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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Some thoughts on Triple Threat (spoiler'd because it's better to be safe than sorry):

  • Okay, Ember coming to visit is cool, but the way Twilight phrased her reason for visiting made me blink. She's trying to teach the dragons friendship, "but competing is in their nature, and it's leading to more and more fights." There's a polemical in there about nature versus nurture, or perhaps about the appropriateness of exporting one culture's values onto a completely different culture. But I have no expectations that the show will go there, so I shan't mention that again.

  • "You've got this, Spike." In another dimension, Gloriosa Daisy is realizing that her tagline is being stolen.

  • Okay, so Spike double-booked his schedule for the day, and is now worried about the consequences of the dragon and changeling meeting, given how different they are. I guess that's a reasonable worry, but trying to keep them apart while still hosting both of them is probably the dumbest thing that you can do. Even if you don't want to immediately come clean, just work up a plan to keep one of them distracted long enough to deal with the other one completely. Once that's done, then see to the second person, and voila, you're good to go. Trying to bounce back and forth between them like a ping-pong ball is a recipe for failure.

  • Damn it, Starlight, why are you saying that Ember and Thorax might not "get" each other? We had an entire episode earlier this season with you "getting" Maud, despite how different you two seem!

  • The changelings and the dragons going to war? No, I'm sorry, just no. We saw the changelings attempt a large-scale invasion of Canterlot, and the only way that it worked was because they had the advantage of surprise and sheer numbers. Even then, six ponies with no combat training were able to defeat several times their own number. I somehow doubt that they'd be able to engage in sustained hostilities against the dragons.

  • I'm anticipating that my saying that will conjure up a lot of responses pointing out that the changelings would be better served to fight with subterfuge, and have actually defeated stronger enemies such as the alicorns (i.e. they somehow nabbed all of the rulers in To Where and Back Again), albeit off-screen, and so they could likely go toe-to-toe with the dragons. To which I say, the premise for this episode (and every other episode that's dealt with dragon society) is that dragons regularly engage in dangerous activities like diving into lava or "fire duels." Given that changelings don't copy the powers or abilities of the creatures they transform into (otherwise they could all turn into Princess Celestia or Discord and just rule the world), then they wouldn't be able to keep up such a deception for very long before being outed, if normal dragon activity didn't injure them first. They simply don't have what it takes to even pretend to be dragons in a dragon society, let alone go to war with such a society.

  • Heh, I liked the part where Ember was about to roar in response to the trumpets, and that one pony ran away. That was cute.

  • So, a running theme here seems to be that Ember keeps sneezing. Why? She doesn't seem sick, and there's no obvious allergens around like the dragonsneeze trees in season five's Princess Spike. So what's the deal? I mean, it's kind of funny and all, but there should be more of a reason for it than "she's allergic to feelings" (since that's obviously not what's going on).

  • I'm interpreting Starlight's chuckle and statement that she likes Ember as being a subtle shout-out to this season's premiere, wherein Twilight thought that Ember and Starlight would have some sort of "valley bro"-style relationship. I approve.

  • And Ember's turning over the bins of food so she can eat the crystal bins...and now she's eating the castle! This is inspired character-driven comedy; just let the characters be themselves, and the humor follow. Case in point, she thinks that decorating the walls with food is a pony tradition! Hilarious!

  • And Twilight has different chairs for when she's reading different books. That's not at all surprising.

  • What the fudge?! The map can not only call on ponies who aren't the Mane Six, but it can even call on Spike?! That's really expanding what we knew about it! I mean, sure, he has a throne there and all (a tiny little one, next to Twilight's), but he doesn't even have a cutie mark! So it's using his head-scales instead, and indicating him on itself with an outline of his head? Damn that's weird...

  • Okay, you know what? I don't think Spike is an idiot for not realizing that the friendship problem in question is Ember and Thorax; that's obviously what it is to us, but that's purely because we can see the narrative framework for this episode. From his point of view, it's an entirely understandable mistake to make. After all, at this point Thorax and Ember haven't even met yet; how can they have a friendship problem if they don't even know of each other's existence! Or is it supposed to be two friendship problems, in that they're each having a problem with Spike? This episode really needed some editorial tightening.

  • Thorax, were you actually enjoying that chair, or were you just trying to mimic Twilight? I'm actually kinda curious now.

  • You know, between Lyra eating Bon-Bon's oats in season five's Slice of Life, and now this whole cupcake-flavor argument, food really seems to come between those two a lot. I mean, it's no Apple-Pear feud, but...actually, now that I think about it, food seems to be the cause of a lot of issues in this series. Strawberry Sunrise hating on apples a few episodes past suddenly seems a lot more sinister now.

  • Whoa whoa whoa! There's a renegade group of changelings who still feed off of love?! This is kind of a big deal! First, have they evolved like the rest of the changelings and are doing it anyway? Or have they refused to evolve (maybe because they weren't there) and are still in their black bug bodies? Also, shouldn't this be considered something of a national emergency, considering how often changelings have threatened Equestria as a whole and with Chrysalis still being at large and all? I mean, this seems like the sort of thing that should be treated as more than needing advice from your buddy. For that matter, Spike, you should be hitting the alarm, and not worrying about getting back to Ember.

  • Uh, Ember, you didn't win the Gauntlet of Fire, Spike did. I mean, you did present yourself as the winner to your father at the end of the eponymous episode, but it's not like you and Spike need to keep it a secret or anything; several dragons saw Spike hand the Bloodstone Scepter to you after he picked it up. I mean, it's a minor point and all, but it seems odd that you're bragging about something you didn't actually accomplish.

  • Oh Derpy, they took your voice again. And it was so nice to hear you speak in Slice of Life. At least we don't have to see them bowdlerize your name in the credits.

  • Oh, Ember just called out Twilight and Starlight for filling the same narrative niche! Shhh, we don't talk about that, Ember!

  • Thorax has a brother? We saw him hatch from an egg, aren't damn near all changelings his siblings? Or is this another one of those things we're not supposed to talk about?

  • ...and Ember is doubling-down! You know what, all joking aside, why are Twilight and Starlight taking the comparison so badly? It's not like she's insulting them; she's just saying that they bear a fairly strong resemblance to each other. Why are they so upset by that?

