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Two Questions regardsing Faerie Dragon Familiars: 1. Spell like abilities: Does their CL increase with HD?
2. Can a master select different sorcerer spells for the familiar?
I think that their CL does increase with HD.
I wonder though, does their sorcerer level increase with HD?
1. Yes
2. Ask your GM; if it's PFS no
@Notabrick they don't have a sorcerer level.
I thought they are listed as casting spells as a 2nd level sorcerer and advance as a sorcerer.
I haven't noticed any rules regarding if/how the spell casting abilities change for creatures that cast spells as a (sorcerer, cleric, wizard, whatever).
They could take sorcerer levels, but they do not get more spellcasting without taking class levels. They are not like other dragons in that manner.