Using Fellnight mod to fight Nyrissa earlier? (Possible Spoilers)


Silver Crusade group is nearing the end of RRR. The troll lair is really the only thing they have left, and i'm using someone's modifications from these boards to make a mini-mass combat & troll kingdom situation. anyway, once they are done with that and the giant owlbear, i'm thinking of running Realm of the Fellnight Queen inbetween books 2 & 3, which I hear is a really good addition to the AP. Buuuuut......I really think it would be a good idea if it were Nyrissa were to take the Queen's place in that module. The idea would be that it would set Nyrissa up even earlier as the true BBEG of the whole AP. I haven't purchased or even read up on Realm of the Fellnight Queen yet, though I plan to soon. If anyone's played through that module, what do you think of changing the Queen to Nyrissa (which I heard are two very similar creatures) and somehow letting her survive the last fight? I've heard that the Fellnight Realm is supposed to be some kind of prison, so i'm not sure how to work that...maybe the PC's accidently release her instead of defeating her?

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Greetings, fellow traveller.

link to Nyrissa:
I will Rhoswenn (spelling) be an offspring of Nyrissa. Her dying words will be something like:
"But you promised, mother...".
After which her body will wither away and the swirling leaves will form Nyrissa's face, full of anger that her beloved daughter has been slain.
She will say something (haven't decided what exactly, but I like cliches and BBEG speeches...) to the PCs and the leaves will disperse.

link between KM and RotFNQ:

In addition to tie in the module to KM, the wedding which sets the whole thing of will be the one of Latricia and Loy Rezbin of Tatzlford.


Hmm... Interesting idea. For ease, I'd go with Ruyan's plan. Less work and headache. :)

However, if you *really* want to, you could:

Major KM Spoilers!:
Pick up Fellnight and read through it, and make sure you've read through KM Book 6. You'd need to fashion a way both to get Nyrissa out of Fellnight and back to her other realm. If your players won't have a problem with you having the BBEG escape, or maybe changing Fellnight so that they accidentally release her, then that may work.

The biggest issue, I think, will be how she was influencing Thousand Breaths and the Stolen Lands while imprisoned in Fellnight. With the nature of the First World and demi-planes, perhaps Fellnight was a plane-within-a-plane of Thousand Breaths? Perhaps the PCs, when finally getting to book 6, find another bottle next to the one destined for the Stolen Lands, wherein they see the Fellnight realm? Perhaps Nyrissa found a way for part of her essence to escape Fellnight and travel abroad, or she possessed a nymph or dryad or something?

All in all, it's doable, but read both mods carefully, write up a plan and what you'll be changing, and take copious notes! (Maybe use that mirror found at the end of Fellnight as a way for her to escape or travel?)

Could you make her a Simulacrum of Nyrissa?

Valandil Ancalime wrote:

Could you make her a Simulacrum of Nyrissa?

Oooh, good idea. "Ok, you hit for 56 damage. As you connect, the Queen starts screaming as she dissolves into a rapidly-melting pile of snow. Knowledge (arcana) check to figure out what just happened." (Bonus points if you have her scream "I'm melting!")

When you tell the PCs that it was just a simulacrum, watch them get all paranoid about what the real thing will be like.

Valandil Ancalime wrote:

Could you make her a Simulacrum of Nyrissa?

Wish I had thought of this idea when I dropped this module in. It is a great one.

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