Asheville Pathfinder Society Lodge

Local Play

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Scarab Sages 4/5

Thorynn wrote:
Ferious, did you move? It was great to have you at games at the Wyverns Tale. Let us know how the games go in the Big Easy.

Yes, or more like moved back. I live in New Orleans, but was in North Carolina for the summer. I've got a lot of family up there and an old family place near Topton, so I'm hoping to be back in Spring or Summer.

And thanks, it was fun being at the games.

Sovereign Court

I gotta agree with Thorynn and Luth. Blood would be a great Anniversary run and it gives a good amount of time to get all the GMs (and potential alternate/additional GMs) time to prep the event fully.

Since this is a multi table event and it is not something we have done before, I think we should get the scenario to all the folks who are running it as soon as possible, prep maps for every table and make sure that we map out the estimated timing for each section so we don't have a large divergence between tables on time. I just don't think 1 month where some of the GMs have additional commitments to fulfill would do much to ensure we pull it off properly.

Silver Crusade 1/5

I am game for any and all events I can make, but unfortunately I don't get my schedule until just a few days before it is in effect so can't commit this far out.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Keovar wrote:
The Rebel's Ransom being run on the 29th is tiered at 5-9, but this isn't listed on the WarHorn description, so people are currently signed up as levels 1-2.

Thanks Kevin To some of us nubes We don't what the tiers Are on any of the stuff Plus there was only 2 earlier.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Paul Trani wrote:

Ok people, it's time for an APL roll call.

We have the opportunity to put something special together on the evening of ACE. As some of you may know, ACE (Asheville Comic Expo) is going down October 13th. The APL has only one time slot at that game with 2 tables, due to the timing of the con.

I want to do something more. Something awesome. I want to run Blood Under Absalom as an APL after-party to the con at the WT.

It requires 5 tables, 25 players, and 5 GMs. 30 people playing the same adventure all at once. Total awesomeness. My question: can we muster that many people?

I say we can, but that's why I'm posting this. Can YOU?

I need firm commitments. Prep for this is extensive. I won't even start unless we come close. We also need 4 GMs (I'll be one of them). So again, I repeat: Can YOU do this?


Im Game But Are you guys lol

Scarab Sages 1/5

zylphryx wrote:
prep maps for every table

Thats the other thing, the SCARAB crew had the maps printed out and laminated. If we could get our hands on those...

It was one of the best games I've ever participated in, bar none, and it would be a great way to celebrate an awesome year. If we set it between turkey day and Christmas, I think we could have a lot of peeps in town and ready to roll.

Dark Archive 2/5

zylphryx wrote:

I gotta agree with Thorynn and Luth. Blood would be a great Anniversary run and it gives a good amount of time to get all the GMs (and potential alternate/additional GMs) time to prep the event fully.

Since this is a multi table event and it is not something we have done before, I think we should get the scenario to all the folks who are running it as soon as possible, prep maps for every table and make sure that we map out the estimated timing for each section so we don't have a large divergence between tables on time. I just don't think 1 month where some of the GMs have additional commitments to fulfill would do much to ensure we pull it off properly.

Please let me know more about this i would really love to run a table

Silver Crusade 4/5

I'm up to GM!!! Anytime is good but Scarab support would be cool.

Keovar wrote:
The Rebel's Ransom being run on the 29th is tiered at 5-9, but this isn't listed on the WarHorn description, so people are currently signed up as levels 1-2.


Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Thanks, Jake, for the fix. Sorry for the incorrect tier-ing of Rebel's Ransom, y'all.

The crowd has spoken! We will save Blood Under Absalom for our Anniversary party. We'll also set that date and get GMs prepped to run the Asmodeus out of it ASAP. More info about it to be had here.

Well....what shall we do for the post-ACE time frame? Some more PFS scenario slots at the WT? Flash mob recreation of the Thriller zombie dance at Pack Square? Eh....maybe some more PFS scenario slots...

Alrighty then, you want to create the extra PFS slots for that date as part of the ACE Warhorn site? Or should it be part of the APL regular Warhorn signup?

I thank everyone for the roll call. An actively verbal Lodge is what we've always been; feedback is appreciated.

Oh, speaking of sign-ups....SIGN UP!!!


Scarab Sages 4/5

Drop me a line and let me know what you need - SCARAB is here to help with anything we can. Paul is not operating in a box I want to make sure he has all the support he needs.

Please remember that in order for us to plan a 4-hour road trip you need to give us about 6 weeks of lead time.

I do have a single (board game) staff member in Black Mountain and frequently meet her in Spartanburg to drop off materials and goodies. So if there are just some props that you need I can get them to her and have them dropped off.

