Faerie Dragon Familiar Questions

Rules Questions

I have a player that is probably going to be taking the Improved Familiar feat and take a Faerie dragon. So before he takes the feat I want to check a few things that I assume might come up.

Does a Faerie Dragon have thumbs? AKA, can it hold or use Items or weapons appropriately sized fore it. If not, could it use a wand in it mouth or something like that?

If the Faeri Dragon is given regular (Small or Medium) sized alchemical items, wands, scrolls, potions, ect, could it use them even though it is tiny?

What are your thoughts?

Faerie dragons have UMD on their type skills. They can speak and are casters (sorcerer's to be exact). Every image I've ever seen of them has at least a dew claw with which to hold things.

As such I would go with if dragons as a whole can do it in your world the faerie dragon can too.

Please note they are not however proficient in armor or with weapons.

Ok. That was pretty much what I was thinking.

Can a Tiny creature use alchemical weapons or wands? The rules don't really deal with sizes on these items that I am aware of. I doubt that wands would be much of a problem, but alchemical items...

Most alchemical items are understandably small as well. Consider this -- you are carting around a vial of acid or alchemist fire on you... you really don't want it to be a large amount in case something happens and it breaks. Also it doesn't take much of either to get about a 1d6 damage (or 2d4).

Wand could be as unwieldy for Tiny creature as quarterstaff is for normal human - Tiny creatures are around 2-4 feet and wands usually are between 1 to 2 feet (but I can envision longer, 3 feet wand as well). Certainly Tiny creature would find carrying more than single wand at a time problematic but could use one with opposable thumb (which dragons seem to posses, or at least working equivalent of one) and spellcasting ability/Use Magic Device skill.

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