I made a Psychic Vampire

Homebrew and House Rules

I'm writing a PDF called Bite Me. It's all about vampires in Pathfinder, and it includes not only fluff, but some new vampire types. I have one ready for your opinions: the Psychic Vampire. I'm also making Leanan Sidhe, those creepy floating vampire heads, Wood Wives, Dearg-Dul, Strigoii (only some Strigoii are vampiric, though), a Chinese vampire who's name escapes me, a couple movie inspired vampires, feral vampires, Stokerian vampires, and a race of living vampires for this PDF, but at the moment the psy vamp is the one that's ready. Take a look:

Psychic Vampire:
Psychic vampire is a template that can be applied to any creature. It makes the following changes:

Associated Ability:

A psychic vampire feeds upon the mental energy of it's victims. However, not all psychic vampires feed upon the same types of energy. When a psychic vampire is created, choose whether it feeds upon Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. This choice cannot be changed once made. It's energy drain targets this ability score, and this ability score determines the DC of the psychic vampire's spell like abilities and energy drain.

+4 to associated ability score.

+2 racial bonus to Will saves.

+2 racial bonus versus enchantment spells.

+1 to saving throw DC of enchantment spells it casts (Already calculated into Alternate Sleep and spell like ability DCs. Does not apply to energy drain.)

Energy Drain (SU):

With a successful touch attack, a psychic vampire does 1d6 points of ability score damage of it's ability type from the target. This ability may be used once per round. A psychic vampire gains 5 temporary hit points that last for up to one hour for each point of ability damage done. The target gets a Will save (DC 10 + half psychic vampire's character level + associated ability score modifier) to avoid this effect.

Alternate Sleep (SU):

A psychic vampire may use an alternate version of the sleep spell as a spell like effect once per day. This is in addition to a psychic vampire's three daily uses of the normal sleep spell. Unlike the spell description, this is a touch attack that effects a single creature of HD equal to or lesser than the psychic vampire's HD. Save DC is 14 plus associated ability modifier. Caster level is character level. All other effects are as spell description.

Spell like abilities (Save DCs are 12 plus associated ability modifier, caster level is half character level, all are usable 3 times per day)

Charm Person
Lock Gaze
Memory Lapse

Create Spawn (SU): A psychic vampire that reduces an individual to 0 in a mental ability stat can choose to create a new psychic vampire. After 4d6 hours, the individual heals all ability score damage and gains the psychic vampire template. It's associated ability score may or may not be the same as the psychic vampire who created it. It is enslaved to the psychic vampire who created it. A psychic vampire can only have enslaved psychic vampires up to twice it's HD at one time. An enslaved psychic vampire can create more psychic vampires and enslave them, allowing one psychic vampire to enslave a whole line of psychic vampires. Enslaved psychic vampires can be released at any time. Once released, a psychic vampire cannot be enslaved again.

CR as base creature +1

Thoughts? Opinions? Suggestions?

You know what this needs? More abilities. Ideas?

Too busy to read now. Dotting to look over later at my leisure.

I've read a lot about psychic vampires and nothing hints at creating spawn. I have read about them being able to use remote viewing and can stun people with bursts of psychic energy. I think it would make a better class than template, personally.

Kierato wrote:
I've read a lot about psychic vampires and nothing hints at creating spawn. I have read about them being able to use remote viewing and can stun people with bursts of psychic energy. I think it would make a better class than template, personally.

Maybe a Wizard archetype or Sorcerer bloodline?

They have to be created somehow if I decide to make them a template. Plus, Pathfinder isn't exactly a bastion of truth to myth. Just look at the original vampire.

I don't know about remote viewing, but stunning could definitely be added.

EDIT: Hell, I could make a Wizard archetype, Sorcerer bloodline, and template, and put them all in the PDF for GMs and players to choose which they like best. Variety certainly cannot hurt anything.

Elizaveta Vladimira wrote:
Kierato wrote:
I've read a lot about psychic vampires and nothing hints at creating spawn. I have read about them being able to use remote viewing and can stun people with bursts of psychic energy. I think it would make a better class than template, personally.

Maybe a Wizard archetype or Sorcerer bloodline?

They have to be created somehow if I decide to make them a template. Plus, Pathfinder isn't exactly a bastion of truth to myth. Just look at the original vampire.

I don't know about remote viewing, but stunning could definitely be added.

