Thassilonian Magic

Pathfinder Society

Shadow Lodge

Is Thassilonian Specialist from the Inner Sea Magic approved for play? I looked in the list of what's allowed and saw Primal Magic specifically mentioned as not available but nothing specific about Thassilonian.

Dark Archive

I do not own Inner Sea Magic, but if the additional resources page allows for it then you should be good as a general rule. If you are new to PFS you could make two characters and bring them both if you are not 100% sure on something.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
DaiShar wrote:
Is Thassilonian Specialist from the Inner Sea Magic approved for play? I looked in the list of what's allowed and saw Primal Magic specifically mentioned as not available but nothing specific about Thassilonian.

It says that all archetypes on pp. 32-43 except for the primalist are allowed. As the Thassilonian Specialist archetype on p. 17 is not in this group (and is not mentioned elsewhere), it is not allowed.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Yup, not allowed as written. However, you can always claim to be a Thassilonian Specialist. Just adhere to the opposition schools. You won't get the extra bonus spell, bit can still keep all the flavor.

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