Asheville Pathfinder Society Lodge

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Buy your snacks there. We're not paying to use the space, so the more we spend as a group the more likely they are to want us to be there next week.

Wish I could be there, guys. I'll catch you all next week.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Kyle Pratt wrote:

If any of you want to have some more PFS Con fun, we're running a large amount of PFS at Con Nooga from Feb 17-19 in Chattanooga. I looked it up, and it's about a 4 hour drive for you folks. Damn the mountain and making it slow to drive over there :)

Anyways, so far we've got 40 tables or so signed up with a bunch more scheduled. If you want in on the action I'd suggest per-registering for games on our Warhorn!

I will definitely be there probably Saturday and Sunday. I already started regestering on Warhorn.

I had so much fun playing with Sakura, and Nani was one of mine and Stu's (Njoror) favorite GMs of SCARAB.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Awesome session last night. When Dain asks if you want to "play up" make sure to ask whether that is 3-4 or 4-5! My wand of cure light wounds got a workout! We would have been murdered several times if not for that, and we almost were anyway. I'm not complaining about the 1800+ gold tho.

I wanted to try the coffee house venue before really weighing in, but its not a great venue. I appreciate Dink's effort in getting something arranged while Blitzkrieg gets sorted out, but I would suggest we keep looking. Am I alone in this?

It was good to see new faces, as I do pretty much anytime I'm able to show up. We could have quite a big lodge by the time Fanaticon does roll around!

aka Wintalas
aka Kevin

Silver Crusade 5/5

Really FUN last night. Dain: MAJOR respect for wrangling 6 players. We were very lucky Dain rolled almost as poorly as we did, and we had a very generous Bard with a wand... Kevin: I'll hit ya back on that when I play a healer. Excellent play by all, really surprised we lived, gg gg gg lolz.

I would agree that the coffee house is not perfect, acoustics were deafening and while workable the space we played in was a bit cramped at times. I'm down for trying another spot next time, but any port in a storm... right? Meaning if World Coffee is all we have, then I am tickled pink to show up there.

aka Dragan the Dwarf
aka James

Silver Crusade

Great time last night. Thanks! And yes, thanks to Wintalas the wand-whipping bard... saved our butts when the butter wasn't enough! I'm definitely gonna be passing some clw scrolls (or better if I have it) your way next time we team up. I'm already looking forward to the next one.

I agree...the coffee shop wasn't optimal, but it was OK. Big kudos to Dink on lining it up. It would be great to find something even better but I think it was fine unless/until a better option presents itself.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

The coffee shop is a two edged sword.

On the plus side, we get steady foot traffic/gawkers which raise our profile, a place to get snacks/coffee, and it's free.

On the down side, the tables are small, the space isn't optimal, and the music isn't exactly conducive to gaming.

We'll have to examine alternatives, but for now, it's the best we've got. Blitzkrieg would have been better- I hope they get sorted soon.

Liberty's Edge

I wasn't there last night, but I played at the coffee shop two weeks ago. I didn't really care for it either. But I'm thankful for Dinketry's efforts, which did find us a place to play, and on short notice.

I don't know how others feel, but I'll toss this out for discussion. If we can find a good venue, I don't mind driving further, and I don't mind paying a reasonable fee for use of the venue.

Silver Crusade 4/5

I as usual had a blast last night and the guy Stu and I brought also loved it, he will be returning next month, so the night was a win as far as I am concerned.

I believe we all in agreement that it is not the best place for Role Playing games, but if that is all we've got for now I'm just happy to be playing the game.

I myself found it hard to really get into the role-playing specially when there was the potential of a gawker walking by at any moment, and having all my books piled in my lap, but I was spoiled last weekend at SCARAB...

aka JakeInTheGrass
aka Exalëbar
aka Khalil
aka Œlia

Scarab Sages 1/5

Maybe Barnes and Noble? I know Del & crew had a beginner box event at one. They've got great tables, wi-fi, coffee, snacks, and Pathfinder books. Closes at 11pm on Saturday, and they would probably kick us out so it might be tough on the GMs as far as pacing is concerned. Just a brainstorm.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Barnes and Noble isn't going to solve the Gawker issues.

