People Confuse Me

Off-Topic Discussions

I gotta say it.

Some of the responses seem to be violent disagreement but supporting the exact same position, enraged argument with people who didn't even disagree, or even 'venting their spleen' about some other subject entirely. And that doesn't even begin to talk about the people who quote a humerous or ironic statement as an absolute moral stance.

Sometimes I read through people responses to a post and all that goes through my head is "What the flip was that about?!?" Do you folks feel the same?


Like I said, people confuse me.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Your problem is expecting coherence on the internet.

Shadow Lodge


It's more important to be on a side than to have a position.

That, and there are trolls.

TOZ wrote:
Your problem is expecting coherence on the internet.

This. ^^

InVinoVeritas wrote:

That, and there are trolls.

Successful Troll is honored to be remembered.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Ever seen that thing where there's lal thsee csarmlbed rwosd talking about how cool it is that your brain can read them even when the information's incomplete? You can see just a tiny bit of what could have been a word, and extrapolate the rest from there.

Well, a lot of people do that even when there's not missing information. For instance, someone will "read" a person's post and only take in the first detail or two that catch their attention, then replace the rest of the actual content with what they presume to be the other person's point. Argumentation ensues.

Or someone will do the same thing when reading a rule in the CRB (or an option in the APG, UM, UC, or whatever) and fill in 80% of it with their own assumptions instead of the actual text. Then they'll come on here and ask questions that are explicitly covered in the text in question (or give answers that directly contradict the text in question) until someone does the famous Quote-and-Bold for them. Or they'll come in and argue game balance because they missed the four lines of drawbacks/restrictions that make the item not so broken after all.

Or someone will do this same "pseudo-reading" for every piece of information they take in over the course of their lives, get some really weird ideas about how the world works and what normal people do and so forth, and then come on here and marvel at all these people who do things differently than "how everyone I've ever seen" does things.

In my opinion, failure to read (or listen to, or whatever) all the details, instead substituting your own assumptions without realizing it, is the main thing you're witnessing here, Lavode.

I really like an argument tactic that has been gaining traction here recently:

'You smell like poop. I'm not trying to be disrespectful, I just want to understand why you smell like poop?'

TOZ wrote:
Your problem is expecting coherence on the internet.

Actual problem is expecting coherence from humans. Internet only made the miscommunication faster and longer reaching than any other medium.

Shadow Lodge

Drejk wrote:
TOZ wrote:
Your problem is expecting coherence on the internet.
Actual problem is expecting coherence from humans. Internet only made the miscommunication faster and longer reaching than any other medium.

Just you wait for telepathic radio!

Liberty's Edge

I feel we should address the disconnect between internet and real life. Tools don't get that they're being trolled.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You smell like poop, Gark. No offense, but you do.


Former VP of Finance

Jiggy wrote:
Ever seen that thing where there's lal thsee csarmlbed rwosd talking about how cool it is that your brain can read them even when the information's incomplete?

Jiggy, you have to sramclbe them such that they have the same bginennig and ednnig lrettes that they suolhd. Otherwise it's gibberish.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Chris Self wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
Ever seen that thing where there's lal thsee csarmlbed rwosd talking about how cool it is that your brain can read them even when the information's incomplete?
Jiggy, you have to sramclbe them such that they have the same bginennig and ednnig lrettes that they suolhd. Otherwise it's gibberish.

You mean it's shergibbi!

Rrrrrra! Yer botoy, mteay!

Waving my @$#% in the wind.


Ok, This works for Mr.Fishy. Post like you conversing with an idoit who will take offence to anything you say, period. It makes everything make more sense. Pretend you're talking to a crazy a$+*$#% instead of a person.

And in the third person. And Puff UP!!!!PUFF UP!! Trolls hate that!

Hewn hi gnicklats ot lopele tehy tond dunnerstand em.

Lavode de'Morcaine wrote:

I gotta say it.

Some of the responses seem to be violent disagreement but supporting the exact same position, enraged argument with people who didn't even disagree, or even 'venting their spleen' about some other subject entirely. And that doesn't even begin to talk about the people who quote a humerous or ironic statement as an absolute moral stance.

Sometimes I read through people responses to a post and all that goes through my head is "What the flip was that about?!?" Do you folks feel the same?


Like I said, people confuse me.

Yep. Just replace the word "flip" with an entirely more vulgar chain of expletives though in my case.

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