muscle tone but mostly it is lean muscle. Her body type reminds most people of a greyhound or a cheetah. She dresses in simple but attractive clothes that show just the right amount of skin to attract attention but not enough to be mistaken for a courtesan or prostitute. In short, she is the very model of what Asuras men want in a bodyguard. However, her very business like demeanor and the permanent frown on her face are off putting to most men, as is the jagged scar that runs from just below her left eye and down her left cheek to her jaw line.

Hey all,

I've tried going to the original post link...but it's no longer in existence? Is there a new link/way to request?

Ruloc's not taking any new requests at this time.

Ah got it Thanks Orthos!

Anyone else accepting :)

Orthos wrote:
Ruloc's not taking any new requests at this time.

Any change to Ruloc's status ???

I just saw some of his art on Deviantart while looking for an image I could use(or alter) for my character but I think it's just to specific, at least for my GIMP skill level :P

....and his art style is perfect.

He's made a few posts in the comments section of his DevArt, but he's not uploaded any new art - either from requests here or things like Wayfinder - which I think means he's busy with his normal job. So I wouldn't expect new requests to be open any time soon, unfortunately.

Good to know he's still out there though.

I'm looking for someone to draw my Magus Hexcrafter. If anybody is interested I'll give more details of my character. Thanks and hope to hear from someone :)

This thread is so awesome I wish I found it sooner!

Nobody's planning on making a continuation of this thread again, are they?

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