I think we should maybe test out the Batter Park Book Exchange. The food/drink selection would be substantially diminished, but the privacy level would be better.

And we can always continue to seek additional venues.

Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

Totally happy to try Battery Park Book Exchange for the next event. We'll need to schedule in advance with them, but we will likely have gawkers coming thru there as well. The music shouldn't be a big issue there (though they have live music on Saturday nights in the downstairs), but we can always (role) play it by ear.

Ha. I made a funny.


Silver Crusade 4/5

dinketry wrote:

Totally happy to try Battery Park Book Exchange for the next event. We'll need to schedule in advance with them, but we will likely have gawkers coming thru there as well. The music shouldn't be a big issue there (though they have live music on Saturday nights in the downstairs), but we can always (role) play it by ear.

Ha. I made a funny.


Ha, Ha, Ha...

I don't mind people showing interest in the game and asking about it, I actually welcome it. But at the cafe it totally stopped the game every time someone passed by.

At SCARAB we played next to a "Kobolds ate my Baby" table, so noise really isn't the issue. :)


Silver Crusade

Game question...I'd like to spend some of that gold we earned last night, but not on items found during the scenario. Rather, I'm thinking to buy some healing scrolls, maybe a potion or two...and definitely upgrade my weapons and armor. How do I go about recording these purchases? Should I write stuff onto the Chronical sheet even though it is "always available" stuff and not specifically items found in the scenario?

Unrelated note...regarding gawkers. If they're there anyway, do you think it would be good to have a handy sheet to give them with a brief explanation of PFS, some key contact info, the link to these boards, etc...? I'd be happy to throw a draft together if ya'll think its a good idea.

Jim aka jasii100

Silver Crusade 4/5

Eaghen wrote:

Game question...I'd like to spend some of that gold we earned last night, but not on items found during the scenario. Rather, I'm thinking to buy some healing scrolls, maybe a potion or two...and definitely upgrade my weapons and armor. How do I go about recording these purchases? Should I write stuff onto the Chronicle sheet even though it is "always available" stuff and not specifically items found in the scenario?

Unrelated note...regarding gawkers. If they're there anyway, do you think it would be good to have a handy sheet to give them with a brief explanation of PFS, some key contact info, the link to these boards, etc...? I'd be happy to throw a draft together if ya'll think it's a good idea.

Jim aka jasii100

Regarding the purchases record them on your current Chronicle sheet or make sure to write it on your next.

And a word of advice; Cure spells do not work to well out of a scroll, a wand of cure light is 750gp or 2PA. 2PA is an awesome deal for 50 castings of a spell.

And the flier Idea is awesome it would really help not to loose contact just because the person forgot what week we played and not be able to reconnect w/ us.


Silver Crusade

Jake Dodd wrote:

And a word of advice; Cure spells do not work to well out of a scroll, a wand of cure light is 750gp or 2PA. 2PA is an awesome deal for 50 castings of a spell.

Agreed. I was thinking some clw scrolls would be a nice backup for after battle cleanup, to save the wands and potions (and spells) for those pesky times when whipping out a scroll case isn't the most expedient thing to do :) And at 25 GP a pop, they're even cheaper.

Silver Crusade 4/5

jasii100 wrote:
Agreed. I was thinking some clw scrolls would be a nice backup for after battle cleanup, to save the wands and potions (and spells) for those pesky times when whipping out a scroll case isn't the most expedient thing to do :) And at 25 GP a pop, they're even cheaper.

Scrolls are good for after battle. But if I did the math right each casting out of the wand costs 15gp. ;)

Just trying to help. :)

Silver Crusade

Jake Dodd wrote:
jasii100 wrote:
Agreed. I was thinking some clw scrolls would be a nice backup for after battle cleanup, to save the wands and potions (and spells) for those pesky times when whipping out a scroll case isn't the most expedient thing to do :) And at 25 GP a pop, they're even cheaper.