  • Spike tries to deflect by bringing up politeness, only for Ember to point out that he hasn't been polite. I'm so digging Ember's character here; she's such a breath of fresh air for how she doesn't take crap from anyone. And she is right, as she herself noted.

  • What the...Thorax just turned into a bear?! I mean, that alone isn't that surprising - he once turned into a freakin' rock, after all - but this is the first time we've seen changelings use their transforming ability to boost their combat prowess. he? Other than his leaping forward shakes the ground (and that might be a "meta" thing, about our "camera's" point of view), he doesn't actually do anything. Maybe he's just trying to intimidate Ember, and doesn't have any sort of greater strength than he normally did? Damn it, too many unanswered questions about the exact nature of changelings, still!

  • Minor nitpick, but why is everyone suddenly referring to the changelings as a "pack"? They've been called "swarm" and "hive" as recently as last season's To Where and Back Again, but never "pack."

  • Yeah, the show clearly doesn't want to go there, but Ember's advice - presuming that we extrapolate it out to political leadership (since they're both heads of what could be considered sovereign political entities) and not merely an issue of group dynamics in general - ultimately culminates in the state having a monopoly on the (legitimate) use of force. While it should be a last resort, and not utilized in every situation, there are times when a leader needs to force others to obey their commands or suffer penalties, and use violence in order to make that happen.

I liked the episode, it is nice to see a good Spike focused episode.

Did a quick catchup of the last couple episodes.

Fame and misfortune was pretty good, though a couple of the jokes felt a bit mean spirited. Overall pretty fun.

Triple Threat was a spike episode so... yeah didn't care for it that much. Better than most spike episodes but still a low point of the 2nd half so far.

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Just something quick related to one of the villains from the upcoming movie. It's more silly than anything else but her real name was revealed.

Fizzlepop Berrytwist.

No, seriously. Given the grim and dark and very violent nature she's been depicted with in trailers, it seems like an odd choice. Unless living with that name is what drove her over the deep end.

Though at the same time I don't think we needed a pony named 'Bloodbane the Eviscerator' or the like. But that name makes me feel like I'm going into diabetic shock.

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Eric, what about "Bloodberry the Evil";)

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atheral wrote:
Triple Threat was a spike episode so... yeah didn't care for it that much. Better than most spike episodes but still a low point of the 2nd half so far.

I'm odd, but, I've enjoyed nearly every spike episode. (princess spike is probably the only one I don't enjoy, but I still don't hate it...)

His character appeals to me, probably because he's the most flawed out of all of the main cast, but his strong points, are, well, strong, and also, very honorable.
Also, he does learn from his lessons, and you don't really see him making the same mistakes again. yes, they are all caused by shortsightedness, but, on the other hand, they are all caused by a different form of shortsightedness.
I realize this is an unpopular view, but I still like Spike.
Spike is best pony in Times they are a Changeling

I really enjoyed the Spike episodes of Dragon Quest, The Secret of My Excess, Owl's Well That Ends Well, Times They are a Changeling, Gauntlet of Fire and Triple Threat.

Celestia Sighting: Starfinder Core Rulebook page 31.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Some thoughts on Campfire Tales (spoiler'd, just to be safe):

  • Wait wait wait...are Scootaloo and Applejack implying that this takes place one year after season three's Sleepless in Ponyville? Because I have to tell you, saying that it hasn't even been a full year since Twilight got her wings is really throwing off my theories about the show's timeline.

  • Is...something going on with Madeleine Peters' voice? There's a few lines in here where she sounds kind of off, for lack of a better term. Not many, but they're there.

  • Okay, so these "fly-ders" are from the "Luna Bay area." That's an area that appears on the most recent map (which keeps that awful "undiscovered west" area that flat-out conflicts with what we were shown in season four's Twilight's Kingdom - Part 2), and apparently nowhere else. Leaving aside issues of (the map having no) scale, that's still pretty freaking far for them to travel. Is Equestria undergoing some sort of large-scale climate change to make this happen? Are those coal-fueled trains finally having some sort of environmental impact? And if Princess Celestia was willing to help out when Fillydelphia had an infestation in season one's Swarm of the Century, I presume she'll get right on this when she finds out about it?

  • "Oh, apple rot!" Seriously, Apple Bloom, using profanity at your age is not okay.

  •, these are legends, right? That means that they're not meant to be taken seriously, I presume. These ponies they're talking about are like our versions of Paul Bunyan? I really hope that's the case, for the sake coherent world-building.

  • You know, given that the ponies control the weather and the day/night cycle, geological activity does seem like the only remaining sort of natural disaster left. I mean, that or maybe a meteor could fall, or something. I'm just saying...

  • So Rock Hoof hit an evolutionary stone and changed into a stronger kind of pokemon earth pony? Bit of an odd moral there.

  • Okay, you know, Dash knowing who Mist Mane is without knowing her story is kinda weird, if you hold that these are supposed to be legends.

  • Where the hell is Rarity's story supposed to be taking place? She said Mist Mane was the most beautiful unicorn in "all the land," but this land pretty clearly isn't Equestria! This is some far eastern-looking country where the unicorns all have curved horns! And...does Mist Mane have an ethereal mane a la Celestia and Luna? Holy crap it's a good thing that whole "legend" clause is in there! This story would wreak all kinds of havoc on the canon otherwise!

  • So Sable Spirit was crowned "empress" huh? That's only the second time in this series we've ever heard that term being thrown around, the other being in season four's Daring Don't with regard to the Ketztwctl Empress whose dark magic Daring Do dispelled when she defeated Ahuizotl and secured the Amulet of Atonement. So, much like with Sombra being a king, anything above "princess" seems to be reserved for bad guys.

  • That's some really incredible shadow-puppetry there, Rarity. I mean, I know ponies can use their hooves in ways that are pretty clearly the product of some sort of inherent pony magic, but this is just...damn.

  • Okay, Sable Spirit is already one of the best antagonists we've seen in a while on this show. Her monologing is actually a pretty good backstory (takes notes, Starlight!), and she seems to have some impressive magical mojo. It's kind of a shame we're never going to see her again.

  • So Sable Spirit got to keep ruling after her change of heart? Because, she admitted that she wasn't "chosen" to lead, but rather "took it," in her own words. I mean, it's great that she turned over a new leaf and all, but I sort of thought that'd mean giving up her unearned political power as part of that.

