Spring Attack, Mount and Cavalier

Rules Questions

Lantern Lodge

So with this scenario:

Mount has spring attack
Cavalier has mobility

What is happens when the mount spring attacks?

Only mount gets to attack and move away. Cav triggers OA
Both mount and Cav gets to attack at the same time. Mount moves away. Cav triggers OA.
Mount gets an attack, moves away, then Cav gets an attack.

Thanks in advance. :D

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Pretty sure it's #2: mount moves in, both attack, mount moves away, Cavalier provokes AoO.


I'm fairly sure if you don't have "ride by attack""or Spring attack" yourself, your mount can't move after you've attacked in a round. The fact that you attack forces your mount to stay.

Tis possible that I'm wrong since ride by attack calls out charging, but I don't think the rider gets the benefit of move/attack/move without a feat allowing it. So my vote is #1

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

You should be able to attack at any point in your mount's movement normally. Your mount having spring attack lets it attack too.
Ride-by attack lets you continue after charging, which is a completely different thing.

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