Scrolls are good for after battle. But if I did the math right each casting out of the wand costs 15gp. ;)

Just trying to help. :)

Nuts...Now I have to add "doing math in my head" to the list of things I can't trust since I turned 40. And I have to decide between 250 GP for some short term bandaids (and money saved for something particularly tasty a little down the road) or a longer term solution at the expense of who-knows-what after my next scenario.

But thanks anyway...owe ya one.

I rather like world coffee, but last time I played there, we were in the back room next to the stairway down and the stairway up with the piano there. I admit it was a bit cramped, but we managed pretty well I thought. There is no music in that landing. Now Dink took a group for "We Be Goblins" into one of the back rooms of the coffee shop proper and they did have intrusive music and severe space shortages in there.

I'm all for checking out new venues though. Like Jake Dodd I have a love/hate feeling about gawkers. They annoy me mid-game but they are good for growing the lodge. I think it's a great idea to have some informational sheets handy so we can hand it to someone and get back into the game.

I am wrapping up my business in Florida so I look forward to gaming with you folks again on the 29th wherever it may be.

Sovereign Court

OK, so first, thanks for the compliments on the player wrangling. It wasn't to bad, all things considered and y'all did a great job buckling down for the last of it (and rolled a hell of a lot better too ;) ). And let us not forget the double crits y'all got from the ambush. ;) Overall though, yeah, my dice turned sour on several occasions during the session.

Second, playing up is a LOT tougher (and I did warn you all of that one ... really I did), but the payout is great (if you survive). Great use of the tanglefoot bags and other relatively minor items, btw. That and the CLW wand really did save y'all in that particular encounter.

Third, for purchasing items or selling items you own, you will want to list the exchange on the scenario sheet for the scenario where you buy/sell the items, NOT the next one (otherwise if the next DM asks where you got X item, you would not have a record of it). Good bookkeeping goes a long way to making a smooth game, especially the paperwork at the end of a scenario.

Fourth, a new venue would be nice, though I did like having easy access to coffee and the staff was great. But a place with large tables would be nice.

Fifth, looking forward to February 4 (the next Saturday I will be there ... I do have a non PFS group I play with on alternating Saturdays ... 10-14 hour old school power gaming/socializing). Note to self, bring Sarina just in case.

Possibly more to come ...

Silver Crusade 4/5

zylphryx wrote:

Third, for purchasing items or selling items you own, you will want to list the exchange on the scenario sheet for the scenario where you buy/sell the items, NOT the next one (otherwise if the next DM asks where you got X item, you would not have a record of it). Good bookkeeping goes a long way to making a smooth game, especially the paperwork at the end of a scenario.

All true, I was just leaving room for the possibility that his sheet may already be totaled in pen from last time. And the fact that purcheses can be made at the beginning of a scenario.

But go w/ what Dain said he will be your GM most often. And it does make for easier paperwork.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Eaghen wrote:
Jake Dodd wrote:
jasii100 wrote:
Agreed. I was thinking some clw scrolls would be a nice backup for after battle cleanup, to save the wands and potions (and spells) for those pesky times when whipping out a scroll case isn't the most expedient thing to do :) And at 25 GP a pop, they're even cheaper.

Scrolls are good for after battle. But if I did the math right each casting out of the wand costs 15gp. ;)

Just trying to help. :)

Nuts...Now I have to add "doing math in my head" to the list of things I can't trust since I turned 40. And I have to decide between 250 GP for some short term bandaids (and money saved for something particularly tasty a little down the road) or a longer term solution at the expense of who-knows-what after my next scenario.

But thanks anyway...owe ya one.

I wouldn't recommend spending 250gp on scolls. Leave the healing to the clerics (or occasional generous bard). Most scenarios on level aren't nearly as deadly as what we were facing. If anything, I would recommend the 2PP purchase of the wand. Even if you can't use it, you can hand it to somebody who can.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I think, as a general rule, we might want to start having all our GMs bring characters.

Just to be safe.

Fliers sound like a FANTASTIC idea. What's better is we can spread them around- Gamer's Haunt, Passtimes, Hillside, comic book stores, Malaprops, Barnes and Noble, coffee shops- the possibilities are many, and the exposure would be good. Making this seem friendly and accessible might pique interest from unusual places. Thanks Jim!