We are going to be running Race for the Runecarved Key at SCARAB but I would LOVE to get to run Blood Under Absalom since I didn't get to run it or play in it this past year :-(

Shadow Lodge 2/5

After looking on the Warhorn page, I'm Sad to see that there are so few games... Not meaning to push but I can run my Alpha test on Saturday,and that would be about 2 games worth of time...

Background for My Campaign/Adventure Arc:
Taking place in the late 1800’s-styled country of Victhoria, this adventure mixes sword and sorcery with Sherlock Holmes. The PC’s are sent on an adventure with plot turns and twists, murder, mystery, inconceivable horror; and a crafty, insane, and shady antagonist named Mycros.

Dark Archive 3/5

Andy had asked me about the maps in First Steps. Sorry this is a bit late.

There are 2 maps that don't use Paizo premade maps.
They use the map packs for ambush site.
The flip mats used are haunted dungeon, river crossing, forest, swamp and waterfront tavern.

Scarab Sages 4/5

I think I sent those non-standard maps to Jake. If anyone wants them to print on their own I can get them a print friendly copy.

Scarab Sages 4/5

We are going to be running some big pathfinder events at Firefly in Lexington, SC see the event listing here and the warhorn site will be up shortly.

Silver Crusade 5/5

ObscureLego wrote:

After looking on the Warhorn page, I'm Sad to see that there are so few games... Not meaning to push but I can run my Alpha test on Saturday,and that would be about 2 games worth of time...

Background for My Campaign/Adventure Arc:
Taking place in the late 1800’s-styled country of Victhoria, this adventure mixes sword and sorcery with Sherlock Holmes. The PC’s are sent on an adventure with plot turns and twists, murder, mystery, inconceivable horror; and a crafty, insane, and shady antagonist named Mycros.

Lego seeing as the games posted aren't even full I don't think you'll get enough people for your game. As a personal rule I only run the campaign setting I'm developing on None PFS days, not that you need to play by my rules or anything, but I don't like to make my players choose between helping me and leveling their PFS characters.

You are of course always welcome to run whatever you want at TWT, we use their space because they are nice enough to let us, have you asked the guys about an open table? They really are the one to talk about running your game not us.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Paul Trani wrote:

Well....what shall we do for the post-ACE time frame?

Alrighty then, you want to create the extra PFS slots for that date as part of the ACE Warhorn site? Or should it be part of the APL regular Warhorn signup?

I think we should just use the regular APL warhorn for games at and after ACE. The ACE warhorn was setup months before we were regularly using it for APL. Unless that confuses things? I would love to see a lot of people playing at ACE as its a big event with lots of sponsors and could be really good to get some fresh blood in to lodge meetings. Afterwards, I think I'm headed to the minibosses show at emerald lounge, but if you guys wanna game a second session at TWT, more power to you.

ObscureLego wrote:

After looking on the Warhorn page, I'm Sad to see that there are so few games... Not meaning to push but I can run my Alpha test on Saturday,and that would be about 2 games worth of time...

Background for My Campaign/Adventure Arc:
Taking place in the late 1800’s-styled country of Victhoria, this adventure mixes sword and sorcery with Sherlock Holmes. The PC’s are sent on an adventure with plot turns and twists, murder, mystery, inconceivable horror; and a crafty, insane, and shady antagonist named Mycros.

That sounds awesome-I'll gladly playtest it with you.

And to everyone else, a lot of these convention acronyms (and perhaps some of them aren't acronyms for conventions) are lost on me; could someone please explain them and give a general calendar for them? Thanks!

Sovereign Court

APL - Asheville Pathfinder Lodge (not a Con)
ACE - Asheville Comics Expo (a Con)
SCARAB - South Carolina Area Roleplayers and Boardgamers (a Con in Columbia SC in January ... recommended)
MACE - maybe Mid-Atlantic Expo according to Del a couple pages back (a Con in Charlotte in November ... I've not been, but I've heard good things)

Did I miss any?

Scarab Sages 1/5

PFS - Pathfinder Society
ACE - Sat. Oct 13th
SCARAB - January 18-21, 2013
MACE - November 02 - 04, 2012
APL - Every other Saturday

Scarab Sages 4/5

zylphryx wrote:

APL - Asheville Pathfinder Lodge (not a Con)

ACE - Asheville Comics Expo (a Con)
SCARAB - South Carolina Area Roleplayers and Boardgamers (a Con in Columbia SC in January ... recommended)
MACE - maybe Mid-Atlantic Expo according to Del a couple pages back (a Con in Charlotte in November ... I've not been, but I've heard good things)

Did I miss any?