EDIT: Hell, I could make a Wizard archetype, Sorcerer bloodline, and template, and put them all in the PDF for GMs and players to choose which they like best. Variety certainly cannot hurt anything.

True, it takes several vampire myths just to gain the powers Dracula had, let alone D&D vampires. I could see a sorcerer bloodline, Think about parents who suffered multiple attacks from psychic creatures could give birth to a psychic vampire.

Also, I think you left out korean vampires who hover ethereally near their victims draining their life-force as they sleep and willing to follow them anywhere until they kill them.

Kierato wrote:
Also, I think you left out korean vampires who hover ethereally near their victims draining their life-force as they sleep and willing to follow them anywhere until they kill them.

Please tell me more. I haven't heard of this particular vampire.

They are briefly mentioned in a book about vampires in myth, history, and modern day. If memory serves (I would have to search through most of a book to find the exact info), they appear as glowing eyes in the fog (and the only vampire myth I can think of off the top of my head that includes misty vampires). They used to live only in the mountains of Korea, but traveled else where due to following their victims.
There are also the Balboan Sith (not sure if that's spelled right) which could not approach iron and would feed on flesh and blood. They appear as beautiful human women.

Kierato wrote:

They are briefly mentioned in a book about vampires in myth, history, and modern day. If memory serves (I would have to search through most of a book to find the exact info), they appear as glowing eyes in the fog (and the only vampire myth I can think of off the top of my head that includes misty vampires). They used to live only in the mountains of Korea, but traveled else where due to following their victims.

There are also the Balboan Sith (not sure if that's spelled right) which could not approach iron and would feed on flesh and blood. They appear as beautiful human women.

Thanks for the info. I'll look for them.

The Balboan Sith sound like Leanan Sidhe. I'm including them in the PDF, and classifying them as fey, not undead.

Kierato wrote:
They are briefly mentioned in a book about vampires in myth, history, and modern day. If memory serves (I would have to search through most of a book to find the exact info), they appear as glowing eyes in the fog (and the only vampire myth I can think of off the top of my head that includes misty vampires). They used to live only in the mountains of Korea, but traveled else where due to following their victims.

Interesting. There is sometimes a problem when dividing between vampires and ghosts/wraiths - does incorporeality (which most often translates into misty in mythologies) and thus being a kind of ghost trumps draining life energy (blood, breath, etc.) and being a vampire or does being a vampire trumps being a ghost? A thing to think about when wresting with definitions and classification of various supernatural entities.

There are also the Balboan Sith (not sure if that's spelled right) which could not approach iron and would feed on flesh and blood. They appear as beautiful human women.

Perhaps you meant Baobhan Sith which is noted as different being than Leanan Sidhe.

Kierato wrote:

They are briefly mentioned in a book about vampires in myth, history, and modern day. If memory serves (I would have to search through most of a book to find the exact info), they appear as glowing eyes in the fog (and the only vampire myth I can think of off the top of my head that includes misty vampires). They used to live only in the mountains of Korea, but traveled else where due to following their victims.

There are also the Balboan Sith (not sure if that's spelled right) which could not approach iron and would feed on flesh and blood. They appear as beautiful human women.

I believe you are thinking about a book called Vampires: the occult truth. I have it somewhere, read it ages ago.

It breaks up vampires into 4 broad types based on a collection of old vampire myths.

Immortal and mortal blood drinkers, (the immortal being more of a walking corpse as per the original vampire myths)

And willing and unwilling psychic vampires, the unwilling being people who subconsciously make bonds and drain people due to having a lack of "psychic" energy of their own, the willing being people who train to gain such a ability in one way or another.

I can't speak for the books authenticity or anything like that, but I remember it being a interesting read back when I was strongly into the whole concept.

NeverNever wrote:
Kierato wrote:

They are briefly mentioned in a book about vampires in myth, history, and modern day. If memory serves (I would have to search through most of a book to find the exact info), they appear as glowing eyes in the fog (and the only vampire myth I can think of off the top of my head that includes misty vampires). They used to live only in the mountains of Korea, but traveled else where due to following their victims.

There are also the Balboan Sith (not sure if that's spelled right) which could not approach iron and would feed on flesh and blood. They appear as beautiful human women.

I believe you are thinking about a book called Vampires: the occult truth. I have it somewhere, read it ages ago.


No, Vampire Nation.

You could be right about the name about getting the name wrong.

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