Silver Crusade 5/5

So February 4th will be the next date? Dink let me know if I can help with any logistics or scoping locations here in Ashevegas. I know you're in Hendo and my new job allows for a little afternoon recon.

On a different note: I thought I read you couldn't purchase any single item worth more than 500gp until you reach 9 fame then the max becomes 1500gp.

the 2 prestige would still work to get the wand.

Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

Happy Year of the Dragon, everybody!

Prophetic, no?

Yes, 2/4/12 will be the next game date. Luthril, if you could ask at Battery Park Book Exchange if we could reserve two of their upstairs spaces for our gaming society from 5PM - 11PM on 2/4/12, I'd be indebted to you.

Also, we may want to check out Pastimes or Comix Envy in town to see if they have any gaming spaces. They might be good choices. Hillside is not as they have Magic tournaments on Saturday evenings.

I personally think that GMs who forget to bring along their own PCs to PFS events should be keelhauled, but then again, we don't have the opportunity to play the Skull and Shackles AP yet.

Silver Crusade 5/5

I'll run by there some time this week and talk to them and post a confirmation, :)


Silver Crusade

Things I learned from my first PFS experience last weekend:
1) If you think a room might be empty, think again
2) Fighting from the door is a great idea that has a hard time lasting past the 1st round
3) Grease is the word!
4) Tanglefoot bags can save your a$$
5) Get clarification when the GM asks if you want to play up
6) Sling bullets hurt
7) 1st level and clw wands go together like beer and wurst
8) This is a great bunch of people and we're lucky to have great GMs too

Things I'm looking forward to
1) 4-Feb
2) Con Nooga - I'm going. If anyone wants to carpool it, holler. I'm leaving Thursday around 6PM and coming back Sunday night.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Eaghen wrote:

Things I learned from my first PFS experience last weekend:

1) If you think a room might be empty, think again
2) Fighting from the door is a great idea that has a hard time lasting past the 1st round
3) Grease is the word!
4) Tanglefoot bags can save your a$$
5) Get clarification when the GM asks if you want to play up
6) Sling bullets hurt
7) 1st level and clw wands go together like beer and wurst
8) This is a great bunch of people and we're lucky to have great GMs too

Things I'm looking forward to
1) 4-Feb
2) Con Nooga - I'm going. If anyone wants to carpool it, holler. I'm leaving Thursday around 6PM and coming back Sunday night.

That is a good list of things to have learned, you now have a major leg up from many players I have shared the table with.

I will also be at Con-Nooga but only for Saturday and Sunday. I have played most of the scenarios that will be run on Sat so I'm running Œlia threw the first steps to get a character to about the same lvl as Buliwyf & Wintalas. (the levels of my current chars are 1,1,3,&4)

Dink: Pastimes has a gaming area that from what I can remember has 2 war-game hight tables and room to set up 2 folding tables butt up against each-other. There usually isn't a group gaming but I will have to check what Saturday nights look like. I can run out there sometime this week and talk to Chris if you want me to.

Gamer's Haunt is pretty much a no-go as far as weekends go, the owner really wants us to play their but as with most gaming stores MTG (Magic) is the thing that is keeping him in business so it is packed on Saturday & Sunday nights.

Sovereign Court

dinketry wrote:

I personally think that GMs who forget to bring along their own PCs to PFS events should be keelhauled, but then again, we don't have the opportunity to play the Skull and Shackles AP yet.

Heeeeeyyyyyyy ... I'll bring Sarina from now on. ;) Or some other PC.

Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

zylphryx wrote:
dinketry wrote:

I personally think that GMs who forget to bring along their own PCs to PFS events should be keelhauled, but then again, we don't have the opportunity to play the Skull and Shackles AP yet.
Heeeeeyyyyyyy ... I'll bring Sarina from now on. ;) Or some other PC.

It was more aimed at me, my 'keelhaul' line. I forgot my PC as well.

