Gunslinger what?


In ultimate combat, there is a character duel wielding pistols while ghost hands reload for her.

WTF is that, and how can I be that?

Its right under reloading hands, So i assume that is suppose to be the spell... but why does magus get it?

So is there a way for me to effectively play a duel pistol wielding Magus? or is Paizo being jerks?

Some-one had a cool idea for a picture and drew it, probably, but yeah technically you could dual wield a magus, you just couldn't y'know, spell combat with it.

Sovereign Court

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Yeah the cool magus spellstrike abilities specify melee attacks.

So you'd have to be pistol-whipping people with pistols for it to combo :(

Bah, even the ranged guy doesn't really do it.. If one could combine the soul forger and the Mydmyrarch.. but someone was like "lets just blast the archtype with a ton of stupid fighter stuff!"

What about Sorc/Wizard?

Sovereign Court

If you want to multiclass, or UMD a Wand/Scroll, those would both work.

Sorc/Wizard and Ranger also get the spell.

Shadow Lodge

The dual pistol gunslinger build usually do a 2 lvl dip in alchemist for vestigial arm discovery or a 1 lvl dip in witch for prehensile hair hex. That and go with the pistolero archetype.

Who needs ghostly hands when you can be creepy.

Keep in mind that there isnt any pistol who is a light weapon so you will have a lot of penalties to your attacks but since they are ranged touch anyway, who cares...

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Ævux wrote:

In ultimate combat, there is a character duel wielding pistols while ghost hands reload for her.

WTF is that, and how can I be that?

Its right under reloading hands, So i assume that is suppose to be the spell... but why does magus get it?

So is there a way for me to effectively play a duel pistol wielding Magus? or is Paizo being jerks?

1) The picture is probably of a spellslinger wizard (possibly gunslinger/wizard/eldritch knight) using two pistols attuned as his (?) Arcane Guns and two reloading hands spells. The top looks a lot more like a leather jacket than leather armor.

2) There is not really an archetype to play an "effective" two-pistol magus, if you mean being able to simultaneously enhance both weapons with your arcane pool and/or spellstrike abilities. The myrmidarch is the only archetype that allows the use of spellstrike with a ranged weapon, but you still need the free hand to cast with Spell Combat. However, the Pool Strike arcana could be used when fighting with weapons in both hands.

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