All Goblins = Communists?

Off-Topic Discussions

Liberty's Edge

Circumstantial evidences says yes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well they're evil, so they must be communists, right? :P

Silver Crusade


Gark the Goblin wrote:
Circumstantial evidences says yes.

You are going to have to explain your logic on that. The goblins do not strike me as the type to pool all of their resources and then distribute them due to need of the individual. My impression of goblins, excluding hoggoblins, is they are too anarchistic to favor such a communtarian society.

Not really. Not as an organized thing anyway.

Any small subsistence-level tribe-based society is going to look sort of like communism. If you don't cooperate and help each other out, you'll all die.
More like a big, not particularly happy, family.

Liberty's Edge

I fixed the title.

Hee hee! Hee hee! Hee hee!

I showed this to my friends and they all said "Hee hee!" too.

Thank you, Gark.

I'll have to come up with a more profound response later.

The Exchange

bugleyman wrote:
Well they're evil, so they must be communists, right? :P

In their defense, are not most goblins green and not pink?????

As a goblin I can tell you that we redistribute wealth quite a bit. We take your wealth , some goes to me , some to fire , some more to me.

Also , and just as a side note , STOP STEALING THE WORDS FROM BY BRAIN!!!!

* cast the blot spell and runs *

Sovereign Court

Crimson Jester wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
Well they're evil, so they must be communists, right? :P
In their defense, are not most goblins green and not pink?????

"You dang greeno commie gobbos!" just doesn't have the right ring to it ...

Liberty's Edge

Okay, case the f!+~ closed. All goblins = communists.


Unfortunately, not all goblins are communists. This goes doubly so for hobs and I don't think there's a single bugbear that is even a Democrat.

While we Anklebiters here in Galt spend our happy existences in a phalansterie based on the writings of Charles Fourier, there are notable pockets of reactionary goblins throughout Golarion. The Mudrubs of Andoran have engaged in counterrevolutionary warfare against the free people's government there, and the Licktoads of Varisia are noted for their petty-bourgeois revisionism. Then there is also Kirth Gersen of Texas who is also, unfortunately, not a communist. There may be others.

But, have no fear. We are many and they are few. We have nothing to lose but our chains and a world to win! Also, I want more magic items.

Sovereign Court

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

Unfortunately, not all goblins are communists. This goes doubly so for hobs and I don't think there's a single bugbear that is even a Democrat.

While we Anklebiters here in Galt spend our happy existences in a phalansterie based on the writings of Charles Fourier, there are notable pockets of reactionary goblins throughout Golarion. The Mudrubs of Andoran have engaged in counterrevolutionary warfare against the free people's government there, and the Licktoads of Varisia are noted for their petty-bourgeois revisionism. Then there is also Kirth Gersen of Texas who is also, unfortunately, not a communist. There may be others.

But, have no fear. We are many and they are few. We have nothing to lose but our chains and a world to win! Also, I want more magic items.

From the wikipedia:

Charles Fourier wrote:

visitors could consult the card-index of personality types for suitable partners for casual sex


Liberty's Edge

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

Unfortunately, not all goblins are communists. This goes doubly so for hobs and I don't think there's a single bugbear that is even a Democrat.

While we Anklebiters here in Galt spend our happy existences in a phalansterie based on the writings of Charles Fourier, there are notable pockets of reactionary goblins throughout Golarion. The Mudrubs of Andoran have engaged in counterrevolutionary warfare against the free people's government there, and the Licktoads of Varisia are noted for their petty-bourgeois revisionism. Then there is also Kirth Gersen of Texas who is also, unfortunately, not a communist. There may be others.

But, have no fear. We are many and they are few. We have nothing to lose but our chains and a world to win! Also, I want more magic items.

Kirth is a goblin? . . . damn.

I guess my tribe isn't THAT communist, but I certainly am! That's probably why they keep me on patrol so much.


Robert Hawkshaw wrote:

From the wikipedia:

Charles Fourier wrote:

visitors could consult the card-index of personality types for suitable partners for casual sex

Like I've said before, Goblins do it in the street!

I may be missing something here, but after GMing a gaggle of goblins on the PbP boards, I see them more as anarchists than anything else.

There's no central authority, and rather than planning ahead, they tend to just blunder ahead. Their moves veer towards "direct action," not unlike the Wobblies, though there doesn't seem to be an actual goal other than the immediate death of whatever they want dead.

Things have worked in their favor so far, but that's more by accident than design. They're a little like "occupiers," but they don't seek any sort of consensus, and are unaware of any system that's corrupt or in need of change.

The Exchange

We're definitely capitalists, on account on all the capital crimes we like to commit!

(And yes, things like eating human babies and burning dogs and slicing humans into ribbons are capital crimes even in goblin legislature. The main difference is that you aren't punished for capital crimes, but rewarded.)

@GM Goblin Citizen--Yes, but all those PbP DM's are just lapping up reactionary and obscurantist lies from Paizo's corporate board of anti-goblin bigotry.

EDIT: Waitaminnit that was you DMing? May I see your papers? Hmmm. Yes, well, I think you're going to have to come with me. Don't worry, you'll love it at Comrade Anklebiter's Reeducation Through Labor Fun-Timey Super Center!

They (ie, Paizo and their lies) know if the people knew the truth--that we goblins are peaceful, generous (and able lovers), the whole rotten edifice of Golarion plutocracy from Westcrown to Absalom would crumble away and be swept into the dustbin of history.

Although, you're right, we do have a lot of respect for the IWW of Big Bill Haywood, Carlo Tresca and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn.

@Kai-iosss--Get out of here you agent-provocateur! We don't even have a legislature, we're an autonomous working collective!

Liberty's Edge

GM Goblin King wrote:
I may be missing something here, but after GMing a gaggle of goblins on the PbP boards, I see them more as anachrists than anything else.

If you're going to lump goblins in with us, at least spell it right.

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