Bob_Loblaw |

Khrysaor wrote:Aelryinth wrote:Buncha stuff.You're still bound by the 3 times level to enchant the item. Since you're not getting those +3 weapons/armor until level 9ish the guy who wants a +4 enhancement is out of luck since he's not level 12 and then 15 for the +5. You could add on some of the other bonuses but you're talking a lot of wealth that scales quickly. It's 18000gp for a +3 and 50000gp for a +5.
and other stuff.Actually, the caster level limit is not a limitation in Pathfinder.
It means you take a +5 DC to the Spellcraft check is all. And lo, you can make yourself a +10 to +20 toy of Spellcraft bonus quite cheaply, no? And it's a great use of time.
The three main items characters use that are pricey are Rings, Wondrous Items and Arms/Armor. Two of those will satisfy 90% of your needs, and those are the ones you can take as a Magical Artisan.
So, yes, it would be VERY easy to get close to 200% WBL, with just CWI and CWA&A.
YOur only limitations would be time and available cash.
Armor and Weapons have a special limit, just like in DnD.
Creating magic armor has a special prerequisite: The creator's caster level must be at least three times the enhancement bonus of the armor. If an item has both an enhancement bonus and a special ability, the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met. Magic armor or a magic shield must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus to have any armor or shield special abilities.
+1 shield: caster level 3
+1 animated shield: caster level 12+5 animated shield: caster level 15
Creating a magic weapon has a special prerequisite: The creator's caster level must be at least three times the enhancement bonus of the weapon. If an item has both an enhancement bonus and a special ability, the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met. A magic weapon must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus to have any melee or ranged special weapon abilities.
+1 mace: caster level 3
+1 disruption mace: caster level 14+5 disruption mace: caster level 15
For other items, you are correct.

Bob_Loblaw |

Bob, that doesn't mean you can't waive it with the +5 DC rule, you know. I pointed out that 'special' probably refers to the 3x effect, not "Can't be Bought off with Spellcraft".
The only thing you can buy off with that rule is anything listed under "requirements." The rule seems very clear:
Caster Level for Armor and Shields: The caster level of a magic shield or magic armor with a special ability is given in the item description. For an item with only an enhancement bonus, the caster level is three times the enhancement bonus. If an item has both an enhancement bonus and a special ability, the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met.
This isn't the same as needing to know the spells or have the feats. This is a special Caster Level requirement.

Ravingdork |

Aelryinth wrote:Bob, that doesn't mean you can't waive it with the +5 DC rule, you know. I pointed out that 'special' probably refers to the 3x effect, not "Can't be Bought off with Spellcraft".
The only thing you can buy off with that rule is anything listed under "requirements." The rule seems very clear:
Quote:Caster Level for Armor and Shields: The caster level of a magic shield or magic armor with a special ability is given in the item description. For an item with only an enhancement bonus, the caster level is three times the enhancement bonus. If an item has both an enhancement bonus and a special ability, the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met.This isn't the same as needing to know the spells or have the feats. This is a special Caster Level requirement.
The game designers have made it abundantly clear that you cannot bypass the CL requirements for weapons, armor, constructs, and (I think) things like bracers of armor.

Buri |

How can you craft an item without the stated prerequisite? If that's the case you can create an item without the associated creation feat and just add +5 to the DC. The crafting feat is grouped together with the other prerequisites just like anything else. There's no special notation for it. That's, of course, taking the "if you don't have it up the DC" rule to an extreme. It's absurd, obviously.

Khrysaor |
Note that all items have prerequisites in their descriptions. These prerequisites must be met for the item to be created. Most of the time, they take the form of spells that must be known by the item's creator (although access through another magic item or spellcaster is allowed). The DC to create a magic item increases by +5 for each prerequisite the caster does not meet. The only exception to this is the requisite item creation feat, which is mandatory. In addition, you cannot create potions, spell-trigger, or spell-completion magic items without meeting their spell prerequisites.
That's why you need the feats.
And the restrictions in the Craft Magic Arms and Armors are specific that trump the general rules of item creation and you do need the levels to make them.
There are many restrictions that can be bypassed like the necessary spells, or even caster level that you're trying to mimic, but if you're trying to mimic these things you may be missing more. If a CWI prerequsite asks for caster level 6 and you're level 3, you're missing more than a +5 for not being levle 6. You're also missing levels 4 and 5. If caster level was only 4 it couldn't be of equal DC for a level 3 to mimic a level 4 just as easy as a level 6.