  • And now Mist Mane's in Equestria? Again, are we supposed to be hearing fact or fiction? Maybe it's better to just chalk the entire damn thing up to being "mythohistorical" so we can have our cake and eat it too.

  • Okay, I've been letting this go up until now, but Scootaloo, how can you be such a daredevil all of the time only to become the biggest wuss around as soon as you head out into nature? Seriously, you should change your name to "personality flopover." (That's a Congo reference, for those wondering.)

  • Wow, causing a cave-in and trapping everyone inside just to avoid some bugs? I'm going to skip the obligatory Maud joke and just say that you're an idiot, Dash. Did you get bitten so much that you didn't have enough blood going to your brain?

  • "Flash Magnus"? I'm wary of any pegasus stallion named "Flash," especially since this guy seems to have a similarly-colored coat.

  • Also, for that matter, if these guys are crossing the Dragonlands to meet up with some comrades that are already on the other side, how did those guys who are already on said other side get there okay? Did they just wait until the dragons were asleep or something?

  • Hang on a second, according to what we were told in season four's Testing Testing 1, 2, 3, it was only after Luna was banished that Princess Celestia formed the Protective Pony Platoons, including the E.U.P. Guard, and that after a full year of peace the General Firefly's elite flying squadron performed, which he later named the Wonderbolts. So if "Flash Magnus" lived before the Wonderbolts were founded, exactly what "royal legion" was he a part of? Is this supposed to be in some foreign country also? Or in that one-year period after the E.U.P. was formed but before the Wonderbolts were declared?

  • Aaand apparently former Dragon Lord Torch is a bad guy in Rainbow's story. That just seems wrong, given what a fair guy (albeit prone to shouting) he was in season six's Gauntlet of Fire.

  • Rather obvious shout-out to Flash being loyal, just like Rainbow. I mean, it's not like Rock Hoof was super-honest or anything, though I suppose Mist Mane was rather generous...still, they're laying the whole "loves a story that matches her Element of Harmony" thing on a bit thick here.

  • So we're not going to get any backstory on this "Netitus"? We're just going to accept that Commander Ironhead was flying around with what looks like a magic item - one with its own name, and enough reputation to be recognized on sight - in his possession (which he didn't seem to use)? That didn't work when I announced that my character had been carrying around the Invulnerable Coat of Arnd, so why's this guy get a pass? ...freakin' Flash.

  • Oh my god, they're jumping into an underground river? That's just asking to drown! Yeah, it's turned out to not only be okay, but even more helpful, but holy crap is that a dumb idea!

The new episode was Ok but I would have liked it more if it focused more on the stories they were telling and less on the picnic itself.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Some thoughts on To Change A Changeling (spoiler'd cause that's what you like about me):

  • Okay, so given that this episode is pretty clearly making a reference to Spike's song in season six's The Times They Are a Changeling, it's a little odd that Spike himself doesn't appear in this episode. Maybe I'm reading too much into it?

  • That opening bit of dialogue between Trixie and Starlight seems rather pointless. I mean, as a bit of harmless bantering between friends it works just fine, but in terms of exposition I'm not sure why it's there. So we know that Starlight needed to make a series of teleports to get from Ponyville to the changeling hive, and confirmed that the non-changeling-magic-absorbing field is gone. I mean, the latter at least confirms what we already knew, but the former? I guess that tells us something about Starlight's level of power...?

  • Heehee, and already Trixie and Starlight are back into their "odd couple" routine. I really love how Trixie, like certain other characters, is so at odds with how most ponies act. It's such a breath of fresh air. It would quickly grow unbearable if she was in every episode, but every now and then? A perfect palate-cleanser.

  • Wait, the dread "maulwurf"? So the monster's name is "mole" in German? And although they describe it as a "half-bear, half-mole" (and half raging pile of claws), it's really just a big ugly mole. They really couldn't find any sort of mythological monster to use here? Or even make something up? If we can have chimeras and arimaspis, to say nothing of ursa minors and timberwolves, why does this monster have to be just a big mole?

  • Er...Starlight, are you telling me that because the changelings don't feed on love anymore, plants are starting to grow back? Because I'm seeing a large leap in logic, there. Exactly how much love do plants have, that changelings used to feed on them?

  • Okay, so for the record, this is the only time we've ever seen an black-bug-style changeling talk, notwithstanding Thorax and Chrysalis. The flashback in this episode shows that this was common for changelings, but other than that it was just a supposition, since we never actually saw any of them do anything except growl and hiss.

  • Whoa, so that black-bug changeling is Thorax's brother? The one he mentioned two episodes back? Huh, so that wasn't just a meaningless throwaway reference after all! And...wait, so he's the last of the renegade changelings that were also mentioned then? Geez, Thorax put that whole "be more assertive" thing into practice fast! Take a lesson from that, Fluttershy!

  • So Thorax's brother's name is Pharynx? Of course it is. I can't wait until we meet changelings with names like Elytron or Spiracle.

  • You know, given that all changelings acted the way Pharynx did, I'm honestly a little surprised at just how badly they're all taking his behavior. I mean, they've really undergone quite a bit of behavior modification if they can't empathize with his mindset...apparently not even those renegades who only recently changed because Thorax got assertive on them. Does that metamorphosis result in some kind of mental alteration to match the physical changes? I guess it's plausible, since it's sharing love and all, but that just seems...I dunno, the whole thing is weirdly inconsistent.

  • I'm honestly a little surprised that the issue of Pharynx looking for Chrysalis never even gets mentioned in this episode. I mean, if he misses how things used to be so much, then why hasn't it occurred to him to go looking for the person who was in charge back during that period? It's not that hard to grasp the idea that she could bring back the old order that he misses.

  • Is something wrong with my eyes, or is that potluck lunch serving lobster? Because that's the closest to carnivorous dietary habits that we've seen on this show, if it is.

  • And now we've telegraphed the show's resolution. Saying that Pharynx is disillusioned because there's no need to patrol the hive is self-evidently not the case, since it's a truism that even peaceful people need to defend themselves.

