Asheville Pathfinder Society Lodge

Local Play

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Ok my schedule is all @$#!ed up. Is APL meeting today?

Silver Crusade 5/5

Nope... next saturday... the ninth

Liberty's Edge 2/5

********!!!! Can I please get a PFS session in where I don't have family in town? This is getting ridiculous!


Another weekend of not being here Strange?

Sovereign Court

That's easy ... stop inviting family into town. ;)

Look at the bright side though, it does free you up for the grand opening goodness on the 16th.

Speaking of which, what is the plan with that at this point? When do they open doors? how late are they going to stay open?

I would not have a problem running one or two sessions, but if we do run sessions through out the day, I do think we should adhere to a strict 4 hour window with 30 minute breaks between ... basically treat it like an actual event should be treated. Geek Out was great, but scheduling the sessions as back to back with no break was not good planning on their part.

Silver Crusade 5/5

I'll discuss all that with them tuesday and then we can gameplan on saturday.

Scarab Sages 1/5

I'm not sure how late they're staying open, but their current plan is to open at noon. I'll be running DCCRPG, and they're even being nice enough to let me pick it up early! You guys might be interested in this paizo exclusive. I don't think its a PFS adventure, tho it is the size of one. I would get in contact with them if you want to try and get a copy for June 16th!

Silver Crusade 5/5

Yep... all over it... getting hooked up tomorrow

They said they have 3 different ones....

Scarab Sages 4/5


There is one PFS scenario and three 3rd party Pathfinder modules and I have seen them for prepping them for the SCARAB Swarm to run them all over our area and can tell you they are awesome! We are running a big event in GVILLE at Planet Comics from 11-11 and will have the SCARLET SUN event as well as UNDYING LEGACY, TEMPLE OF ORCUS and SLAVERS OF THE SUNKEN GARDEN and all the other RPGs at 15 tables over three 2 to 3-hour sessions. The Warhorn site will be up this evening or tomorrow to register if you can make the trip - come on down.

Silver Crusade 5/5

The work day at WT is off for tomorrow... just got the message.

Scarab Sages 4/5


SCARAB will be onsite helping give-a-way lots of goodies and running all kinds of Role-playing games. Including all four Pathfinder modules last year's Pathfinder module and all of the Intro Series for those wishing to enter into the PFS.

Find schedule information here:
Warhorn/Planet Comics FreeRPG Day June 16, 2012

To learn more about SCARAB check out our website and Facebook pages.

For two weeks only we are running a registration special for our 2013 convention located here:

Registration Special 2013


Anyone else signing up for SCARAB 2013?

Silver Crusade 4/5

Varrian Lunari wrote:
Anyone else signing up for SCARAB 2013?

Stu and I have been signed up for months now, there is a special offer going on now too so get your passes before the 18th.

We will be making reservations at the hotel soon and if there are enough ppl from APL that want to share we will upgrade to a suite.

Scarab Sages

i dont see them on, but does anyone allow warlocks in thier games? im dying to play one past lvl 4


@ Jake- Yeah that's what I wanted to ask. I could be up for sharing a room save a lot of money that way.

Silver Crusade 5/5

I am definitly down for scarab.... let me clear it with the boss tonight

Hello my fellow Pathfinders, Simeón here from The Wyvern's Tale.

So we have our schedule for opening, assuming all GM's agree and the city doesn't **** block us for some weird permit reason.

Pathfinder 1
Pathfinder 2
Hackmaster or GURPS

Monsters! Monsters!

Pathfinder 3
Pathfinder 4

We would like one of the noon games to be the Free RPG Day module and one of the 5:30 games to be the new module as well, with the other two slots open to your interpretation. Keep in mind brand new people could be wandering in at any time. We're not sure if we are going to do a sign up sheet or first come first served on the games.

As for gaming on the 9th (this Saturday) we don't have our occupancy permit yet, so if 20 people are there we could get in a lot of trouble. I'm supposed to hear something by Friday (BUT this is the city government we're talking about here) so if you guys want to wait until then to figure something out that's fine. As soon as I know something I'll probably send James an email or FB message.

Also, I need to get the modules out to the GM's who will be running them, drop me a line
simeon AT thewyvernstaleavl DOT com to set up a time for me to get them to you.

Thanks everyone!

Sovereign Court

nillic wrote:
Hello my fellow Pathfinders, Simeón here from The Wyvern's Tale.

Woot! count me in on running the new scenario Simeón ... I'll send you an email as well, but got carried away. ;)

Silver Crusade 4/5

zylphryx wrote:
nillic wrote:
Hello my fellow Pathfinders, Simeón here from The Wyvern's Tale.
Woot! count me in on running the new scenario Simeón ... I'll send you an email as well, but got carried away. ;)

OK,so we need to figure out who will be running, I want to run the new Module. I can make the 5:30 slot, and Simeón has given us two tables at that time.

Occupancy permit granted. If someone can help us (i.e. if you have a truck) Friday, then we can host you Saturday.


Silver Crusade 4/5

nillic wrote:

Occupancy permit granted. If someone can help us (i.e. if you have a truck) Friday, then we can host you Saturday.


Sweet!... I wish I had a truck...

Silver Crusade 5/5


I'll call in some favors.... don't get off work until after 3....


What time friday? I am free until about 1pm. So I can help in the morning up until then. But alas then I have work.

Also is anyone else tempted to drop 50 to the online demo kickstarter for the Thornkeep book that now has over 96 pages and is PFS compatible?
I may just have to drop the cash. If they can garner another 25,000 in 48 hours Ed Greenwood will write a dungeon level and add that to the book making it over 110 pages! Either way it might be fun.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Varrian Lunari wrote:

lse tempted to drop 50 to the online demo kickstarter for the Thornkeep book that now has over 96 pages and is PFS compatible?

