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(Disclaimer: This question regards a U-Con chronicle reward Tengu PC for Society Play)
I have a lvl 2 natural weapons tengu ranger with aspect of the beast (Claws). This gives him 3 primary natural attacks, my question is regarding shields.
The thought occurred to me to equip a buckler on each claw arm. Simple question - would the AC bonuses stack? And, would the Armor check penalties stack?

Sniggevert |

If you strapped a buckler to each arm, you'd suffer the -1 to hit with each claw attack. Also, when you used one claw or the other, you'd lose the AC bonus granted by that buckler for the round.
In any event, using two bucklers does not increase your armor beyond the first, as they both grant shield bonuses to AC. Same type bonuses do not stack in general.

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On the other hand, (see what I did there?) having both bucklers be masterwork quality means no ACP. Each claw would still be -1 to hit, but if you attacked with only one arm, the other would still be defending you. So you could maybe make a case for this being better than just having one buckler...? Well, if you're prone to alternately getting one arm and then the other disabled in some way...
Okay, yeah, nevermind. Not worth it unless you have a serious need for symmetry.