Six Guns and Spellslingers Preview

Product Discussion

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have just uploading a preview of this campaign setting. You can get it here.

This is not a large preview, and you need Microsoft Word to open it. I wanted a PDF, but my copy of Adobe is going to charge me for that and I don't have the money to spare right now, so RTFs it is. This preview has a very basic cover page, an intro, and the weapon stat blocks and descriptions for knives and revolvers. I'd appreciate comments on it very much. I'd also like to know if the front is compliant with the Community Use Policy. I think it is, but this is the first Community Use Policy document I've made, so I may have screwed up without knowing. If I did, I'd like to know so I can fix the problem.

There is a second preview in the works with rifles, shotguns, and suggestions for tweaking classes. I'll start with only a few classes, post those in the next preview, and move from there.

There is one thing I forgot to add into the preview. Masterwork revolvers gain +5 ft of range along with the normal masterwork bonuses. I'll have an updated preview up after I eat something.

Here is the updated version.

Sorry I didn't see this when you originally posted it. I hope you continued to work on this. I actually started to convert some things from the Spellslinger game by Fantasy Flight Games. I got otherwise distracted, lol.

As for PDFs, Office 2007/2010 have a plugin that can save a word document as a PDF. It is actually included in new purchases now. Older copies of 2007 can download it from Microsoft for free. Barring that, OpenOffice is a free office suite that allows you to safe a document in PDF format. Both solutions require you to edit in the document format & resave work again to a PDF, not native PDF editing.

Looks cool and a great start! Good luck!

I stopped work on this (Evening Glory was my account up until Halloween), but to be honest I really like it. If there is enough interest I'll get back to work on it.

The basic idea is to combine guns and the Pathfinder core and base classes, because I want to mix Wild West, Victorian, Steampunk, and magic into one campaign setting.

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:

I stopped work on this (Evening Glory was my account up until Halloween), but to be honest I really like it. If there is enough interest I'll get back to work on it.

The basic idea is to combine guns and the Pathfinder core and base classes, because I want to mix Wild West, Victorian, Steampunk, and magic into one campaign setting.

All things mentioned are things that interest me. Having said that, ultimate combat added alot of archetypes that help this (Holy gun in a dead lands style setting is an amazing idea....).

All right. I'll get to working. I have an Eberron-inspired homebrew campaign setting in the works that I'll convert into the Six Guns and Spellslingers campaign setting. This means I already have the race roles for Six Guns and Spellslingers:


In Depth Dwarves

In Depth Elves

Feedback on those would be appreciated. In this campaign setting, magic and steam technology are both highly important.

I am glad to see interest in this & again I am sorry I mised this when you started this.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Watch this thread. Something is coming, and it is coming soon.

Good to hear. Homebrewers unite!

It'll be a bit longer. I hit a snag. The issue is the tech level and providing the feel I want to provide for this campaign setting using it, and I intend to solve it by abandoning the idea of using an specific IRL tech level and just using what seems like it would be coolest for a fantasy magitek/steampunk campaign with firearms as the primary weapons.

Dotting for interest.

Sounds cool

Thanks for the interest, guys.

I'm tearing what's been done so far down and reworking it. There's just too much focus on being similar to the real world, and it's hurting the setting a lot. For example, the area based off of New England tries to hard too be New England instead of being it's own country that, while superficially similar to New England, has it's own history and culture. Then we have the technology level, which again tries far too hard to be true to 1890 when it should be true to what fits the feel I want to give the campaign setting. I need to redo everything with less focus on the real world and more focus on what looks good. The setting will be better for it.

Just got all the accounts I have laying around the site merged. I want to make sure everything works fine when posting with aliases that were originally with accounts other than Kelsey MacAilbert.

Hopefully I'll have the complete race and class roles and some base mechanics up soon.

Six Guns and Spellslingers is now called Devaia.


Gothic Chocolate Creations wrote:

Six Guns and Spellslingers is now called Devaia.


Races are up.

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