Questions about sphere of annihilation

Rules Questions

I will be using a S.O.A. in a up coming game session and did my required reading. Each round the user needs to make a control roll for the S.O.A, but is there any attack roll or reflex save, when it gets used ?
How does it work ?
Do you just move the black hole of doom and where it stops " PooF!!" or am I missing something?

really ... no one knows ..little help

Sphere of Annihilation doesn't use attack rolls or saves. The controller simply moves it, and anything it comes into contact with on its path or where it stops is annihilated.

On a side note, I allowed my players to gain control of a S.o.A. in my first campaign as a DM, and it more or less eliminated all fun from the remaining encounters of that campaign.

thanks for the help , & the advice. I am running a small side game that everyone in our group gets a chance to gm a piece of.
The players are going to have to uncover the S.O.A , but its a flawed model that know one is going to have a chance to use. tee-hee

Yeah, 2 foot diameter sphere is about the size of a fairly normal beach ball. It'd be hard to share a 5' square area with something that big and moving without at least grazing it and being annihilated.

So move the sphere 10 + 5 feet per 5 points you beat the DC 30 check and anything in that path and where it stops is gone forever (unless a god intervenes).

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