Sovereign Court

dinketry wrote:
zylphryx wrote:
dinketry wrote:

I personally think that GMs who forget to bring along their own PCs to PFS events should be keelhauled, but then again, we don't have the opportunity to play the Skull and Shackles AP yet.
Heeeeeyyyyyyy ... I'll bring Sarina from now on. ;) Or some other PC.
It was more aimed at me, my 'keelhaul' line. I forgot my PC as well.

Worst case would be to play a pregen ... not a biggie, especially if you have played the scenario before. No credit, but help fill the ranks.

But yeah, as soon as it came clear we had two tables of players instead of three, I thought 'Crap, Sarina is back at the house!'

So no gm's for next Sat? Is there some other event going on or just a scheduling black hole?

Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

Aravandor wrote:

So no gm's for next Sat? Is there some other event going on or just a scheduling black hole?

I think we've always envisioned the Asheville PFS Lodge to be a fortnightly thing, but if there are other GMs who want to run a scenario or two this coming light!

Scarab Sages 4/5

Gawkers - LOVE 'em! That is what we at SCARAB live for, but I certainly can understand that they are a distraction, especially if they are actually stopping the game and asking questions.

We do a lot of games days at B&N and have a great time. LOTS OF GAWKERS!

Silver Crusade

I'll play this Saturday if something gets going...would be nice to get an extra run in before Con Nooga...though I'm sure our GMs have lives outside of PFS :)

Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

StrangePackage wrote:
Fliers sound like a FANTASTIC idea. What's better is we can spread them around- Gamer's Haunt, Passtimes, Hillside, comic book stores, Malaprops, Barnes and Noble, coffee shops- the possibilities are many, and the exposure would be good. Making this seem friendly and accessible might pique interest from unusual places. Thanks Jim!

I think flyers are a fine idea, but kick-a$$ business cards with the Asheville Pathfinder Lodge info on them would be the bomb. We could be all-like, "Oh, so you wanna know a little about Pathfinder, eh?" and then-like "BAM!" whip out a sweet glossy bit of business seduction and lay it on them.

Or am I going too 'American Psycho' on y'all?

PS. We can get 250 business cards from Vista Print for $10. Check 'em out at Vista Print dot com.

Silver Crusade 4/5

dinketry wrote:

I think flyers are a fine idea, but kick-a$$ business cards with the Asheville Pathfinder Lodge info on them would be the bomb. We could be all-like, "Oh, so you wanna know a little about Pathfinder, eh?" and then-like "BAM!" whip out a sweet glossy bit of business seduction and lay it on them.

Or am I going too 'American Psycho' on y'all?

Nani & Kyle (Georgia venture captions) have AWeSoME business cards, they handed one to me and my imediate reaction was "SWEET!!!". I may even make some privet ones w/the Asheville Lodge on it once I start GMing.

Silver Crusade 5/5


I just want a business card with my dwarf on it... worth every penny of $10.00.

I can possibly flesh out a party if this Saturday gains traction, but I am patiently waiting for the 4th.

Dink: I'll be swinging by Battery Park Book Exchange on Thursday afternoon and I'll post confirmation for Saturday Feb. 4th here, once they give the green light.

Peace Brothers,

Scarab Sages 4/5

Yeah - PAIZO has some killer community use material. If you want to make some customize cards for the Ashville members to hand out you should check out the Paizo Community Usage Rules and Materials.

The Exchange 2/5

I'd be all for a game this Saturday, since I'll be in Nashville on the 4th.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Pretty sure Dain and Paul are occupado this weekend. Anyone else want to DM and have a scenario? Again I might be able to round out a group but i'm also fine with waiting til next weekend.

Liberty's Edge

I missed last weekend, so I'd be in for a "make up" game.

Haven't GMed in a few years, but I've been wanting to get back into it, so I'd be willing to take this opportunity. Only catch is that I may need to borrow a blank Flipmat if anyone has one. My vinyl battlemat is way too big for the tables at World Coffee.

Far as the scenario goes.... I'd be open to requests, with a couple of limits. Wilderness adventures are my favorite type to play, so I don't wanna eat one by running it. Also I don't wanna run any of the 3.5 scenarios from Season 0.

