Asheville Pathfinder Society Lodge

Local Play

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Silver Crusade 1/5

Dawn of the Scarlet Sun was the free RPG day senario that had special conditions to it, ran with the 5th level pregens, but to be applied to a new first level character.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Granyt wrote:
Dawn of the Scarlet Sun was the free RPG day senario that had special conditions to it, ran with the 5th level pregens, but to be applied to a new first level character.

Most of that I gathered from the search, which is why I said it sounded equivalent to a 1st-level scenario in which you failed your faction mission (most 1-2 tier scenarios would give around 500gp and 2 prestige). I'm guessing there must be more to it than that, something that makes the scenario special whether it's a good start to a later character or not. In 'We Be Goblins', you get to play goblins... but the iconic pregens aren't much liked, so I doubt they would be the draw.

Lantern Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jake Dodd wrote:

UNCA event went well. I spent all evening talking to bystanders, while Aly ran "We Be Goblins!" (good job by the way).

We should have a few new faces at this weeks meeting. I think I lost my voice a bit... I was a bit raspy by the end of the night.

Thanks ^_^; I was uber nervous but I was lucky enough to have a very supportive Sonne and friends there to play. I really hope to see some of the people who stopped by asking questions at the games this Saturday!!

The event was successful and I believe the Pathfinders found many paths there.

A huge thanks goes to those awesome people (You know who ya'll are) who loaned me maps, stats, and more. I will be giving those back to you with more gratitude next meeting.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Keovar wrote:
Granyt wrote:
Dawn of the Scarlet Sun was the free RPG day senario that had special conditions to it, ran with the 5th level pregens, but to be applied to a new first level character.
Most of that I gathered from the search, which is why I said it sounded equivalent to a 1st-level scenario in which you failed your faction mission (most 1-2 tier scenarios would give around 500gp and 2 prestige). I'm guessing there must be more to it than that, something that makes the scenario special whether it's a good start to a later character or not. In 'We Be Goblins', you get to play goblins... but the iconic pregens aren't much liked, so I doubt they would be the draw.

the module can be played with any character that falls in the lvl range and you get 1xp, 1pp, and the listed gold. It can be used to start a new character if played with a pregen, or held till a current character reaches leagel lvl. The bigest draw of it is the awesome boons given by the chronicle.

And the pregens that came with it are only leagel for use with DotSS due to them not being built useing PFS rules. They are also 5th lvl while normal pregens are 4th.

Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

Happy Monday, you crazy Mwangi.

All thanks to our UNCA Heralds for heading up a rousing rendition of "We Be" this weekend. Some new faces that might be showing up this week. What great timing...

'And what's this week?,' you might ask. (Oh, I'm so glad you asked!)


Here are the basic rules for this alpha test of the Goblin Moon Day -

1.) You get to make a goblin PC. Or two (see below).

2.) Each goblin PC has the ability to die and come back TWICE (it has three lives).

3.) Each reincarnation of your goblin PC is EXACTLY the same as your starter goblin PC (save with a different name that must rhyme with the first name).

4.) No player-on-player violence. Violence on everything else is not just encouraged; it is essential.

5.) There is no PFS credit for this. Zip. No GM credit either. No PFS number is necessary.

6.) You may play in both time slots, but you must use different goblin PCs. We will give seating preference to those who have not played yet.

7.) Maximum goblin party size: 8 goblins! (Oh, yeah!)

8.) This may suck. It's an alpha play-test. Who knows? I'm simply hopelessly optimistic.

9.) Dain is the mayor of Goblin Town. His work has made this possible. All thanks to Braid Beard!

10.) Rule #10 is a secret rule. More info on this may be divulged on Saturday.

Now go sign up and get excited, people!!!


Silver Crusade 4/5

No fear for those that want to play something other then Goblin moon day (no idea why you're crazy).