  • Pharynx has such great lines. "I put you in a bag. I thought it went great." "I don't take advice from ponies! The only thing I take from you is breakfast." "Wow, so you're both losers." Seriously, I am digging this guy's casual disrespecting everyone he doesn't approve of!

  • Is that bit with the changeling who feels like she's sometimes blue and sometimes purple, but is actually green, and doesn't want to change her colors because she'd feel like she was "living a lie" supposed to be a reference to...actually, you know what? I'm not even going to go there.

  • Huh, so some of these transformed changelings don't have horns. That bothers me more than I thought, since having both horns and wings made it seem like that was how changelings were able to impersonate unicorns or pegasi, let alone alicorns (and, naturally, earth ponies). I mean, since only unicorns can cast spells, and presumably changelings that copy unicorns are expected to have some degree of magical ability, having the horn just made sense. I know I'm overthinking this, but it's one of those little details that gets in my brain and can't be easily dislodged.

  • Wow, Starlight, you're actually saying that Pharynx is beyond redemption? You enslaved an entire town, and then tried to manipulate time itself just to screw Twilight over - I won't even get into little things like mentally enslaving her friends so you could cheat on your friendship homework - and she never gave up on you. But find one person who's just kind of a pill (and isn't even actually wrong, he just has a terrible attitude), and you're going to give up on him in a single afternoon? I expect this from Trixie - whom you've cut a lot more slack, I'll remind you (see this season's All Bottled Up) but not from you.

  • Holy crap, what the heck did Pharynx change into in that flashback?! That was some legitimately terrifying stuff! Though...why didn't those other grubs do that right back? Are there differing degrees to which changelings can change shape? And of course, there's still no answer as to how much (if any) of a mimicked creatures attributes they acquire. Sigh.

  • Oh hey, look who just read between the lines and realized that a fighter-type is good to keep around, since there are still dangers that need to be protected against. Nice to see you finally realize that Pharynx brings value to his community, Starlight. You really couldn't have figured that out a few minutes ago, before Thorax made it clear that he felt indebted to his brother for protecting him from bullies? I mean, he had to spell out "protector" for you in order for you to get it?

  • Hah! And Starlight's big, rousing speech gets a net total of zero volunteers! She's really striking out today!

  • And the rest of the swarm makes a last-minute entrance...only to accomplish absolutely nothing, as Pharynx pretty much does do it all by himself. I'm not sure if that's supposed to be ironic, or if we're supposed to understand that the rest of the changelings really are completely helpless now, or both (seriously, these are the same guys who covertly took out all of Equestria's leaders in To Where and Back Again - Part 1)?

  • Hm, I really like Pharynx's transformed state. I like how there's a clear resemblance to Thorax; it's almost like it's naturally saying "second in command."

Alzrius wrote:

Some thoughts on To Change A Changeling (spoiler'd cause that's what you like about me):

** spoiler omitted **...

Back with my fact checking ;p

Random black-bug changelings talked in season 6 finale, while reporting to chrysalis.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Goblin Kid wrote:
Alzrius wrote:

Some thoughts on To Change A Changeling (spoiler'd cause that's what you like about me):

** spoiler omitted **...

Back with my fact checking ;p

** spoiler omitted **

Oh yeah...darn it. Ah well, thanks as always for keeping me honest!

Your welcome. :)

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Interesting news out of the Hascon thing thats going on this weekend

Season 7 and 8 coverage Spoilers!

Spoilers for Season 7 and 8:
So it seems that the rest of the season will be pretty interesting with background characters coming forward more. But I guess the real news out of that article is that
A. Chrysialis will be back for season 8, probably the villain of the opener if not the season.
B. The events of the Movie seem to be fully integrated with the show. This is what is most interesting to me, as normally they relegate the out of show stuff, comics, EQG films, etc to soft canon status. To introduce somthing in the movie then add it to the show that's a big change in the way they do things. I get Transformers movie flashbacks when I think about it. (and don't ask which one, as far as I'm concerned there was only one Transformers movie and it had Orson Wells as a planet sized robot.)

What concerns me about that movie detail - the last 5 episodes of this season won't air until after the movie.
This means nothing happens in the season finale that alters any major aspects of canon. (a la Princess Twilight in season 3 or giving up the physical Elements in season 4).

Although, presently, there is no official release date for those episodes. With Transformers, the movie took place between seasons 2 and 3. What is MLP takes place between 721 and 722?

Also, there is some confusion about Transformers movies? Transformers Prime:Beast Hunters:Predacons Rising was a TV movie, it doesn't count. There is only one Transformers theatrical movie.

Which means they will likely delay those episodes for a while to give everyone a chance to get to the theater before the show spoilers it.

The fifth Legend of Magic today. Plus Starswirl, and the three from a couple weeks back. One more to go.

The movie takes place between season 7 and 8, so why does that matter when the last 5 episodes of season 7 air?

I don't know why anyone would be surprised that the movie is cannon to the show.

Dragon78 wrote:

The movie takes place between season 7 and 8, so why does that matter when the last 5 episodes of season 7 air?

I don't know why anyone would be surprised that the movie is cannon to the show.

Movie starts. Character X is now an alicorn that wasn't in 721. That would be a good reason for it mattering.

Or 725, Character Y is dead. Except they are in the movie, so guess what? She isn't going to stay dead.

It eliminates any suspense in the finale if you already know how it turns out.

I am very sure that no character in the movie will die, become an alicorn, and/or come back to life. Other then Applejack's parents, I can't think of anyone that is dead in the series unless they died of old age.

Dragon78 wrote:
I am very sure that no character in the movie will die, become an alicorn, and/or come back to life. Other then Applejack's parents, I can't think of anyone that is dead in the series unless they died of old age.

Twilight: "Oh noes! Pinkie Pie is Dead!!!"

Audience: "No she isn't. Because she was/will be in the movie. They are going to bring her back in the next 10 minutes." Suspense negated.

Of course, that assumes the finale will have something that can be known from the movie. It may be an issue that is not hinted at in movie at all, in which case, it will be a total surprise.

All I have heard is that the season 7 finale is about

the Pony of Shadows

I'm not looking at those spoilers... but...

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Some thoughts on Daring Done (spoiler'd because an awesome consistency is the Rainbow Dash of major minds):

  • Rainbow is clearly wrong about the news all being "boring hooey." Given that one of the things Luna was sore over in this season's A Royal Problem was her putting up lavender flowers every night and not being appreciated, having new shrubbery in the castle gardens is pretty clearly a big deal.

