Order #1834985

Customer Service

Hello Cosmo,

I've never received my order. Can you send me the track number ?

I've been to my post office and they have nothing too...

Thank you in advance


Lantern Lodge

Unfortunately we are not able to track international shipments. However, your package is right at the end of the estimate, but still within its estimate. I would double check with customs to make sure its not stuck there and give it until the 16th. If it hasn't turned up by then, let us know and we can set up a replacement to go out with January's subscription shipment.

ok thank you Sara

Can you check it before the next ongoing shipment ?

Thank you in advance

Lantern Lodge

I think there might be some confusion so I will clarify what I mean:

"I would double check with customs to make sure its not stuck there and give it until the 16th."

should be

"If I were you: I would double check with customs to make sure the package not stuck there and give it until the 16th."

Paizo cannot check with your local customs office. That is something you will need to do. Because we are shipping the current subscription before the estimate is over, we can't replace the package with this subscription shipment.

ohhh... ok I will check again with my post office and keep you updated.

Thank you

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