Scenarios will be added to the weekend, keep an eye out for them as they will be showing up as GMs perticipate in mortal combat to deturmine who will run.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

AlyGlows wrote:
Jake Dodd wrote:

UNCA event went well. I spent all evening talking to bystanders, while Aly ran "We Be Goblins!" (good job by the way).

We should have a few new faces at this weeks meeting. I think I lost my voice a bit... I was a bit raspy by the end of the night.

Thanks ^_^; I was uber nervous but I was lucky enough to have a very supportive Sonne and friends there to play. I really hope to see some of the people who stopped by asking questions at the games this Saturday!!

The event was successful and I believe the Pathfinders found many paths there.

A huge thanks goes to those awesome people (You know who ya'll are) who loaned me maps, stats, and more. I will be giving those back to you with more gratitude next meeting.

Congrats on running your game! I hope to hear more about it at the next lodge meeting. Sounds like it went really well. The best part about a game of Weebies is that there tend to be a couple really defining crowning moments of awesome in each game.

Good work with the branching out- keep being a great representative of APL and trying to drum up interest. The more we have on board, the better our games become.

Scarab Sages 4/5

I know several of the APL expressed interest in the MACE event and I have turned over the schedule to Paul for you guys to sign up. I only have room left for four GMs. To get a free badge you need to run 3 scenarios. I need answers by next Friday. After that I am opening it up to another part of the region to get signed up for slots. Get with Paul ASAP and get back with me. I will be in Asheville this weekend if you have questions you should be able to catch me at WT or HS this weekend.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Dang, I hate that I'm gonna miss both Mace and the Goblin Moon day with 2!!! Venture Captains.

Shadow Lodge 3/5

Time for the nubbery questions...

Please expound on the anagram "MACE" and HS. I know what WT is by now, but the others have me baffled.

Also, I'd be down for some goblin fun but have been itching to get more play time as a freshly minted Pathfinder. I will keep an eye out for the additions. I missed the update on activities on Saturday or I totally would have been there.

Looking forward to meeting the local crew...

A caveat - my wife is pregnant and nearing D-day... I am stretching it to get out of the house before 6 on a Saturday as it is and the baby could fall out any time now... if I am a no-show without sufficient forewarning, it would typically be for good reason.

Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

Enaudible, we understand completely and Mazel Tov in advance!

MACE is a gaming convention that will be taking place in Charlotte from November 2-4. Its website is HERE. I don't know what 'MACE' stands for, unfortunately? Bueller?

SCARAB stands for 'South Carolina Area Roleplayers and Boardgamers' and is a gaming convention in Columbia, SC from January 18-21. Its website is HERE.

HS stands for Hillside Games, another gaming store in Asheville. They're over on Tunnel Rd near the mall.

We will keep you posted on official Pathfinder games opening up this weekend. May I recommend to you the WARHORN SITE??

Cheers, y'all!


Scarab Sages 4/5

MACE stands for Mid-Atlantic Expo or something like that now everyone just calls it MACE.

I just sent Dink the latest MACE PFS schedule and 21 of 28 tables now have GMs. Jump on them quickly if you want to GM.

Silver Crusade 1/5

I have to work next tuesday until 5, it will be close to 5:30 before I could get to the deck box, provided I dont have to work late. I will try to run intro I there but can't promise I will be able to be there in time.

Silver Crusade 1/5

Thursday I have off, WIll run something at WT at 4 if anyone wants, I will at a minimum have Intro I and II ready and am thinking of looking at other senarios to start running.

Is that Thursday next week or this one? Also, I guess the possibility of running Shades of Ice III before Ferious leaves didn't work out?

Paul Trani wrote:

1.) You get to make a goblin PC. Or two (see below).
6.) You may play in both time slots, but you must use different goblin PCs. We will give seating preference to those who have not played yet.

1. Besides playing a goblin, what other non-PFS legal stuff can people use? There are goblin background traits like "Rude Songs" that are directly related, to archetypes like the "gravewalker" witch that aren't necessarily so.

