Alpha Orcs

Advanced Race Guide Playtest

Alpha Orcs

Point Expenditures for Alpha Orcs
0 RP Type: Humanoid (orc, human)
0 RP Size: Medium
0 RP Base Speed: Normal
2 RP Ability Scores: Flexible Modifiers
0 RP Language Trait: Xenophobic (choose from common, orc, draconic, goblinoid
1 RP Defensive Racial Ability: Defensive Training, Lesser (humans)
3 RP Defensive Racial Ability: Defensive Training, Greater
1 RP Movement Racial Ability: Fast
4 RP Offensive Racial Ability: Ferocity
1 RP Offensive Racial Ability: Weapon familiarity (Firearms, Man Catcher)
2 Senses Racial Ability: Darkvision
4 Senses Racial Ability: Scent
2 Genetic Suite: Master Tinker (2) or Natural Armor (2) or Silent Hunter (2)

Alpha Orcs Racial History

Though their name suggests they are merely a superior breed of orc, they are in fact partly human. Many years prior to the present (though the actual meaning of time passage when comparing differing dimensions can be disputed...) the military of a nation in a highly advanced technological world (one might say it was a world with super villains and heroes) with little to no (common) knowledge of magic came upon a dimensional rift. Orcs poured through it. Of course, the orcs were no match for the technology of the nation and were quickly dispatched with many prisoners taken for interrogation (i.e. experimentation).

This "experimentation" resulted in an attempt to create super-soldiers that could be used for many purposes ranging from combat to crowd control. Using the Orc DNA to improve certain aspects, they were genetically designed to be superior in many categories but easily controlled. But, there were dissenters within the program and those who wished to destroy it from without. Many of the specimens grown in uterine vats had their chosen DNA altered to make them far more independent thinking, and some even rebellious. With the aid of an outside agency (some individuals referred to as super heroes), these free thinking Alpha Orcs made an escape and took with them many stored embryos (with the free thinking genes) and fled through an unstable dimensional door.

This trip was fraught with danger and much of the technology brought with them was lost. They held off many who thought to take control of them but finally claimed a reasonable amount of security. However, after much internal strife, they made a decision and abducted many women from some local human and orc tribes so that they could implant the remaining embryos brought from the old world and assure the survival of their race. The result brought forth an unforeseen outcome. None of the Alpha Orcs had been previously raised by mothers who had loved them. They were born out of vats.

This led to an awakening in the Alpha Orcs who had been focused solely on military survival. In the generations since, the Alpha Orcs have remained largely xenophobic but have begun to expand their area of control and have sought to trade with others in order to learn that which they have forgotten and raise the bar to new heights.

Alpha Orcs (racial description)

Alpha Orcs are a young, proud race resulting from genetic tampering with the intent of making super soldiers on some far off technologically advanced world. They have worked hard to ensure their survival and have only recently begun to reach out to other races and societies. Their current home world has a small population and a number of dimensional doors. They keep many secrets of their own which they have refused to divulge even for the much sought after knowledge of magic.

Physical Description: Alpha Orcs have an appearance that closely resembles their lesser Orc brethren but they are not quite as tall and not nearly so thick. Most are long limbed, almost to the point of being very unusual. They have dark, thick hair and eyes whose color covers a wide range. They often cut their hair short, even the females, and typically carry themselves in a distinctly disciplined and military manner.

Society: The Alpha Orc society is quite xenophobic as a result of having fought so long for their survival. They are communal but also have close family ties. Although they demand adherence to a strict set of rules, they do not tolerate slavery or magical compulsion. Those who do not follow the rules of the homeland are excommunicated. But, in the homeland, they have quite a bit of technology that they use with the most notable of these being firearms, even advanced ones. Resources have limited their production and growth as a society.

Relations: Alpha Orcs have little love for their Orc cousins and less still for their Human cousins, although their skill at fighting their human cousins will allow them the comfort of trading with them. They feel both empathy and pity for the Half-Orcs they have met and there are numerous ostracized Alpha Orcs who have sought to ally themselves with such half breeds. They resent the hatred they receive from Elves and Dwarves and have no trouble in returning it to these groups.

Alignment and Religion: Alpha Orcs have been forced to live a regimented life in order survive but they chafe under it as they have many progenitors that were genetically engineered to be free thinkers. But, they still have a high genetic disposition toward cooperation as they were engineered to work in combat groups. But, having escaped with little culture (and none of it their own) they have very little cultural identity regarding divinity and the afterlife. Many who leave the homeland flock to various congregations.

Adventurers: There has been a recent surge in Alpha Orc adventurers as they have sought to investigate the world and dimensions around them. This includes spies and scouts as well as those who have been excommunicated. They are numerous gunslingers and monks and rangers among them. Practitioners of magic (both arcane and divine) as well as rogues are virtually nonexistent in those of the first generation to leave the homeland.

Male Names: David, Evan, Richard, Thomas etc.
Female Names: Beverly, Jennifer, Sarah, Vanessa

Alpha Orc Racial Traits

+2 to any two abilities: Alpha Orcs were engineered to be superior

Medium: Alpha Orcs are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Swift-footed: Alpha Orcs were engineered to move quickly about the battlefield. Base movement of 40'.

Darkvision: Alpha Orcs were given the genetics of darkvision so as to be elite units on a modern battlefield.

Scent: The Orcish olfactory senses were heightened to keep these battlefield predators from being ambushed.

Ferocity: Alpha Orcs were engineered to fight to the death. An Alpha Orc remains conscious and can continue fighting even if its hit point total is below 0. The Alpha Orc is still staggered and loses 1 hit point each round. It still dies when its hit point total reaches a negative amount equal to its Constitution score.

Defensive Training: Alpha Orcs were designed to react to human movements and gain a +4 dodge bonus when facing humans

Combat Training: Alpha Orcs were genetically engineered to react to the brutal modern battlefield with firearms and receive a +2 dodge bonus to AC.

Weapon Familiarity: Being genetically engineered for riot control and fighting on the modern battlefield, Alpha Orcs are proficient with Man Catchers and Firearms. They pick up the items and instinctively recognize their use.

Genetic Suites: Alpha Orcs were designed to fill various roles and there appear to be a number of genetic suits they have received. Choose one of the following: Master Tinker (+1 on disable device and knowledge: engineering, proficient with any weapon personally created), Natural Armor (+1 bonus to natural armor), or Silent Hunter (reduce the penalty for stealth checks when moving by -5 and can make stealth checks at -20 while running).

Languages: Alpha (The First, their language). Alpha Orcs with high intelligence scores can learn from the following: Common, Orc, Goblin, and Draconic.

I came up with this when looking at recruitment for a planescape type pbp that mentioned the possibility of using something from the ARG playtest, so I don't know if it is worth a lick or not.

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