Question on Vanity Boon

Pathfinder Society

The Exchange 5/5

I received a boon for a 5pp vanity.

However, the boon I really really want is 6pp.

So my question is this, can I use the boon towards the vanity and add 1pp from my stash to equal the 6pp needed for the vanity I want?

**this post is not meant to spark a flame war over boons, if you have an issue with the boon start your own thread thanks**

Liberty's Edge 5/5

I would probably allow it if you had enough PP to buy the 6PP vanity in the first place (that is unless the Vanity boon specifically says you can purchase a vanity without the prereqs for it).

The Exchange 5/5

I'd have to go home and look at it .. it might say it can be purchased w/out the pre reqs for the vanity, however, I don't remember specifically since I'm at work and the boon is at home.

Grand Lodge 5/5 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I gave away a boon like this at a local convention. It says that you choose one vanity that costs up to 5 points, and you gain it for free. It does not give any access to things that cost more than 5. It also states that you may never select it again, so it prevents you from buying a second of the same item for the life of your character.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Marack wrote:
I gave away a boon like this at a local convention. It says that you choose one vanity that costs up to 5 points, and you gain it for free. It does not give any access to things that cost more than 5. It also states that you may never select it again, so it prevents you from buying a second of the same item for the life of your character.

With that wording, I'd then have to say no.

The Exchange 5/5

yeppers ... I received an official "no" to my question lol .. back to the drawing board for her vanity then

The Exchange 3/5

Thea Peters wrote:
yeppers ... I received an official "no" to my question lol .. back to the drawing board for her vanity then

Oh Thea, you're so vain.

You probably think this post was about you, don't you?

Don't you?


p.s. ;)

Scarab Sages

Painlord wrote:

Oh Thea, you're so vain.

You probably think this post was about you, don't you?

Don't you?


p.s. ;)

I didn't want to laugh at this....but I failed.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Thea Peters wrote:
yeppers ... I received an official "no" to my question lol .. back to the drawing board for her vanity then

My paladin with the silver tongue used it for the caravan and +diplomacy to day jobs.

The Exchange 5/5

Wait .. you got 2 boons? or used one for 2 vanity's?

Yeah ..I spent the pp for Riftwardens and then used the boon for a caravan... and my CN Damphir is going to be lawful with it (shudder) but diplo is better than profession or intimidate lol

Silver Crusade 5/5

Thea Peters wrote:

Wait .. you got 2 boons? or used one for 2 vanity's?

Yeah ..I spent the pp for Riftwardens and then used the boon for a caravan... and my CN Damphir is going to be lawful with it (shudder) but diplo is better than profession or intimidate lol

Lack of caffiene:

I used it to get the caravan boon which allows you to use diplomacy for your day jobs.

The Exchange 5/5

Dan Luckett wrote:
Thea Peters wrote:

Wait .. you got 2 boons? or used one for 2 vanity's?

Yeah ..I spent the pp for Riftwardens and then used the boon for a caravan... and my CN Damphir is going to be lawful with it (shudder) but diplo is better than profession or intimidate lol

Lack of caffiene:

I used it to get the caravan boon which allows you to use diplomacy for your day jobs.

no caffine = bad postings yes

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