6. Been waiting to see what else is offered that weekend to decide whether to keep the earlier or later timeslot. (If anyone could run part III of Shades of Ice, that would be mega-awesome-superlative-cool.)

Scarab Sages 4/5

Keovar wrote:
Is that Thursday next week or this one? Also, I guess the possibility of running Shades of Ice III before Ferious leaves didn't work out?

First of all, I just wanted to thank everyone at the APL for welcoming me in this summer. It was great to have somewhere to go with so many good people. I'm hoping to be back up next Spring or Summer.

I don't think I can make anything this week after all. I've still got a lot to get done before I head south, and I'm sort of in a holding pattern in case things go bad in New Orleans tomorrow and my friends need to evacuate up here. So far everyone seems pretty confident it won't be a big deal, but you never know.

There's an outside chance I'll still be around this weekend, if there's no power in my neighborhood in New Orleans. Otherwise I'm heading out Friday morning and possibly swinging by Dragon Con, so maybe I'll run into some of you there.

Thanks again, everyone!


Sovereign Court

Ferious Thune wrote:
Keovar wrote:
Is that Thursday next week or this one? Also, I guess the possibility of running Shades of Ice III before Ferious leaves didn't work out?

First of all, I just wanted to thank everyone at the APL for welcoming me in this summer. It was great to have somewhere to go with so many good people. I'm hoping to be back up next Spring or Summer.

I don't think I can make anything this week after all. I've still got a lot to get done before I head south, and I'm sort of in a holding pattern in case things go bad in New Orleans tomorrow and my friends need to evacuate up here. So far everyone seems pretty confident it won't be a big deal, but you never know.

There's an outside chance I'll still be around this weekend, if there's no power in my neighborhood in New Orleans. Otherwise I'm heading out Friday morning and possibly swinging by Dragon Con, so maybe I'll run into some of you there.

Thanks again, everyone!


It was a pleasure having you at the tables. Good luck on getting back to New Orleans (hopefully Isaac will not be anything significant), if you can work DragonCon into your return home I would say do it (hunt down Luth, he'll be there) and we look forward to seeing you back at the tables when you come back up this way. :)

Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

Keovar wrote:

1. Besides playing a goblin, what other non-PFS legal stuff can people use? There are goblin background traits like "Rude Songs" that are directly related, to archetypes like the "gravewalker" witch that aren't necessarily so.

Keovar, if it's in the Goblins of Golarion sourcebook or the Advanced Race Guide, you can use it. Rude Songs falls into this category.

As far as barred stuff from PFS goes....the majority of the stuff that was axed from PFS was axed due to the fact that it was abjectly evil. You're playing goblins. Gravewalk it up. Of course, you're going to be starting with 1st level characters, and you're going to be half-crazed goblins...all I'm saying is, don't get too attached.

Finally, and I will parrot this all week and weekend long....

There is no PFS credit for this. This is not an official Paizo or PFS thing.

But oh! it will be fun.

Ferious, it was a blast having you. Be safe and come on back whenever you have the chance!


Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 * Venture-Captain, Mississippi–Hattiesburg

Would there be anyone interested in a Thursday 'High Noon' game? PM me and we'll see if ya'll want me or someone else to run something.

Silver Crusade 1/5

Thursday as in Day after tomorrow. Not sure if doing anything early could possibly go to WT at noon if something is happening.

Dark Archive 3/5

I could do something after I finish work at 4.

Ferious Thune wrote:

It was great to have somewhere to go with so many good people. I'm hoping to be back up next Spring or Summer.

Thanks again, everyone!

Good gaming with you!

Paul Trani wrote:

Keovar, if it's in the Goblins of Golarion sourcebook or the Advanced Race Guide, you can use it. Rude Songs falls into this category.

As far as barred stuff from PFS goes....the majority of the stuff that was axed from PFS was axed due to the fact that it was abjectly evil. You're playing goblins. Gravewalk it up.