  • "Para-sprite infestation in Fillydelphia eradicated." Are you kidding me?! If I recall correctly, that infestation was said to have occurred at the end of season one's Swarm of the Century. It took that long to clear those things out?! Does no one in that town play a musical instrument? Wasn't Celestia on her way there to help out back when it started? Man oh man, Fillydelphia must have been an absolute pit to live in for quite a while, considering what those para-sprites can do!

  • Hang on, did Pinkie just say there's an election going on in Cloudsdale? For what office, exactly? Because Ponyville's Mayor Mare seems to be mayor-for-life, due to that being her destiny (i.e. her cutie mark) and all (I'm aware of the comics about this; I simply don't acknowledge them, since the comics are essentially licensed fanfiction). So if we presume that Cloudsdale works the same, and based on what the show has shown us so far, is that election for Student Pony President (a la season five's Crusaders of the Lost Mark)? That...would actually make sense, considering it's right next to a story about noodles being named the official food of Whinnyapolis.

  • Okay, so I'm going to get this out of the way right now. We all know that Rainbow Dash is a huge fan of Daring Do; that's obvious. But this episode seems to have completely forgotten - unlike literally every other Daring Do episode - that Twilight is also a huge fan of her work. And yet, Twilight isn't even mentioned in this episode, let alone featured. Does she not read the Ponyville Chronicle or something?

  • You know, the casual way they interchange "A. K. Yearling" with "Daring Do" when talking to the individual in question is kind of making me uncertain as to which one is her real name and which one is the pseudonym. I mean, I'm mostly sure that the latter is her real name, but the way they keep using it when she's in that "disguise" - even when they're alone - is throwing me off a little.

  • Huh...that electrified (?) statuette that Pinkie was fiddling with seemed kinda dangerous, at least if A. K.'s reaction was anything to judge by. Given that Caballeron's been to her house before, I have to wonder if leaving it lying around is the best idea. You know what? I'll just assume it was there because she's made a mess packing...though I'd have thought she'd have some mindset about how those things "belong in a museum!"

  • Er, they don't sell your books in southern Equestria, A. K.? Why, exactly? Because, given that your books are apparently wildly popular - to the point of having conventions about them, as per season six's Stranger Than Fanfiction - you'd think that "they" would realize that southern Equestria is an untapped market, quite possibly massively so. I mean, I get it, the show needs to have a town where everypony knows that Daring Do is a real person (so they can have them complain about her), and not get into the whole "this fictional hero is real?!" bit, but this honestly sounds like a bad workaround for not thinking that entire premise through far enough back when it was decided that she'd be a real person in the setting.

  • You know, this whole "Daring Do has lost confidence in herself due to bad press" thing seems kind of odd. Everything we've seen up until now indicated that she didn't really care what everypony thought of her, hence why she was so put off by Rainbow Dash's fangirlishness back in season four's Daring Don't, and largely unconcerned about her convention in Stranger Than Fanfiction. I dunno, I honestly didn't see her being this vulnerable to some angry newspaper articles.

  • You know, given that the village is named Somnambula, after their local hero Somnambula, I kind of thought we'd see something about sleepwalking. I suppose it was a reference to her crossing that bridge blindfolded...sort of?

  • Ah, and there's the Indiana Jones-style mapping. Always a classic, that.

  • So Daring Do's last adventure was her stopping Ahuizotl from cursing that town with eternal night and (for some reason) sinking into the ground? You know, between that and his wanting to curse the Tenochtitlan Basin (Daring Don't) with eight hundred years of unrelenting heat, that guy really seems to spend a lot of time trying to curse places. Is that like a hobby or something he does in between trying to conquer the Basin that he already seems to control anyway (given that he was commanding those primitive ponies in Daring Don't)?

  • I didn't expect this portion of Equestria to look so Ancient Egyptian in style. But if they have a place called Trottingham where the ponies all speak with British accents, then this seems just as plausible.

  • Grandpear?!

  • Uh, yeah, that pony in the cloak is Dr. Caballeron. No, seriously, it's immediately obvious. I know that Daring Do's "A. K. Yearling" guise is already at Clark Kent levels of minimal effort for maximum results, but that whole "wear a cloak and slightly change my voice" bit Caballeron's using is really stretching the entire concept of what counts as a disguise.

  • Hee hee, the "Get On Inn." I love it!

  • You know what, Pinkie, you're really not helping things. Besides repeatedly giving Rainbow Dash bad advice about letting Daring Do stew in her own depression (and we know it's bad advice because the show keeps showing her to be wrong almost immediately), now she's more concerned about muffins (stealing Derpy's sole remaining narrative theme!) than with helping a sad pony? I thought helping sad ponies was Pinkie's destiny!

  • I just want to point out that this hotel proprietress has a half-dozen lines of dialogue - less than the Grandpear clone named "Elder Stallion" - and yet the credits give her character an actual name (Mrs. Trotsworth). Is there some sort of joke there that I'm not getting?

  • I'm honestly a little confused as to why Dr. Caballeron is here at all. I mean, he already turned everypony against Daring Do, to the point of getting it in the papers, and broke her spirit. So why was he still there, continuing to kick dirt on her already-ruined reputation? That really seems like beating a dead...topic.

  • It never ceases to amaze me how easily ponies are swayed. Literally, every time someone opens their mouth to tell them to either love Daring Do or hate Daring Do, the entire crowd immediately falls into line. It's like watching a tennis match.

  • Equestria has sphinxes? I mean, it has arimaspis and hydras, so I guess that's no big deal...

  • ...but a pharaoh is kind of a big deal, what with Equestria having been ruled by Celestia and Luna for millenia! So how in the hay does a pharaoh fit in with that? Was that what they called their town's mayor back then or something? It's things like this, which fit so poorly with what little we already know, that make the Daring Do episodes so difficult to like!

  • The sphinx can cast spells? Don't get me wrong, I think that every living thing in Equestria has some sort of magic, but actually casting spells is sort of limited to unicorns, as well as other creatures that have a horn, such as the changelings (hence why I hated how their new day-glo forms had some of them without a horn, as I mentioned before). If the sphinx is casting spells without a horn, that catapults it up to the ranks of creatures like Discord, or at least the Sirens. But if this is "a" sphinx and not a unique creature... *sighs* And we can't even write this off as folklore, because the spell is still active. Doggone it.

