Racial Roles

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I guess this could be called a rant, but I really don't intend it to be. I just find it funny, frustrating, and nonsensical that many of the legends/mythology/fluff of many races fails to live up to the mechanics.

Two prime examples: Elves & Gnomes.

Myth: Can't complain too much here because elves of myth have so many varied powers & origins that anything is possible.

Fluff: The fluff of the elf seems to concentrate around fey origins. Why is it they have nothing fey-like to back this up? Nature loving? The gnomes are closer to what I would think an elf is supposed to be in RPGs. From the write ups, you would think that they elf would be the quintessential druids & rangers of the game. Fiction in D&D and Pathfinder seems to support that, but no mechanics.

Myth: The mythology for gnomes isn't really all that old. They are mainly form the Renaissance. Supposed to be mechanically inclined. No connection to the Fey. Sadly, they are the race that gets all of the Fey goodies.

Fluff: The fluff here says they are mechanically inclined. That said, they get saddled with many traits that are more appropriate for the fluff of Elves. The only time that a gnome has come close to myth is with the Tinker Gnomes. A little over the top, but a better representation of the myth. If I had to choose, I would want them tinker-like, along the lines of Salvatore's The Spearwielder's Tale series of books. As a matter of fact, I would like the elves to be more like the elves from these books, too.

Like I said, I really find this humorous. I am not screaming for, "Paizo to correct this oversight." LOL. I do hope that in some future incarnation of the game, that maybe we can, not so much as kill the sacred cows, but make fluff actually come closer to the myth, and the mechanics.

I thought Mythical Gnomes were physical manifestations of one of the four elements, in this case earth.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

I have a book on dwarves that lists kobolds, brownies, and red caps as being types of dwarves. Obviously not the case in any D&D derivative RPG. I personally associate dwarves with the fey as well.

I see this as its own setting, not needing to conform to any other sources. Of course it does lend heavily from previous fiction (as all creative works do), but it's not "wrong" whenever it strays from what have been written before it. It has its own, distinct even if similar, flavor.

Just think how different things in this world would be if Tolkien went with his first draft of gnomes instead of elves.

Liberty's Edge

i think gnomes more as house or garden spirit. And that lawn gnomes descended from Priapus statues.

The way races are now is the result of having ALREADY killed the sacred cows. Basically, favored races was the main way in which the fluff of elves was honored back in D&D. But those who might remember back then will tell you that favored races were screamed over and ranted about ad nauseam. If you go back further, to previous editions, elves sometimes had magic built-in. That, too, was eventually done away with.

So one could argue that the way they are now is the result of a long history of complaints from your fellow players, and you pretty much have them to thank.

Meanwhile, it's not too hard to tweak elves to get them to conform to something that feels more elvish to you. Like a bonus Animal Affinity or Arcane Talent feat at 1st level.

Here's more info on gnomes.

I don't feel that the elves need to be more fey. I like them being masters of wizardry, and I even like the otherworldly (extraterrestrial) origins of them in Golarion. What I don't like is the 'tall elf' that happened in Tolkien, FR, and now Golarion. I want my 5' elves that are even longer lived than the ones in the Pathfinder game. Since this is almost entirely cosmetic, it's an easy house ruling to implement.

Bruunwald wrote:
Here's more info on gnomes.

That was one of the main articles i looked at about gnomes.

I really don't want them more fey either. If anything, I would prefer removing the fluff that keeps calling them fey. I am cool with them being more conservationist. They have been around long enough to discover that you can't just ignore nature. I really do find it funny how the mythology behind some of the races is WAY off of how they are used in game.

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