Occupy Wall Street!

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Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:

Didn't say it wasn't.

Mines a dig at the few there for the wrong reasons.

If you guys came up with those on your own, I am impressed.

EDIT: Nevermind, I guess you didn't.

I did!

My apologies, Comrade Del Espada.

You seem to have a natural gift for satiric rhyme that could be put to good use by the People's Republic of Galt. Have you ever considered a position in the Revolutionary Minitrue? I'll have a word with Commissar and see if they are hiring.

Vive le Galt!

Looks like Obama is coming to visit a high school in Manchester, NH on Tuesday. Let's see if these Occupy NH kids got any balls. I haven't been to an ONH event in a week and a half--I'd definitely go yell at the president!

The Exchange

Screw you Guys...I'm going home!

Fergie wrote:

An OWS party has a lot of potential benefits, but it would be a very steep uphill battle.

The biggest problem is to start picking leaders. Suddenly everything becomes about a few individuals. A very tricky and drastic change for a movement that has made every effort to remain as horizontal as possible.

It would still be about the OWS demands, which would become the platform of the party. Having a leader would not detract from that message.


Also, they are going up against the entire Rep/Dem machine. I can't help be reminded that Ralph Nader is violently hated by so many democrats, yet probably has the politics that most closely align with OWS. How would folks feel if OWS split the (perceived) Democratic vote, and Rick Perry wins in 2012?

I personally don't believe in voting for the "lesser of two Evils"* But seeing what happened to the Green party when Nader ran for president soured me on the idea that becoming a 3rd Party isn't a very dangerous idea for a political movement.

Yes, this is a big concern, and I have the same gripe about Nader. 3rd parties historically don't win big elections. However, considering OWS has managed to garner support across the political spectrum, it might actually have a unifying effect rather than a divisive one. As a registered dem, I would vote for an OWS candidate. Further, if an OWS candidate "spoiled" the election and a Republican became president, I personally would place the blame squarely at Obama's feet for failing to sufficiently co-opt OWS policy.

But, the main goal would be getting OWS candidates, or at least OWS supporters, in Congress. OWS's demands simply will not be met unless they put people in Congress who will legislate those demands. Whether that means a democrat co-opt, or an OWS party, I personally don't care.

Some good points, Hudax. I think this movement's still in its infancy, and while there's talk about maybe a 3rd party, that might not happen.

The thing that it's really illuminated is Wall Street's choke hold on government. I think that as more people become aware of it and are disgusted by it, any candidate of any party who campaigns on fighting it will get support in elections to come.

The ones who can get elected without selling out to the money machine will be rare, though, and until they can get enough people in congress to change laws and reverse citizens united, among other things, it'll be a long time before we see any real change.

All the same, I'm not as cynical about it as I was. More and more people are getting involved and learning about the issues. That's better than apathy.

Oh yeah, they got lots of support from George Soros, ex acorn organizations, Labor Unions, and all manner of socialist and anarchists groups. I hardly believe main stream would vote for a candidate that garners support from the likes of those. Its also a great flashlight on the irony of calling themselves the 99%. Thats a joke. The ows crowd does not represent the 99%, its more like the 1% on the other end of the spectrum.

The problem is most of the masses of this unorganized lemming fest wouldn't know the difference between corporatism/crony capitalism and real capitalism if it jumped up and bit them in the ass.

You can categorize these people quite easily:

Those that are upset (and right fully so) but are being used by an agenda they are just not knowledgeable about. Their ire is being redirected and they just can't see it.

Those that understand that you must destroy the system in order to replace it. Top down, bottom up, and inside out. Cloward and Piven style. Van Jones style. The ones that say lie lie lie about your true intentions until its too late, and the balance of the scale has been tipped.

Oxlar wrote:
Oh yeah, they got lots of support from George Soros, ex acorn organizations, Labor Unions, and all manner of socialist and anarchists groups.

Pardon my disbelief, but do you have any evidence that this is so?

The rest of your post sounds like the talking points one hears on right wing radio (yours has a Glenn Beck vibe,) or reads on far right sites like American Thinker or Newsmax.

Oxlar wrote:
Oh yeah, they got lots of support from George Soros, ex acorn organizations, Labor Unions, and all manner of socialist and anarchists groups. I hardly believe main stream would vote for a candidate that garners support from the likes of those.

Not to mention Libertarians and Tea Partiers. Basically everyone but the Repubs and Big Business are represented in OWS. You are falling for the smear campaign hook line & sinker. OWS is not anti-you, it is anti-1%.

Its also a great flashlight on the irony of calling themselves the 99%. Thats a joke. The ows crowd does not represent the 99%, its more like the 1% on the other end of the spectrum.

There is no irony. It is not a joke. There is no "1% on the other end of the spectrum." The poor end of the spectrum is 80% of the population. 1% and 99% are merely convenient numbers to use for discussing wealth distribution. Something to keep in mind--if you make less than $343,927 in a year (2009), you are in the 99%.


You can categorize these people quite easily:

Those that are upset (and right fully so) but are being used by an agenda they are just not knowledgeable about. Their ire is being redirected and they just can't see it.

Sounds like you're upset, and rightfully so.