  • Psst! Anyone else notice that the sphinx is apparently unaffected by its own spell to prevent flight, since it flew out of there?

  • "The pharaoh asked how she [Somnambula] had prevailed." She should have said "walking straight forward while blindfolded can be tricky, but it's not like it's really all that difficult, especially with the bridge's lateral swaying being a useful way to orient myself so my path forward was parallel to the bridge."

  • Wait, Caballeron why are you throwing away your disguise?! That's-, hold on, Rainbow, all of his henchstallions are earth ponies, just fly! I don't understand, has the heat gotten to everypony all of a sudden?! Why is Caballeron reenacting the Sphinx's old trap? There are much easier ways to put a hostage to good use!

  • Oh, now Pinkie's being helpful. Nice to see you finally putting in some effort! And...finding a completely nonsensical answer to the whole "leap of faith" problem. Seriously, what the heck are those things in the slime pit that are pushing them up? It's supposed to be a leap of faith, not a leap of logic!

  • Aaand Caballeron's monologing his entire plan in front of everypony. I give up. This episode started out being kind of okay, but the last act has seen everyone abandon every shred of common sense in order to move things along. It's almost like they knew they had to get it solved before they ran out of time. Even the freaking moral - "even if you're trying to do something good, you're still responsible for your actions" - is poorly implemented, since that lesson was overshadowed by Caballeron's trying to deliberately ruin her reputation via lies and exaggerations. I'm so Daring Done with this episode.

quotes from spoiler:
On your Second point: Perhaps a new infestation has occurred?
It would be possible, as there were technically two infestations in the original episode (Thanks Fluttershy...) This is just a plausible explanation, and neither proves nor disproves the complaint.
Also, can happen in real life: Eradicate mice one year, get more the next.
Alzrius wrote:
The sphinx can cast spells? Don't get me wrong, I think that every living thing in Equestria has some sort of magic, but actually casting spells is sort of limited to unicorns, as well as other creatures that have a horn, such as the changelings (hence why I hated how their new day-glo forms had some of them without a horn, as I mentioned before). If the sphinx is casting spells without a horn, that catapults it up to the ranks of creatures like Discord, or at least the Sirens. But if this is "a" sphinx and not a unique creature... *sighs* And we can't even write this off as folklore, because the spell is still active. Doggone it.

The sirens aren't technically unique, as there are three of them. Two sphinxes would be enough to earn the moniker "a sphinx". Just a thought. It is possible to be rare without being unique.

I also thought this episode was a bit weak for the season. It's actually fairly standard fare for the show though.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Goblin Kid wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

I also thought this episode was a bit weak for the season. It's actually fairly standard fare for the show though.

My comment about the para-sprites was an example of Occam's Razor - the explanation with the fewest assumptions is typically the best - as I find that to be a very important point when trying to fill in the blanks in what we're told. We're told that there's an infestation of "incredibly bothersome creatures" in Fillydelphia in Swarm of the Century, and then told that an infestation of para-sprites has been eradicated in that some city in this episode. Hence, the least assumptive interpretation is that it's the same infestation.

Certainly, everything you posit is entirely plausible. I just don't like assuming details without cause to do so.

Also, I technically didn't say that the Sirens were unique, I said that if that sphinx was casting spells without a horn, then it would be on a comparable level to creatures like them, which would be problematic if it wasn't a unique entity.

But yeah, this episode isn't going on my "top five" list for this season.

Alzrius wrote:
Goblin Kid wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

I also thought this episode was a bit weak for the season. It's actually fairly standard fare for the show though.

** spoiler omitted **

But yeah, this episode isn't going on my "top five" list for this season.

I don't like making assumptions either, I just also dislike making normal ponies out to be incompetent, which, has thankfully become less of a thing since season 4. So, if I have to assume something, I prefer making an assumption that makes ponies look competent.

Movie Trailer 2


While I think this weeks episode was kinda average overall it goes in my favorites list purely for

Punk Rock Rarity

Dragon78 wrote:
I am very sure that no character in the movie will die, become an alicorn, and/or come back to life. Other then Applejack's parents, I can't think of anyone that is dead in the series unless they died of old age.

Well, possibly Scootaloo's theoretical parents. Though after this season's campout, there is more evidence that she is in fact just a transformed chicken.

Alzirus wrote:
"Para-sprite infestation in Fillydelphia eradicated." Are you kidding me?! If I recall correctly, that infestation was said to have occurred at the end of season one's Swarm of the Century. It took that long to clear those things out?!

Time does weird things in this show. But I believe the coronation arc (or just after it) mentioned that the first six seasons (Twilight's time in Ponyville) were basically a single year.

And, of course, Nightmare Moon's 'reign of terror' is canonically maybe 10 minutes long.

On the other hand, this weekend's episode skips forward 'months' at the end, which is interesting.

As episodes go, I rather liked it (I suspected I wouldn't based on the picture I came across, but it went in a completely different direction). Though the fact that destinies and the ultimate expression of your personality, skills and talents are easily mutable and/or stolen but not (...this spoiler...) to be rather absurd.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Last 3 episodes of Season 7 synopsis revealed

Thoughts on synopsis:

On 24: Meh, really I have no opinion on this one. It's a Starlight episode where she gets jealous of the mane6 being friendly with Sunburst.

On the Finale: This however is interesting, so we find out that Starswirl and Co. (The Legends of Magic from the comics) here also called the Pillars of Old Equestria. Have been Sealed Good In a Can for the past 1000 years. And they get brought out, but I assume when the can gets opened they let out the baddie that they trapped with them as well. So looks like we are going to have the Pillars plus the Elements duking it out with the Pony of Shadows. Some interesting possibilities there.

I agree atheral, the season 7 finale sounds very interesting.

Welp, just got back from my private screening of the movie. (Not joking I apparently bought the only ticket for the time slot so I had the theater to myself). I'd give it a solid 8. New animation style took a bit of adjusting to but I ended up liking it. Story felt a bit rushed at places, but worked better than most of the attempts at adventure stories in the actual show.

