House Rule Advice Request: Improving Powerful / Deadly Sneak Rogue Talents

Homebrew and House Rules

PRD wrote:

Powerful Sneak** (Ex): Whenever a rogue with this talent takes a full attack action, she can elect to take a –2 penalty on all attack rolls until the start of her next turn. If an attack during this time is a sneak attack, she treats all 1s on the sneak attack damage dice as 2s.

Deadly Sneak** (Ex): Whenever a rogue with this talent uses the powerful sneak rogue talent, she treats all 1s and 2s on the sneak attack damage dice as 3s. A rogue must have the powerful sneak rogue talent before choosing this talent.

The math on the effect of these talents has been done to death in other threads, and it is consistently proven to be a suboptimal choice, significantly *reducing* damage output in all but corner cases (where any roll but a 1 results in a hit after the -2 penalty).

Please, for the sake of this thread, accept as a given that powerful/deadly sneak is underpowered. If you disagree, please suspend that disagreement for the duration of this thread. Thank you.

I would like to implement a houserule to improve these talents since rogues in campaigns I run are consistently sub-par in DPR.

I am formally requesting the assistance of those on the forums who are better at the optimization maths than I am to help me determine the most balanced and effective way to improve these talents without over-improving them.

Options I have considered:
A.) Remove the -2 penalty (Possibly add other considerations listed below)
B.) Change the penalty to -1 and implement one of the other considerations below.
C.) Reduce the Powerful Sneak penalty to -1. Deadly Sneak eliminates the penalty entirely.
(alternatively, use any of the damage improvements listed below).

1) Instead of treating 1s (or 1s and 2s) as 2 (or 3), reroll sneak attack dice until they no longer show 1s (or 2s).
2) Increase sneak attack die to d8s (deadly sneak would allow rerolls of 1s (as Damage Improvement 1) or treat 1s as 2s (like the current Powerful Sneak))
3) Powerful/Deadly function as RAW, but also allow sneak attack damage to be DOUBLED on a crit (Deadly would allow use of the weapon's own critical multiplier).

(I am pretty sure #3 is a bit much, but am hoping someone better at the maths can help me figure out the DPR and other relevant numbers
What adjustment(or combination of adjustments) would best transform Powerful/Deadly sneak into a balanced, desirable damage increasing Rogue Talent. I don't want to make it so powerful that taking it is a no-brainer, but I also don't like the fact that, in its current form, it is completely non-usable.

Two ideas i have toyed with are the dice increase you mentioned or reducing the dice siz and adding a flat bonus.

Powerful sneak reduces the dice to a d4+2 deadly makes it a d4+4.

Talonhawke wrote:

Two ideas i have toyed with are the dice increase you mentioned or reducing the dice siz and adding a flat bonus.

Powerful sneak reduces the dice to a d4+2 deadly makes it a d4+4.


d4+2 would have an average damage of 4.5 and d4+4 would be 6.5.
For simplicities sake, this should be evaluated as d6+1 and d6+3. (exact same average output, but adding a flat bonus seems simpler than reducing size and adding bonus in order to acheive the same effect.

The d4+2 / d6+1 option would also create the same average damage increase as increasing sneak attack dice to d8s.

(Note: d6 > d8 is the exact same increase as increasing a d6 weapon by 1 size category).

This opens the option of Deadly Sneak going from d8 > d10 (increase average damage from 4.5 > 5.5) Which would match a single size category increase on a d8 weapon.

I think this may be the most attractive improvement not counting mechanical benefits (we'll need some DPR math to be sure on that). Simplicity of play is possibly the greatest advantage of this change.
You do not need to track flat bonus for multiple sneak attack die (1d6+2, 2d6+4, etc.) It will also not increase player turn-time through rerolls (oops a 1, reroll, 1 again, reroll, etc.).

It also maintains the probability curve of normal dice rolls (Deadly Sneak for example, creates a 50% probability of a 3 on a sneak attack dice).

So, if Powerful sneak increases to D8 and Deadly increases to d10, the following balance questions remain:
Should the attack bonus penalty be reduced or removed?
Should use of the talent remain restricted to full-attack only?

I would say drop both penalty and full round.

The average damage increase for the rogue wouldn't push it to overpoweredness even without those drawbacks so yeah lets make the rogue good.

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