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![]() I considered full AOOs with guns, but it's too problematic for spellcasters. I'm comfortable limiting ranged AOOs to charges. I've updated the races. Elves had their fluff changed a bit and mechanics tweaked slightly, everybody else had slight mechanical tweaks. Humans:
As Core Rulebook, plus gain a favored class bonus every level regardless of class instead of choosing a favored class and gain a +2 racial bonus to a saving throw of their choice. Dwarves:
+2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
Medium: Dwarves are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Barbarian: Add 1 to the dwarf’s total number of rage rounds per day.
+2 Strength, +2 Wisdom
Medium: Orcs are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Barbarian: Add 1 to the Half-orc’s total number of rage rounds per day.
+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma
Medium: Gnomes are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Normal Speed: Gnomes have a base speed of 30 feet. Low-Light Vision: Gnomes can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light (see low-light vision.) Keen Senses: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks. Obsessive: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus on a Craft or Profession skill of their choice. Tinkering: Gnomes gain a +2 bonus on Disable Device and Knowledge (engineering) checks. Eternal Hope: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear and despair effects. Once per day, after rolling a 1 on a d20, the gnome may reroll and use the second result. Wanderlust: Gnomes receive a +2 bonus on Knowledge (geography) and Survival checks. When casting spells or using abilities that provide or enhance movement, gnomes treat their caster level as +1 higher than normal. Alchemist: Add +1/2 to the number of bombs per day the alchemist can create.
+ 2 to one physical ability Score and +2 to one mental ability score
Multitalented: Hybrids choose two favored classes at first level and gain +1 hit point or +1 skill point whenever they take a level in either one of those classes. Mixed Blood: Hybrids are treated as being all the races that make up at least 50% of their ancestry for the purpose of effects or prerequisites that involve specific races. They also gain +2 to disguise checks to impersonate these races. Adaptability: Hybrids receive Skill Focus as a bonus feat at 1st level. Jack of All Trades: All skill are class skills for hybrids. Hybrids may choose the favored class options of any race that makes up at least 50% of their ancestry. Elves: Elves are a race on the rise. Historically, elves have mostly been a primitive tribal people who lived on the fringes of the civilizations of other races, deep in the wilderness, or as nomads, depending on the tribe in question. They have always been skilled in the use of arcane magic, but until around a hundred and fifty years ago, when the discovery of new spellcasting methods finally made casting spells quickly practical, this didn't mean much. Elves were mostly seen as barbarians with a penchant for witchcraft. Now that arcane magic is practical, however, they are quickly gaining in power and influence. A great many have left the backwoods and the wilderness they have so long called home for the cities of other races, where they hope they can write the next chapter of elven history with their newfound arcane might, while a large number of others choose to take modern civilization and technology and incorporate it into their wilderness lifestyle. Sill others vehemently oppose all modernization and cling desperately to the old ways. They produce sorcerers than anyone else, and almost as many witches, and also have a fair number of bards, alchemists, maguses, and wizards. It should be noted that the majority of elven wizards are taught in informal manners, not established schools. Barbarians and rangers are the most common types of elven warrior, and druids are by far the most common divine spellcaster, taking up the traditional role of a cleric alongside their role as protectors of nature. Clerics are very rare, oracles slightly less so.
Their ears are, on average, 1 1/2 to 2 inches long and mobile, showing emotion like a cat's. They have a very wide range of possible hair, eye, and skin colors (many more than any other race), and stripes and spots are naturally occurring features (though not every elf has them). The average height of elves is about 2 or 3 inches less than that of humans, and they are usually slightly slimmer. +2 Dexterity, +2 Intellegence
![]() Been talking to Maxximiliuss about incorporating some of his archetypes, as a lot of them fit well. Links to his archetypes for my future use. Spoiler: http://paizo.com/forums/dmtz4odl?Maxximiliuss-archetypes-resources-for-blas e-DMs
http://paizo.com/forums/dmtz4i69?The-Swashbuckler-a-Gunslinger-archetype-fo r#1 http://paizo.com/forums/dmtz4ibw?The-GunFu-Master-a-Gunslinger-archetype-to #1 http://paizo.com/forums/dmtz4pb6?The-GunFu-Master-A-Monk-archetype-for-pist ol#1 http://paizo.com/forums/dmtz4pe1?Revisiting-Paizo-archetypes-The-Gun-Tank#1 http://paizo.com/forums/dmtz4tnp?The-Master-of-Many-Shapes-A-shapeshifting- Druid#1 http://paizo.com/forums/dmtz4tiy?The-Gunmage-A-Magus-archetype-for-pistol#1 http://paizo.com/forums/dmtz4sys?The-Kenshi-RoninErrant-Swordsman-a-mountle ss#1 http://paizo.com/forums/dmtz4ok4?The-Braggart-a-Fighter-archetype-stackable -with#1 ![]()
![]() You know what this lacks? A playable race close to nature. We've got inventors/scholars (gnomes), conservative rural religious warrior folk (orcs), arcane masters (elves), miners and smiths (dwarves), and two catch all races (humans and hybrids). Expect to see a new race soon. Also, expect racial traits to be tweaked a little. Power will be added, not taken away. ![]()