I would love to go see the movie but it is not showing at my theater, I do not have a car, and none of my friends will see it:( I am disappointed at how bad it is actually doing, you would think it would make 10+ million. I wasn't expecting it to be a hit but at least it should have done better then this.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

My understanding is that the movie has grossed $8.8 million domestically, and $3.8 in foreign releases, for $12.6 so far. That comes from The Numbers (and is spoiler-free). Box Office Mojo confirms (and is also spoiler-free).

I don't know what the production and advertising budgets were, but I've heard unconfirmed rumors that they were such that the movie has already turned a profit, which is ultimately what really matters.

Fluttershy was very shortchanged.
Storm King was not threatening.
Am I mistaken, or did we still see sunrise/set after Celestia and Luna were unavailable to do it?

I know Allspark Productions is counting on this movie doing well. Any future theatrical efforts (any Hasbro IPs) depend on it.

I haven't heard an official budget yet but I have heard anywhere from 22 to 65 million. I am siding on the lower end of that one but you never know.

I am sure the movie leaking 3 days before release hurt it but not that much.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Some thoughts on My Little Pony: The Movie (spoiler'd because we're just barely past opening weekend):

  • So right off the bat, I want to make it clear that I'm operating from memory here, since I saw the movie on Saturday. So I'm sure I'm forgetting some salient detail about something. If so, please chime in!

  • Also, it's worth reiterating that I'm rather partial towards continuity and world-building, so expect me to bring that up a lot.

  • Wow is this new animation style freaking me out! I mean, it's not bad but I'm having one hell of a hard time adjusting...especially with those eyes! Every character seems unnecessarily wide-eyed a great deal of the time! It's kind of freaking me out!

  • So there doesn't seem to be any clear indication of where in the timeline this movie takes place (other than being after Twilight got her wings). I've heard people saying that it takes place between seasons seven and eight, but there weren't any notable references that I was aware of. Unless we get a clear indicator during the season seven finale - or the season eight premiere - there might not be a rock-solid [insert Maud joke here] placing for when the movie happens.

  • So the ponies are having a Friendship Festival, but I'm not quite sure I understand the significance of the celebration. That is, why are they having this new holiday? The sole purpose seems to be to have a concert with Songbird Serenade.

  • I also can't help but note that in season five's The Mane Attraction, it was plainly stated that Countess Coloratura is the most popular pop star in Equestria, with Sapphire Shores being the second most popular. Has something changed, or did they just book the third-biggest star for the concert here?

  • So I'm just curious, what exactly is producing the black clouds around those invading airships? Do they run on coal or something?

  • Hello, Discord? Yes, your waifu is in danger. Do you maybe wanna try and fix everything the way you attempted to back during the season six finale? Wait, no? Why not?, no it wouldn't end the movie in five minutes, they have petrification devices, and we know you've been turned to stone before,, they don't look like they're at Elements of Harmony-level, but...yes, but plot-holes bring chaos to the script, so if you're not here we-, hello? Hello?

  • Also, for that matter, where is Starlight Glimmer? Is she just napping back in Ponyville or something? I heard reference to her getting a cameo, but it must have been extremely blink-and-you'll-miss-it, because I didn't see her at all. Why was she not venturing out to save Equestria, presuming this takes place post-season seven?

  • I'm going to ignore the oddly technomagical-looking orbs that Tempest is kicking around, and instead note how that black-crystal petrification thing they've got going on is rather evocative of King Sombra. There's assuredly no connection, but still...

  • Urgh! Why does every villain need to have an incompetent/wise-cracking sidekick? Tempest Shadow doesn't need to have her screen presence softened!

  • Celestia, why are you trying to send Luna to ask the hippogriffs for help? I mean, seriously, what do you expect them to do?! Thorax and the changelings could be covert infiltrators, and Ember and the dragons could serve as powerful shock troops, but the hippogriffs don't seem to have anything except for that magic orb that lets them turn into sea ponies/hippocampi. They honestly seem like a freaking McGuffin!

  • Hang on, did the shield that "storm beast" is carrying just reflect Twilight's spell? Because that's kind of a major tactical element that might be worth spending more time on.

  • So girls, you feel like using the Rainbow Powers anytime soon? I mean, I get that you can't just go get the Elements of Harmony back from the Tree of Harmony, since there's a chance Discord's plunderseeds could re-emerge (though why he can't just make them disappear is a bit of a sticky wicket) and choke the life out of it again, but you guys do remember getting that new power when you defeated Tirek, right? Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if that was a one-time-only ability, the way it's never been used again (notwithstanding season five's Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?, since that episode established that anyone can do anything in dreams).

  • Okay, the bit with the dial-up modem sounds as Tempest establishes communication with the Storm King is kind of funny, but...wait, why is the Storm King himself so lacking in screen presence? If Tempest Shadow is Equestria's Darth Vader, this guy is seriously not doing his job as her Palpatine. I'm not even going to get into his entire motivation seeming to be wanting power for no other reason than to live up to his sobriquet (or, maybe, for its own sake), which is pretty unimpressive.

  • So the bad guys want to steal magic, but apparently have no interest in Flurry Heart or the Crystal Heart or the Tree of Harmony or the Cutie Map or Discord or pretty much anything besides the alicorns? I mean, I get that they're powerful, but it's not like they're the only major magical powers around.

  • I have to take a moment to talk about just how freaking awesome Tempest Shadow is. Seriously, she is the single best thing about this movie for me, hooves down. Please oh please oh please let her be featured on the show in the future. Get a voice-double for Emily Blunt if you have to, but don't let her character never be seen again.

  • Huh, so there's a city in that southern desert? Okay, but what's propping it up economically? I guess it's some sort of shipping port, but even so, what a hole. For that matter, it seems to be implied that the Storm King took over here, but I can't see much evidence of that, nor does it track with his desire to absorb magic into his staff. This is what happens when you don't give a villain a strong motive!

  • And holy crap, this city looks like the freakin' Mos Eisley cantina! I was kidding when I made that Darth Vader/Palpatine reference before, but now I'm starting to wonder just how much this movie was influenced by Star Wars. I mean, Equestria has always had a diverse array of races - donkeys, cows, and goats are all apparently sapient, alongside bipedal races like diamond dogs and minotaurs (e.g. Iron Will) - but this place is really dialing it up a notch. Are those fish people?! And of course the talking cat-man.

