Heir Apparent

Exalëbar Thane's page

3 posts. Organized Play character for JakeInTheGrass.

Full Name

Exalébar "Lady of the Lake" Thine


Half-Elf (Taldane)


Battle Oracle [lvl:12]



looks to be in her 20s.

Special Abilities

Make you pee in your pants (ungodly Intimidate bonus)






Remote forrest clearing with a lake of the purest water, a small cabin rests upon the shore that her lover built for her just before he left for the crusades.


Common (Taldane), Elven, Celestial, Thesalonian, Aquan.

About Exalëbar Thane

Physical appearance:
Exalébar is a slight, pale, average height woman with pointy ears. Her golden hair is naturally curly and flows just past her shoulders. Scars in the shape of sunbursts surround her pale blue eyes giving her a haunting beauty. A scar/brand in the shape of a feathered wing is blazoned across her left shoulder blade (courtesy of the "Miracle"-Worker of Razmir, Jokhas).

She is commonly dressed in a white chemise gown and wrapped in a cloak of similar fabric. When she is expecting battle she dawns an ornate breastplate of mithril, sturdy fur lined cape, and masterfully crafted bastard sword.

The bastard sword is that remains from the life before she was scared and of her love, who died at the hands of The Demons of the Worldwound.