The Exchange 2/5

Hey Nansen, I can bring my plastic battleboards.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks, QC.

We can draw on those, right?

Silver Crusade

I have a vinyl battle grid just like the one we used last weekend...wet erase. I'll bring it along.

I'm definitely up for a game this Saturday. Still haven't decided on Connooga. I would love to go, but I need to check my schedule and my wallet... I missed last session on the 21st. I've been wanting to GM as well, but I need to work up the nerve for it and round out some materials for my first attempt still. I do have a lvl 1 cleric ready to go though... It will be nice to lay the daggers aside for some magic for a change.

I assume that the arrangement with world coffee is rather informal. That is, we don't need to reserve the space in advance, right?

Silver Crusade 5/5

Ok so if I'm counting right... for this Saturday

Edric DMing... scenario TBA

Eaghen, QC, Aravandor, and Myself playing. Anyone else?

Everybody give me a "roger that" on this and I'll pop in World Coffee on Thursday and book this Saturday.

If this works out I have one request... if we could start right at 5pm that would be great. I have to be at work at 7:30am Sunday morning, so the earlier we wrap up the less bloodshot my eyes will be on Sunday.


Silver Crusade

I'm in for Saturday. 5PM is fine. I'm up for any scenario except the 3 in the First Steps chain, the 3 in the Quest for Perfection chain, Frostfur Captives and Murder on the Throaty Mermaid. Those are the ones I'm signed up for at Con Nooga. Besides those, I'm up for anything. I'll throw a few level 1-5 scenarios out there for consideration - Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible, Citadel of Flame, Delerium's Tangle, The Darkest Vengeance. These are season 1 so some of ya'll might have already run them (or maybe Edric has something else in mind), but if not maybe this is a good chance to get one of them in...

Liberty's Edge

Roger from me, Luth. And cheers for making the reservations. If you'll post when World Coffee has said we're good to go, then I'll create the event in the system.

A 5pm start works for me. I could even start as early as 2pm if everyone wants.

Eaghen, your battlemat sounds good. Can you bring your wet-erase markers too?

Far as the scenario goes, I've narrowed it down to four possibilities, all from Season 1:

Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible
The Beggar's Pearl
Citadel of Flame
The Infernal Vault

Anybody have any preferences among those four?

One last thing.... we haven't done signups before in PFS Asheville, but sometimes when there's a game, gamers magically appear out of nowhere.

So if we have too many players, and I'm the only GM, my intention is to seat the folks who've spoken up in this thread before seating any walk-ins.

Sovereign Court

Edric Nansen wrote:

Roger from me, Luth. And cheers for making the reservations. If you'll post when World Coffee has said we're good to go, then I'll create the event in the system.

A 5pm start works for me. I could even start as early as 2pm if everyone wants.

Eaghen, your battlemat sounds good. Can you bring your wet-erase markers too?

Far as the scenario goes, I've narrowed it down to four possibilities, all from Season 1:

Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible
The Beggar's Pearl
Citadel of Flame
The Infernal Vault

Anybody have any preferences among those four?

One last thing.... we haven't done signups before in PFS Asheville, but sometimes when there's a game, gamers magically appear out of nowhere.

So if we have too many players, and I'm the only GM, my intention is to seat the folks who've spoken up in this thread before seating any walk-ins.

Don't forget, you will want to update the season 0 scenarios as they were designed for 3.5 rules.

Also, you can run with 4-6 at a table (or maybe 7 ... best to verify with the PFS Guidebook). Also, a bigger table can result in a tier bump as well, so be prepared for that possibility.

And, good luck and have fun with it!

Silver Crusade 4/5

zylphryx wrote:

Also, you can run with 4-6 at a table (or maybe 7 ... best to verify with the PFS Guidebook). Also, a bigger table can result in a tier bump as well, so be prepared for that possibility.

And, good luck and have fun with it!

7 is the legal limit but it is HIGHLY recommended that you not run that many, as per the v4.0 Guide to Organized Play.

I will be unable to attend due to my Girl Friend and I having something planed. But I wish the best of luck to you'll and if my plans fall through you shall see me there.

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