Acrobatics, Trip, and fighting a mounted enemy.

Rules Questions

A few questions that came up in my group last night.

1) can Acrobatics be used to stand up from prone without provoking an attack of opportunity?

2) can Trip be used to unseat a mounted enemy?

3) the mounted combat section covers how to fight while mounted very well, but we could find very little information on what a character can do against a mounted enemy. where is this information?

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

MisterLurch wrote:
1) can Acrobatics be used to stand up from prone without provoking an attack of opportunity?

Nope. If you find yourself prone and threatened, your best bet is to either fight from prone (and scream for help from your allies), or use your standard action for total defense and then your move to stand up. You'll still provoke, but you'll balance out the +4 to hit you with a +4 to your AC for total defense (though if you have 3 or more ranks in Acro, total defense will give you +6 instead of +4, so you'll come out ahead).

2) can Trip be used to unseat a mounted enemy?

Technically no, though your GM might give you some leeway in a home game. I'd probably allow it, but they'd get some bonuses to their CMD due to the fact that they're sitting down.

3) the mounted combat section covers how to fight while mounted very well, but we could find very little information on what a character can do against a mounted enemy. where is this information?

The reason you can't find much is because there really aren't that many special rules for fighting on the non-mounted side. Which is good, because that means the mounted characters don't force the non-mounted ones to do extra bookwork. :D

The problem is that we are being attacked repeatedly by mounted enemies and it would be nice to have some way to remove them from their horses. The unseat feat would be great if we were also mounted.

Kingmaker Spoiler:
In the 4th mod there's a jousting tournament, to unseat an opponent you made a Bullrush attempt.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

MisterLurch wrote:
The problem is that we are being attacked repeatedly by mounted enemies and it would be nice to have some way to remove them from their horses. The unseat feat would be great if we were also mounted.

Have a wizard? Use grease. If the mount falls down, the rider's not in very good shape.

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