I need a calculation

Homebrew and House Rules

So i got this idea from another thread but didnt want to threadjack it, so i made another one instead ;-)
My queation is this: how can i take these from "3 times per day" to "all day long (for 1 round each activation)" and how much money would it cost to have made( im not a caster...). And can they "elongate" my legs too?

Greatreach bracers (p. 108 of the magic item compendium)
Price (item Level): 2,000gp (6th)
Body slot: arms
Caster level: 7th
Aura: moderate; (DC 18) transmutation
Activation: swift (command)
Weight: 5 lb.

This pair of arm-length, leathery bracers is sewn from blackened sinews and tendons.

Sometimes called "choker sleeves" due to their appearance and effect, these pliable bracers allow you to attack from a suprising distance. When you activate Greatreach Bracers, your arms stretch and elongate, extending your reach by 10 feet for 1round.
This ability functions 3 times per day.
Prerequistes: Craft wondrous item, enlarge person.
Cost to creat: 1,000gp, 80 XP, 2days.


Really? Yes really it's only been 2 hours -- geez people we have lives too.

It's once a round 3/day at 2,000 so we'll take it to 3,320gp and it's once a round so that's a x4 so at least 13,280gp and I would expect it will cost more once I look at it harder.

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