  • And apparently slavery is legal here, given how the populace wants to buy the Mane Six? I know this is out of nowhere, but I'm starting to wonder if this is the sort of place Daring Do would go adventuring. I don't know what made me think of that, but there it is.

  • I find myself wondering if "Mount Aris" is some sort of mythological reference to hippogriffs, but I can't find anything to indicate that it is. That said, with the strong implication that the hippogriffs are their own race, rather than being pony/griffon hybrids as per (some) mythology, Equestria remains miscegeny-free (technically notwithstanding how unicorns, earth ponies, and pegasi can apparently interbreed, even if doing so preserves each type's particular traits).

  • Wow, those sky-pirates (sky pirate parrots?) were pretty easy to snap out of their servitude to the Sky King. I mean, damn, Rainbow Dash seems like she has some levels in bard or something to pull that off.

  • That said, that initial scene where the pirates are talking about what they're going to do to the ponies is rather funny. "We're going to scar them...*Rarity squeals*...emotionally. *Fluttershy squeals*"

  • Did Shadow Tempest just bring that entire airship down by herself? Seriously, I get that she still has some of her horn left, and obviously can't do anything (e.g. telekinesis) besides those magical blasts, but they seem oddly powerful. It's almost like her broken horn is enhancing them somehow. Is that related to how baby unicorns have random power fluctuations? I doubt it, but she's clearly harnessing some sort of damaged-functionality there.

  • Hm, for a race that only fled to avoid the Storm King, the hippogriff city on Mount Aris seems to be rather old. How long has that joker been going around knocking off other peoples' magic?

  • As a note, we never actually see Princess Skystar put those bubbles around everyone's heads. So let's not get into a thing about whether or not hippogriffs can cast spells, because we never see it happen.

  • So the hippogriffs have a queen and a princess, huh? I guess that's not too unusual, since even if we put aside King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis, the griffons used to have a king of their own, and we've seen the king and queen of Saddle Arabia in the show. Still, I have to wonder if this brings up any issues about Celestia and Luna not wanting to attain that same level of royalty, at least formally. I mean, technically Queen Novo would outrank Princess Celestia...except for, you know, ruling different people in different territories and all.

  • You know what? I don't think it's out of character for Twilight to try and steal the magic pearl like that. She's facing a crisis that's at least as bad as the worst disasters she's faced to date, she's carrying out what she thought were Princess Celestia's last orders, and she's just been told "not our problem" by Queen Novo. I can totally see her being desperate enough to do something stupid like that.

  • And here's Han Solo Capper coming back with a last-minute save. Okay, everyone else showed up too, but did they survive their ship being brought down?

  • Pssst! Hey Twilight! Twilight! You remember that you can teleport, right? Just bamf your way out of that cage! Sure, the bars seem to be magic-resistant, just like the "storm beasts'" shields and presumably armor (also presumably Tempest's armor), but since there's been no exploration of precisely how they function, and the bars are just bars and not a complete seal, is there any reason you can't teleport out while Tempest is singing? Twilight!

  • Okay, I seriously love Tempest's song, here. I won't go so far as to say that I disliked all of the others - there have been too many instances where a song I didn't like at first grew on me after repeated listenings - but this is the only one that I immediately liked.

  • Aaand the heroes' counterattack is quickly reducing the storm beasts to being chumps. I feel like we're supposed to chalk this up to the element of surprise and alternative attack forms on the good guys' part (e.g. using Spike as a flame-thrower, which was quite funny), but a lot of this honestly seems like the movie just making the villains into a less fearsome force because they have to. I get that the storm beasts look stupid, but while it was funny seeing Fluttershy play therapist to one and make him cry, that didn't really make much sense. I suppose I'm just being too picky, but even so...this could have been better.

  • So the Storm King has all that power now, and is acting like a kid with a new toy? You know, if they wanted to make a villain that was completely unlikable, they're doing a very good job.

  • Oh hey look, he just turned on Tempest, despite (it's implied) being able to give her exactly what she wanted without any effort on his part. Who else saw that coming?

  • And of course that leads to her turning on him in turn, sacrificing herself to do so and completing her last-minute reformation. But at least everyone else catches her before she falls down the shaft over the balcony.

  • Wow, showing the Storm King's petrified, shattered head is a bit more of a death scene than I thought this movie would go for! Good on it for that, at least.

  • Tempest's real name I kinda wanna see her cutie mark now.

I did not care for the movie.

Complete Megan McCarthy all the way.


Freedomhold, what is wrong with Megan McCarthy?

For those who have seen the movie, did Twilight even teleport at all during the whole movie? If so when/were?

Dragon78 wrote:

Freedomhold, what is wrong with Megan McCarthy?

For those who have seen the movie, did Twilight even teleport at all during the whole movie? If so when/were?

Megan can not write a good villain unless they are redeemable.

Tempest is a better villain than the Storm King. He is a less threatening version of James Woods' Hades.

Dragon78 wrote:

Freedomhold, what is wrong with Megan McCarthy?

For those who have seen the movie, did Twilight even teleport at all during the whole movie? If so when/were?

she's not the pony mom we all love. A bit unfair, perhaps, but no less true for it.

Also, she did not. HUGE plot hole.

GreenDragon1133 wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:

Freedomhold, what is wrong with Megan McCarthy?

For those who have seen the movie, did Twilight even teleport at all during the whole movie? If so when/were?

** spoiler omitted **

I KNEW he seemed familiar.

Also, another Megan McCarthy-ism. Familiar villains from movies she likes.

That said,I liked tempest...

Also, the ponies were reduced to bad stereotypes, with fluttershy getting the worst of it.

But did Twilight ever teleport during the movie at all?

Dragon78 wrote:
But did Twilight ever teleport during the movie at all?

like I said, no she did not.

So if Twilight didn't teleport, then it is safe to assume that Fluttershy never used her stare, or that Pinkie Pie didn't used her Pinkie senses?


Have you seen the MLP movie artbook? There are things in there that I really wish they used.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Dragon78 wrote:
Have you seen the MLP movie artbook? There are things in there that I really wish they used.

What would those be?

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