Those were just the examples that came to mind, not a particular plan or anything. I know it's not for PFS credit though, so trying a class we can't normally play in PFS may be interesting. Converting the retired scenarios like 'Skeleton Moon' (just the first example to come to mind) could be cool too.

akitayne wrote:
Would there be anyone interested in a Thursday 'High Noon' game? PM me and we'll see if ya'll want me or someone else to run something.

Sounds good! :)

Silver Crusade 5/5

I may come by on Thursday if I get everything ready for my trip early... What is someone running?

Silver Crusade 1/5

If not in an early game I can run intro I or II at 4. I don't have other senarios yet, but planning on getting one or two others after I get paid tomorrow.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 * Venture-Captain, Mississippi–Hattiesburg

We'll get started about 12:30 at the latest on Thursday (the 30th) at WT. I was thinking running either Echoes of the Overwatched (Season 3) or Rise of the Goblin Guild (Season 4 and preferred); depending on who has or has not played it. We can decide on the tier when everyone gets there.

(Don't worry Sim, I'll do my monthly patronage to WT this weekend; pay day is Friday.)

Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

Hey Akitayne, I'll get you hooked up on the Warhorn site. I'll put in Rise of the Goblin Guild.

Happy Hump Day, you Krazy Krenshaw.


Oh, yes yes y'all, Goblin Moon Day approaches. The Intro Step re-write is almost complete (and looks awesome, all praise the Zylphryx). I look forward to playing with all y'all goblin dogs this weekend.

Another side note about Goblin Moon Day rules: no shirt (or Character Folio) re-rolls are valid for any Goblin Moon Day event. They continue to be valid for any PFS event that is running.

And speaking of that, while there is no actual PFS scenario posted on Warhorn for this coming Saturday, please know that we at the Asheville Pathfinder Lodge aim to please, and we will offer (on the fly) a selection of actual PFS scenarios if they are so demanded this coming Saturday.

Stay tuned; the APL is always brewing something.


Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 * Venture-Captain, Mississippi–Hattiesburg

Thanks Cap'n!

Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

SPEAKING of things brewing....

I just got promoted to this weird captain title that I'm not so completely comfortable with (no, you don't need to grovel when you see me), but it does provide some interesting perks, and I'm about to make use of one of them.....which is access to all the tricks that all of the other successful Venture-Officers use in order to get their job done.

We've got Del (who rocks), but you might not know about the Pratts in ATL. Kyle and Nani (who are currently scurrying around nailing everything down at DragonCon lest Luthril gets into one of his moods) are Co-Venture Captains in Atlanta (husband and wife, how cute, *gag*).

The thing is: they rock out. I got a chance to hang with them some at PaizoCon in July, and they are a fun two-headed pair. They also have put out this thing called GM 101, which, as a V-whatever, I now have access to.

We've had a lot of y'all asking "How can I become a PFS GM?" or "What scenario should I try out if I'm new at this? or "Why doesn't my GM record my credit correctly?" or "How can I kill all of my players before the first encounter is over?" and I have an answer to all of those save the last question (Luthril, you'll have to ask that last question to Kyle and Nani in person when you see them at DragonCon).

The answer: GM 101. It's the college course that you wished you could've taken. And I will be starting to offer it on the FRIDAY before official Asheville Pathfinder Lodge days. No, not this weekend AND not the weekend after that (I'm a busybody).

But soon. Stay tuned peeps.


Scarab Sages 4/5

GM101 is awesome. It takes roughly 4 people to run it effectively. But I would highly encourage anyone who GMs or wants to GM to take Paul up on this offer. It was so popular at GenCon people were taking it twice. It condenses decades of GM-ing experience into 4 hours and although it can be tailored specifically for PFS it is useful for any system it is not just for Pathfinder.

Scarab Sages

sounds like a great idea, ill have to take that one friday when i dont have work

Dark Archive 3/5

It's great that Asheville officially has a venture captain now.