I did get confirmation on the meaning of MACE (Mid-Atlantic Convention Expo)

Also if you are putting together a list of events in the area look here:

SCARAB Calendar

This is a list of the events we attend annually. There are many more if you are really ambitious :-)

Sovereign Court

Oh sure, just overload us with options Del. ;)

Hey, you still need GMs for SCARAB in January?

Scarab Sages 4/5

zylphryx wrote:
Hey, you still need GMs for SCARAB in January?

Don't want you to get bored for lack of having any place to play :-)

We will definitely need GMs and the schedule will be posted in about 3-4 weeks. Right now I am finalizing the schedule for MACE which is turning out to be a great schedule.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Happy Thursday, y'all!

I'm as jealous as a Kellid in a fur factory that y'all are getting ready to have Module Day at the Wyvern's on Saturday. Don't forget to SIGN-UP for the mayhem.

I'm getting good at this Warhorn thing, thanks to some help from people who've had experience. Starting after this weekend, you'll note that the calendar view now tells you which store the games are going to be held at, as well as the scenario # (not present for modules or "other" stuff), and the levels of the scenarios (hopefully listed correctly). If you have admin access to Warhorn, please note the changes that I've made to all of the scenarios listed and list your game at the correct venue when you schedule stuff. Thanks!

I talked up some new people for this coming Saturday. Look out for the new Greenies! And someone (*ahem* zylphryx, StrangePackages) make sure to get them their 'Welcome' d20s (behind the desk at WT).

Thorynn, put in those slots for the after-ACE Wyvern's Tale games and we'll rock it out with some fun scenarios at WT in the afternoon. Looks like we've got some GMs who want in. The Blood Under Absalom special will wait until December 15th (the APL First Anniversary Melee Celebration).

Public kudos to Zylphryx for his work on the Goblin Moon Days - we now have 7 other PFS chapters who want to play-test his adventure! Awesome awesome awesome!

There are a few more APL tshirts behind the counter at the WT (I think, like, 2). Get them while they're hot!

Convention updates:

Most of you know that ACE (Asheville Comic Expo) is going down at the Convention Center in Asheville on October 13th (Saturday). And if you don't know about it, then HERE.

Additionally, a number of us will be going to MACE (in Charlotte) from November 2-4. We'd love to have a large APL contingent. I encourage everyone who is going to make it known so that carpooling can be a possibility (especially if folks need a ride).

And finally, SCARAB (which is Del's convention) rocks. It is in January. More of us are going to SCARAB than MACE. Carpooling, commence!

This was going to be a short update! Ah, well, we're busy.

Cheers and 20s!

Hey, between all the posts and Warhorn, I'm uncertain-are we running Carrion Hill? And what level range is it? Everything else is already full ._.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

StrangePackages is still running Carrion Hill. I encourage you to sign up for it - it's a great module. Don't fret about stuff not being open - there will be extra sessions available if needed.

Silver Crusade

zylphryx wrote:

APL - Asheville Pathfinder Lodge (not a Con)

ACE - Asheville Comics Expo (a Con)
SCARAB - South Carolina Area Roleplayers and Boardgamers (a Con in Columbia SC in January ... recommended)
MACE - maybe Mid-Atlantic Expo according to Del a couple pages back (a Con in Charlotte in November ... I've not been, but I've heard good things)

Did I miss any?

Considering the way I've been buried with work and other real life committments lately, I've got a suggestion for another...

Asheville Area Role Players (AARP)

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Eaghen- wrote:

Considering the way I've been buried with work and other real life committments lately, I've got a suggestion for another...

Asheville Area Role Players (AARP)


We'd love to see you whenever you get out from under the paperwork, Eaghen!


Shadow Lodge 3/5

The baby arrived on Wednesday - looks like the only reasonable and logical decision is to forgo the Saturday game... the gamer in me wants to rebel. I signed up on warhorn, but unless there is another moon and it aligns with ours, I won't be there...

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Baby trumps game. Congratulations, papa!

Silver Crusade 5/5

enaudible wrote:
The baby arrived on Wednesday - looks like the only reasonable and logical decision is to forgo the Saturday game... the gamer in me wants to rebel. I signed up on warhorn, but unless there is another moon and it aligns with ours, I won't be there...

Birth of child is always an acceptable excuse... look at it this way you can't use it again for at least 9 months soooo.... see you next session.

Congratulations, and welcome to the club if it is your first!

Liberty's Edge 2/5

enaudible wrote:
The baby arrived on Wednesday - looks like the only reasonable and logical decision is to forgo the Saturday game... the gamer in me wants to rebel. I signed up on warhorn, but unless there is another moon and it aligns with ours, I won't be there...

