D&D 3.5 Player's Handbook - how many printings?


I have some friends who want to keep using 3.5 rules. Does anyone know where I can find out the most recent edition of the 3.5 Player's Handbook? How many printings did it experience?

Don't know about the number of printings simply because I never kept up with such things. As far as finding copies of the 3.5 players handbook, if your any where near Fayettville/Ft. Bragg N.C. I would suggests Ed McKays used books. I have had great success there.

I have about 7 or 8 copies so there not hard to find just please, please, PLEASE don't fall into the ebay trap of thinking there rare or some such and pay literally hundreds of dollars for one.
heck check here and see if Paizo has any left in stock, even dinged still works.

There out there if you do a little digging. You shouldn't have to pay above 30 bucks for one.

Unlike Steven Tindall, I think that, unless you happen to find it in a used book store, you WILL have to pay above 30 bucks. I don't know why the 3.0 core books are so cheap, and yet the 3.5 books are so expensive and hard to find, but they are. Personally, I prefer 3.0, but I digress. Through amazon.com, people are selling the player's book for $32.88 and up, here.

(Heh. You could, of course, download the 3.5 SRD for free, and print it out.)

Aaron Bitman wrote:

Unlike Steven Tindall, I think that, unless you happen to find it in a used book store, you WILL have to pay above 30 bucks. I don't know why the 3.0 core books are so cheap, and yet the 3.5 books are so expensive and hard to find, but they are. Personally, I prefer 3.0, but I digress. Through amazon.com, people are selling the player's book for $32.88 and up, here.

(Heh. You could, of course, download the 3.5 SRD for free, and print it out.)

Ok your right. I should have said around 30 to 40 bucks and that would have been more accurate. I still recommend used books stores first, Pazio second and then amazon or it's like.

Shop local and support your local game store while it's here.

I noticed the same thing as far as price comparison 3.0 is dirt cheap and yet 3.5 the used stuff is selling and getting new prices.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Basilforth wrote:
I have some friends who want to keep using 3.5 rules. Does anyone know where I can find out the most recent edition of the 3.5 Player's Handbook? How many printings did it experience?

I could be wrong about this, but I *think* that the only 3.5 PH that incorporated any errata was the "special edition"—the deluxe black leatherbound one.

The softbound ones that came with the D&D Player's Kit had some if not all of the errata.

Whatever printing you get of any of the 3.0/3.5 books, go to this WotC page and you will find pdf's of all the final errata documents.

Shadow Lodge

The cheapest option available is to take the 3.5 SRD document, format it into a PDF as you like, and have Lulu print-on-demand enough copies for your group. This also has the added bonus of letting you add houserules into the print version for your group. Depending on the page count, you should be able to get them for $20-30 dollars plus shipping.

Shadow Lodge

Here is an example of what you can do. This is the work of presman, another poster on the boards.

Looking through it, you can see he incorporated the 3.5 SRD, along with other OGL Open Content from Green Ronin. However, certain things (like the experience chart) were not released as Open Content, and so he had to make up his own. He also had to include the OGL statement at the end for legal reasons.

You may be able to get ahold of him for tips on how to do this if you need, but while it takes some effort, it will be much cheaper than finding the books on Ebay or Amazon.

Much thanks to everyone for their responses!

I was very surprized to find 3.5 PHB in the local hobby shop for $65 and the 4.0 PHB for $15!. What's up with that?

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Basilforth wrote:

Much thanks to everyone for their responses!

I was very surprized to find 3.5 PHB in the local hobby shop for $65 and the 4.0 PHB for $15!. What's up with that?

Supply and demand. On the supply side, the 3.5 PHB has been out of print for several years, whereas WotC printed up more 4.0 PHBs than they could sell, to the point that they have no plans for another print run.

TOZ wrote:
Here is an example of what you can do. This is the work of presman, another poster on the boards.

That's awesome. If 5E hadn't been announced already, I'd probably do something similar using 4E.

Grand Lodge

Keep in mind that was legally allowed due to the OGL. Doing that with 4E may be trickier due to the GSL.

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