Silver Crusade 5/5

Paul Trani wrote:
"How can I kill all of my players before the first encounter is over?" (Luthril, you'll have to ask that last question to Kyle and Nani in person when you see them at DragonCon)

Boss I know the answer... :) and I pity the group that ever makes me use it.

Have fun with Goblins... take picture!

Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

Dude, have a great time in ATL at DragonCon!

Scarab Sages 1/5

Wow! GM 101 sounds awesome! Add that business to the warhorn whenever you get it going. I'm always looking for tips.

Silver Crusade 1/5

I will still show up to WT to run at 4 for those who wish to do intro I or II, but have been requested to work earlier so wont make the noon game.

Shadow Lodge 3/5

Have fun with Rise of the Goblin Guild today. It is fun, though long if really played out all the way. And much opportunity for death! I ran it at Gen Con and a level 1 Barbarian in our group somehow took 37 points of damage and was still standing after one of the encounters...

GM 101 sounds great, count me in.

We need 2 Pathfinder Society members to get down here at the store and play Rise of the Goblin Guild, a season 4 module! STAT

Silver Crusade 1/5

I am on my way for any who want to play at 4, but am being slightly delayed

Liberty's Edge

Thorynn wrote:
Thats too bad. I know a lot of guys were looking forward to it. Any public spaces available? Rooms at the library, that sort of thing?

See your problem is you are trying to work all this out in Asheville. You need to just cross the mountain and game in Johnson City. We have a group in Kingsport so Johnson City would be great. Or even better town hall in Jonesborough or the Library in Jonesborough. Asheville ... Sheesh.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Yeah, thankfully it all worked out. Come check out The Wyvern's Tale next time you come over the mountain. We've got out own Venture Captain now! Usually 4-6 tables every two weeks on Saturdays.

3/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

@TBaileySr: FYI, Rise of the Goblin Guild is the scenario I'm running (4 times) at DragonCon, so you won't ever see me run it for you. This might be your best shot...

Grand Lodge

Fun fact: my League of Legends username in Frostgiant444.

Liberty's Edge

In case you did not catch it. I was just teasing you North Carolina folks. Heck my family tree traces back to Burnsville area. My ancestor even donated the land that Burnsville sits on.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

TBaileySr wrote:
In case you did not catch it. I was just teasing you North Carolina folks. Heck my family tree traces back to Burnsville area. My ancestor even donated the land that Burnsville sits on.

Family Here There Born there Rased here my grate grate uncle was hung in marshall then they named a bridge Bailey Bridge after that lol

Scarab Sages

Hi, I'm new here and lost on this site any advice? I played in Aly's game at UNCA. I cant wait to meet you in game and also I am new to pathfinder. I have played Dragon Age RPG table top but the GMs where not so great.

Sovereign Court

Hi Kendra. We'll have games for PFS at ~530pm today at the Wyvern's Tale on Merrimon ... I would recommend showing up around 5pm if you need help with a PC ... C'mon down

Scarab Sages

Ok, thanks Aly toll me to sign in on War Horn but I can not find how to log in as a new user. Ok, thanks i plan to show up at 5pm. Also, should I be looking for any one in particular once I get on site or should I say any thing particular so I can be pointed in the right area? Thanks for the help Zylphryx! I cant wait to meet more of you soon!

Sovereign Court

Just head upstairs, we'll be up there. Aly and Sonne are here and several of the regular GMs are here as well. We'll help you out with any PC help you need and introduce you to warhorn. :)

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Kendra Jones wrote:
Ok, thanks Aly toll me to sign in on War Horn but I can not find how to log in as a new user. Ok, thanks i plan to show up at 5pm. Also, should I be looking for any one in particular once I get on site or should I say any thing particular so I can be pointed in the right area? Thanks for the help Zylphryx! I cant wait to meet more of you soon!

This should help with the War horn Logging in making user name

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