![]() I changed the shotgun rules listed above: Shotguns are not area effect weapons. They are aimed at a specific target. Unlike with other two handed ranged attacks, shotguns add full dexterity to attack and damage rolls, not 1 1/2 times dexterity. This is because shotguns are not precision weapons. However, shotguns are not difficult to aim, and the target takes a 1d4 penalty to defense (which is one's armor class). Shotguns do 2d8 damage with a 20 foot range increment, have a capacity of one for single barrel and two for double barrel designs, and have the weights and prices listed above. They are two handed weapons, and cannot be used for full attacks. ![]()
![]() How ammunition works: An alchemical explosive is used in place of gunpowder. It is manufactured in solid chunks that look like brownish glass and comes fused to a conical round. Since the explosive is solid and fused to the round, there is no need for a shell casing. The explosive is detonated by being struck with a specific cantrip that is cast on the gun's hammer. Almost all guns have rifled barrels. Armor is obsolete, and replaced by the defense bonus system from Unearthed Arcana. ![]()
![]() Thanks ^_^ We have... gun mechanics! Gun Mechanics:
Reloading a firearm is a move action unless otherwise specified in the weapon's description. The rapid reload feat reduces this to a free action. Add your dexterity modifier to all firearm damage rolls with one handed firearms and one and a half times your dexterity to firearm damage rolls with two handed firearms. You may grip a one handed firearm with two hands to treat it as a two handed firearm for this purpose.
Attaching a bayonet to a weapon is a move action. The weapon must be a two handed firearm (pistol bayonets exist, but are fairly useless) with a bayonet lug. While the bayonet is attached you take a -2 penalty to all ranged attack rolls with the weapon due to the bayonet messing with the weapon's balance. A bayonet deals 1d6 piercing damage with a 20/x2 critical and weighs 2 pounds, and is treated as a two handed melee attack. A firearm with a bayonet attached has a 10 foot reach, but unlike most reach weapons can strike opponents adjacent to the wielder, but at a -5 penalty to attack rolls. A bayonet can be braced against a charge. You may strike an opponent with the butt of a firearm. Two handed firearms do 1d6 damage and one handed firearms do 1d4 damage. This is bludgeoning damage, and the critical threat is 20/x2. A character proficient with a firearm is also proficient with an attached bayonet or when using the butt as a weapon. If a weapon is capable of automatic fire, you may use this setting. Make an attack roll against a 10 by 10 foot area. If successful, everything in the area must make a reflex save of DC 10 plus twice the shooter's dexterity modifier or take full damage from the attack. You must fire 10 rounds to use automatic fire. If you cannot do this, you may not use automatic fire. If you successfully hit a target with 3/4 or 9/10 cover with a ranged attack, you treat your roll as being 5 higher than it actually was for the purpose of determining whether you threaten a critical hit and for the purpose of confirming the critical hit. This is because a target with that much cover is likely only exposing the head or upper chest, so while that person is harder to hit with gunfire, any shot that does hit is very likely to have hit something vital. Making a charge attack against somebody armed with a firearm provokes an attack of opportunity from that person. This attack is made halfway through the charge, and if hit you must make a fortitude save against DC 10 plus the dexterity bonus the shooter applied to the attack or stop your movement immediately. This the only time ranged attacks of opportunity may be made. A full attack is not a full round action, it is a standard action. This is intended to allow a character to make a move action and a full attack in one round, making combat more mobile. Since reloading is a move action, you do not need to skip your full attack for that round to reload your weapon. Stats for Basic Firearms Revolving rifle, large caliber
Revolving pistol, large caliber
Revolving rifle, medium caliber
Revolving rifle, medium caliber
Large Bore Rifle
Double Barreled Shotgun (can be side to side or over under)
New Feat (this is for the benefit of dual wielders) One Handed Reload Prerequisites: Dexterity 13 Benefit: With this feat, you may reload a one handed firearm using the same hand that is holding the firearm. This is still a move action (or a free action with the rapid reload feat). Normal: It takes both hands to reload a one handed firearm. I was thinking of something like this or this in terms of appearance. ![]()
![]() Here are the completed races: It is important to know that in this campaign setting, arcane magic, except for some rare and mysterious witchcraft traditions, took about three to four times as long to cast as in the core rules until about 150 years ago, when the discovery of revolutionary casting techniques reduced this to the times listed in the core rules. The average life span of all core races, including humans, is 120-150 years. Only humans use the CRB racial traits and APG favored class options. Human:
Humans are the most varied of all races, as well as they most common. They can be found living any kind of lifestyle in any area, they take on all careers, and they are the dominant race in most governments. Generalizing about humans is highly difficult, as they vary far too much for sweeping statements to bear any truth.
