Is playtesting permitted in the Online Campaigns subforum?

Website Feedback

There are some firearms mechanics for Voyager that need to be tested to make sure they function as intended. It would also be great to be able to see if Barbarians, Rogues, and Druids have any issues in a firearms based campaign. I think they'll be all right, but I want to be sure, especially because the Voyager mechanics let Rogues sneak attack anything within their weapon's range increment. I want to make sure that's not more unbalancing than I think it will be.

May I recruit some people and do a playtest adventure in the Online Campaigns section of the site, or is there a no playtesting rule?

Plenty of us use houserules in our PbP games. Functionally speaking there is no difference between doing that and playtesting. There aren't even any requirements that the PbP be Pathfinder.

Laithoron wrote:
Plenty of us use houserules in our PbP games. Functionally speaking there is no difference between doing that and playtesting. There aren't even any requirements that the PbP be Pathfinder.

Thanks for clearing that up. I'm going to go over the rules a few more times, and will have a playtest recruiting thread up tomorrow.

NP, have fun with it!

We have a playtest thread up.

I chose WW1 wilderness combat because I'm not sure if anyone wants trench warfare, and because a WW1 tech level lets me test both low rate of fire (bolt action) and high rate of fire (machine guns) simultaneously.

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