I may just have to drop the cash. If they can garner another 25,000 in 48 hours Ed Greenwood will write a dungeon level and add that to the book making it over 110 pages! Either way it might be fun.

I was tempted but I could buy a couple books for that much,.. I will have to pass on that one. :(

FYI, Dain is running the new module at noon, and Jake is running the new module at 5:30. So the other 2 slots are still open for other adventures


Liberty's Edge

I don't have a truck, but I'm willing to help this friday at WT for a few hours if needed, as long as it's after 3-4 (need to sleep some time).
As for free RPG day, sign me up for playing in the new campaign at 5:30! If I get there any earlier, I'll just scope stuff out or have fun with the GURPS or DCC people.

So, all things according to plan, we are meeting this saturday at WT, and then next Saturday for free RPG day?

Silver Crusade 4/5

Goln "Goon" Leapstep wrote:

As for free RPG day, sign me up for playing in the new campaign at 5:30!

...So, all things according to plan, we are meeting this Saturday at WT, and then next Saturday for free RPG day?

I hope so, we just need to find a truck. There are more then enough volunteers (I'm free after 4pm Fri).

Silver Crusade 5/5


Working on truck but it would be later in the day. Also I'm downe for an evening slot on rpg day...

Thanks for getting there early for us.


The Exchange 2/5

Simeon, I'd be happy to run a scenario for the other time slot at noon. I've got a low level and a couple mids I could prep for whomever shows up.

And I really wish I had dropped more than $30 into the Kickstarter!



You can drop another 20 and it will bump you to the next level from what I understand.

Any news on what time you are starting tomorrow Simeon? I don't have a truck but I can help move things if its before 1pm.

Silver Crusade 1/5

I have a pickup, What time are we meeting there? shortbed with crew cab

Well naturally you guys wait till my old warhorse is in the shop. I'm having some work done on the 50 caliber turret. If it's ready tomorrow, I could bring it by after work 5:00ish. I'll post this evening on the status.

Btw: I'm definitely doing Scarab 2013. That was the best convention I've attended to date. I'd like to see about getting a group rate or splitting some suites.

Sovereign Court

Questioncontent wrote:

Simeon, I'd be happy to run a scenario for the other time slot at noon. I've got a low level and a couple mids I could prep for whomever shows up.

And I really wish I had dropped more than $30 into the Kickstarter!


You can log into Kickstarter and click on "Manage Your Pledge" to adjust your pledge amount and reward level.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Speaking of awesome gaming events, the owner of Comic Envy is trying to put together a comic convention here in AVL. Asheville Comic Expo (A.C.E.). He would really like us to support the event, and I'd be willing to run a warhorn for it. It'll be like geekout, but with more comics! It won't be until october, but that might be a good occasion to setup a second run of shirts for the guys who missed out.

Pretty much all the people I have talked to about geekout said the gaming was the best part, and thats all thanks to you guys! It would also be another great time to draw in players from surrounding towns and grow the APL regulars. Who's with me!?

Scarab Sages 4/5

What time is the game on the 9th? I just moved up to NC and might make the (2+ hour) drive into Asheville for it. If not, I'll try to catch one of the games on the 16th. I've only got a Lvl 2 character, but I think I saw one of the posts saying it would be a tier 1-2 on Saturday?


Hi guys, I've seen several posts about trucks so I'm unsure as to who has one and who doesn't. We can start at any time tomorrow. If you could drop me a line simeon AT thewyvernstaleavl DOT com we can arrange what is happening. Thank you!


Silver Crusade 5/5

Saturday games get going at 5pm o and we actually start the scenario at 6pm... the hour gap are for folks to work out character issues and what not.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Thorynn... get me some dates in October and I'll work on being available and I'm sure we can get a crew together.... hell with this much notice we could dwarf the turn out at Geekout.

Silver Crusade 1/5

Is there a problem with Dwarves?

Silver Crusade 4/5

Ferious Thune wrote:

What time is the game on the 9th? I just moved up to NC and might make the (2+ hour) drive into Asheville for it. If not, I'll try to catch one of the games on the 16th. I've only got a Lvl 2 character, but I think I saw one of the posts saying it would be a tier 1-2 on Saturday?


There are at least two games and one of them will be for that their.

As an update, I've had a cold for about 3 days so I want to be able to sleep in tomorrow. This means we'll be starting around noon moving things from downstairs to upstairs. When anyone shows up with truckage, we'll go over to sam's club and pick up the chairs for the upstairs. It's not a terrible amount of work so it shouldn't take long.


Silver Crusade 5/5

Granyt.... Simeon needs someone around 12pm with a truck to move chairs... Send him an email pretty please... He listed it above..

Nice pun about dwarves btw LOL

Silver Crusade 1/5

I Will have to go about 3 to take care of something I forgot had scheduled for later in the afternoon, but Will try to be there at noon with the truck. And Mark

Scarab Sages 4/5

Thanks. I'm going to try to make it this Saturday.


Scarab Sages

I will probably be there with the Dwarf to help move things assuming we make it there to help.

Silver Crusade 4/5

I can't be there until 4pm but I'll stop buy and see if things are still rolling.


Just dropped the 100 level on the kickstarter! Holt crap ed greenwood is going to sign the book and now they have two flip mats for the four dungeon levels in Thornkeep including the t at 100.

Silver Crusade 1/5

Just spent 45 minutes driving up and down Merrimon looking for it, was told just past Enmark on the right. Guess I need an address or a sign or something to find it.


I had the address but just realized I deleted it, I actually need it again if we are going to hold game there tomorrow. Thanks

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