Humans use the traits and favored class options in the CRB and APG. Dwarf:
Dwarves are miners and smiths, though they do not actually live underground. They tend to live near their mines and form their own communities, and they are usually mountain dwellers. Their society appears to be highly lawful, though it can be, and very often is, shockingly corrupt. Dwarves are renowned as expert engineers and architects, and make very high quality magic items. They are especially known for the durability of the things they build. They may not be quite as inventive as other races, built what they build lasts.
Dwarves are, on average, about 5 to 6 inches shorter than an average human and slightly more stocky. They tend to have tan skin, and their hair and eyes are usually earthy colors. +2 Constitution Medium: Dwarves are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Barbarian: Add 1 to the dwarf’s total number of rage rounds per day.
Elves are a race on the rise. Historically, elves have mostly lived in the shadow of humans. They have always been skilled in the use of arcane magic, but until around a hundred and fifty years ago, when the discovery of new spellcasting methods finally made casting spells quickly practical, this didn't mean much. Elves were mostly seen as nothing more than funny looking humans with a penchant for witchcraft. Now that arcane magic is practical, however, they are quickly gaining in power and influence. Having spent so much time living among humans and adopting their ways, the elven culture is a very young thing that is still being shaped and developed. What will the final product look like? Nobody knows. The only thing that is certain is that with most of the elves who can remember the old days dying of old age and a new generation eager to forge it's own place in the world being born, things are going to change for the elves, and most likely the world. Elves are no more or less attracted to the wilderness than humans are. They produce more arcane spellcasters, especially sorcerers, than anyone else.
Their ears are, on average, 1 1/2 to 2 inches long and mobile, showing emotion like a cat's. They have a very wide range of possible hair, eye, and skin colors (many more than any other race), and stripes and spots are naturally occurring features (though not every elf has them). The average height of elves is about 2 or 3 inches less than that of humans, and they are usually slightly slimmer. +2 Dexterity
Gnomes possess a deep thirst for knowledge that is surpassed by few. They love science and technology of all sorts, and are eager experimenters and inventors. They can most often be found in human or dwarven communities, and many, though certainly lot all, prefer living as close to the wilderness as possible, and they usually work as scholars, teachers, scientists, engineers, architects, rangers, or in some other profession that allows them to learn, build, experiment, or explore. They are also highly prone to wanderlust, and very often take up occupations that sound exciting to them.
Gnomes are the shortest race. On average they are about 7 to 8 inches shorter than a human, and slightly slimmer. They have about the same range of skin colors as a human, though bright hair and eye colors are somewhat common. +2 Dexterity
Alchemist: Add +1/2 to the number of bombs per day the alchemist can create.
Orcs are a very old fashioned race. To most of them, family and community are more important than anything else. They prefer to live in their communities, and these communities are almost always rural. Although most (though certainly not all) are reasonably tolerant of outsiders, they are usually more comfortable with their own kind, and can be slow to make friends with non-orcs. Orcs are usually very religious, and produce the most divine spellcasters of any race, including the largest number of oracles. They are also thought of as being very good warriors.
Orcs resemble humans who are a bit taller than average, with skin that has a greenish, greyish, or brownish tint, a slightly stockier build, dark hair and eyes, and slightly larger, arrow shaped ears. +2 Strength
Barbarian: Add 1 to the Half-orc’s total number of rage rounds per day.
Hybrid: Hybrids are the offspring of unions of any of the other core races, or of other hybrids. Since their racial makeup varies wildly with the individual, it is impossible to generalize about their lifestyle or appearance.
+ 2 to One Ability Score
Hybrids may choose the favored class options of any race that makes up at least 50% of their ancestry. ![]()
![]() This thread is being used for campaign setting creation. Link. To Do:
Write gnome racial role, traits, and favored class options.
Write orc racial role, traits, and favored class options. Compile a list of common technology. Prepare preliminary gun mechanics. Write new Witch fluff. Replace Fighter's armor training, and perhaps weapon training. Will post here as things are finished. Questions/comments welcome. ![]()
![]() Purple Duck Games wrote:
Thanks for the offer, but I'm speaking to the GRC team about hosting at the moment. If that doesn't work out, I'll email you. ![]()
![]() Yes, that's correct. Tomorrow afternoon an alpha playtest version of the Pathfinder Superheroes (tentative name) supplement for Game Room Creation's The Modern Path will be released. This is a preliminary version for playtesting, so not all features intended in the final release shall be present. The alpha contains rules for creating superheroes and the following superpowers: Telekinesis
The purpose of this alpha is to test the basic superpower mechanics and some of the superpowers. The superpowers listed above are by no means all of the superpowers that will be in the final release. Furthermore, superpowers are by no means the only feature that shall be in the final release. Who's excited? Who likes the name Gothic Chocolate? |