Congrats On Being A New PAPA

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Thanks to whom ever fixed the War horn On What tiers they are it is very helpful.

Shadow Lodge 3/5

It is actually the 4th daughter...

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Y chromosomes are endangered species in your house!

Shadow Lodge 2/5

I'd be willing to run a Beginning Quest if need be... btw does anyone have a PDF of those?

Scarab Sages 4/5

You can get the Intro Series pdf's here for free.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I think we have all 3 of the Intro Steps in Binders downstairs at the counter. Just as Simeon or Deklan, whoever is working that day.

Silver Crusade 4/5

I have a few guys I've talked to sence last meeting comming too. I think there will be quite a few walk-ins.

And yes the intros are behind the counter and I will have the maps for them.

Silver Crusade 1/5

I have maps for intro 1 and 2 but wont be there until 5, but could send them with Mark if he goes earlier.

Scarab Sages 4/5

I have to make a run to Spartanburg tomorrow to meet my Asheville Swarm Member. Did ya'll need something for the Comic Expo event?

I may drop stuff to her again in a couple of weeks but I never can tell.

Scarab Sages 1/5

That depends. Space is limited but does anyone else want to run a table at ACE? I'm trying to firm up the schedule as we are less than a month out.

Del, do you have any of the 4th season stuff, (other than goblin guild) we could borrow?

Dark Archive 3/5

I've got all the currently available season 4 scenarios, except the special.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Alright people, I've given this plenty of thought...

Our time as a PFS Lodge is a fleeting time. We get together twice weekly (mainly) in order to roll dice and role play and socialize for a few hours. The thing that keeps us coming back is the rewards we get, be they from gaining experience, loot, levels, or simply socialization.

Pathfinder Society scenarios are our life-blood. If we start to dilute them by offering other games during the times that we meet, our close-knit group will suffer, and people will stop being as rabidly-intense (you know who you are) about this awesome thing that we have. And then they'll stop coming.

Yes, we ran 'Raidmakers' a few weeks' back, and it wasn't for Society credit - but it was developed as something that could be played by Society players. I'm flip-flopping on a previous decision that I made - I feel that Asheville Pathfinder Lodge Saturdays (twice weekly) need to be reserved for Pathfinder Society events only.

If you have a different game, a different system, something home-cooked, I invite you to run it at the Wyvern's Tale. But not every other Saturday when we have Pathfinder Society time. I feel that that's in the best interests of our fledgling group to keep the liquor STRONG, by not diluting it.

I hope I haven't offended (twas not my intention); and I hope y'all have a grand Lodge Day. See ya soon.


Scarab Sages 4/5

Thorynn wrote:
Del, do you have any of the 4th season stuff, (other than goblin guild) we could borrow?

No we are getting all of that stuff to the printer next week so we will have it for MACE. We should have it back in time for ACE and if I can get it up there to you I will find a way.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Chris Ballard wrote:
I've got all the currently available season 4 scenarios, except the special.

Do you want to run one of them at ACE? Dink is running Goblin Guild, but In Wrath's Shadow would be really cool to have there.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Delbert Collins II wrote:
Thorynn wrote:
Del, do you have any of the 4th season stuff, (other than goblin guild) we could borrow?
No we are getting all of that stuff to the printer next week so we will have it for MACE. We should have it back in time for ACE and if I can get it up there to you I will find a way.

I wouldn't stress about it. The RPG space at the con is a little limited. If you can, awesome, if you can't, we'll make do. Thanks!

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Had a ton of fun GMing my first two games last night! Even if it was short notice with about 30 mins of prep time... But Pathfinders never give up that easy! NAY!


Delbert Collins II wrote:
You can get the Intro Series pdf's here for free.

Thank you for that as well

Dark Archive 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'll run In Shadow's Wrath at ACE.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Thanks all for a very successful session. Unfortunately, reporting will be slightly delayed as our VC had a few real-world distractions to deal with this weekend. We'll get the sheets to him and get your credit applied ASAP.

Hope everyone had a good time. It was really good to see so many new faces. Special thanks to Lego, for pitching in to run the Intro Steps twice! Hope to see your crew return for more fun.

Silver Crusade

Thanks for the fantastic run! I really enjoyed getting back in the saddle and seeing everyone. As usual, you did an awesome GM'ing job. And also thanks to my fellow players for a great job in dealing with that annoyingly difficult module. Maybe it wouldn't have been guite so difficult if we'd had a trapper, but some serious creativity and stick-to-it-iveness won the day :) Great job and I look forward to doing it again with ya'll.

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