Both the politicians and the people who own them deserve our ire.

Those that understand that you must destroy the system in order to replace it. Top down, bottom up, and inside out. Cloward and Piven style. Van Jones style. The ones that say lie lie lie about your true intentions until its too late, and the balance of the scale has been tipped.

OWS's demands would effectively rebuild the system.

Wish your Ron Paul vote would be something other than counterproductive in a gamed system? Giving candidates free and equal air time would ensure all candidates a level playing field, ending the marginalization of 3rd parties.

Wish GE had paid its taxes? The Buffett rule would make them pay.

Wish banks couldn't take your mortgage to the craps tables in Vegas? The Return to Prudent Banking Act would be a start.

Benicio Del Espada wrote:
Oxlar wrote:
Oh yeah, they got lots of support from George Soros, ex acorn organizations, Labor Unions, and all manner of socialist and anarchists groups.

Pardon my disbelief, but do you have any evidence that this is so?

The rest of your post sounds like the talking points one hears on right wing radio (yours has a Glenn Beck vibe,) or reads on far right sites like American Thinker or Newsmax.

Whats funny is those that actually paid attention to Glenn Beck a couple years ago would know that he said all of this was going to happen. And it has. People want to call him a kook, but he has nailed it just about every time.

However, if you don't know the importance of phrases like the one I mentioned above, then just do some homework. You will find they come from the very pages and lips of the people that have been orchestrating what we are seeing now for decades.

As far as evidence, try the internet. Listen or watch other sources than just the main stream media. Its all over the place.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oxlar, try this.

'Your claims are completely false and have been refuted. Just try the internet'

NOW what? Both sides are left simply shouting at each other without having said anything. You can't simply say 'do your research'. You made a claim you should back it with something upon request. You can't expect people to come back with a negative.

If your most reliable source for this information is glenn beck people are right to doubt you.

Oxlar wrote:

As far as evidence, try the internet. Listen or watch other sources than just the main stream media. Its all over the place.

I would skip the media, and recommend taking a trip down to the nearest Occupy event, and talking to people. Sure, there might be a few crazy folks there, (as any public event) but I think you will find it to be very different then portrayed in media, mainstream or otherwise.

Make up your own mind based on the facts you see, not what someone else shows you, and tells you to think.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:

Didn't say it wasn't.

Mines a dig at the few there for the wrong reasons.

If you guys came up with those on your own, I am impressed.

EDIT: Nevermind, I guess you didn't.

I did as well.

Fergie wrote:
Oxlar wrote:

As far as evidence, try the internet. Listen or watch other sources than just the main stream media. Its all over the place.

I would skip the media, and recommend taking a trip down to the nearest Occupy event, and talking to people. Sure, there might be a few crazy folks there, (as any public event) but I think you will find it to be very different then portrayed in media, mainstream or otherwise.

Make up your own mind based on the facts you see, not what someone else shows you, and tells you to think.

Fine, I'll do the leg work for you:

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/11/07/house-oversight-chair-calls-for- probe-into-acorn-occupy-wall-street/

http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/ex_acorn_operatives_playing_role_s3zSPpX 4NnFRoMpEGIxUBK

http://online.wsj.com/video/union-members-swell-occupy-wall-street-protests /F28574FB-8971-415F-9936-5239AC3AD6C4.html

Brought to you by the union thug who said "We need to get the bastards" refering to tea party people at an Obama speech.

http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/new_york_marxist_epicen ter_gVrMJIKezP82E3Gkki2IvO?CMP=OTC-rss&FEEDNAME=&utm_content=PostOp inion&utm_campaign=SocialFlowNewYorkPost&utm_source=SFnewyorkpost



I really could go on and on and on. But I'm tired of doing what you should be doing. And I haven't even begun with all the evidence of rape, crapping on the american flag, violence, property damage etc...

If these are the people someone wants to associate with and tie themselves to, then it is a reflection of one's self.

Dark Archive

"I really could go on and on and on. But I'm tired of doing what you should be doing. And I haven't even begun with all the evidence of rape, crapping on the american flag, violence, property damage etc..."


The OWS people in the USA aren't throwing those people out and turning them over to the cops?

The Occupy movements north of the USA I've heard are very civilized, and legitimately peaceful.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Oxlar wrote:
I really could go on and on and on. But I'm tired of doing what you should be doing. And I haven't even begun with all the evidence of rape, crapping on the american flag, violence, property damage etc...

Just to look at the most egregious of those: 30 seconds of Googling shows that the photo of a guy crapping on the flag is from 2007. Widely spread on right wing blogs as OWS, it obviously isn't.

Oxlar, I loved your comics in the 80s/early 90s, especially Sin City. What happened? Why do they all look like they were drawn by a drunk with crayons these days? Too much acid?

Oxlar wrote:
Fergie wrote:
Oxlar wrote:

As far as evidence, try the internet. Listen or watch other sources than just the main stream media. Its all over the place.

I would skip the media, and recommend taking a trip down to the nearest Occupy event, and talking to people. Sure, there might be a few crazy folks there, (as any public event) but I think you will find it to be very different then portrayed in media, mainstream or otherwise.

Make up your own mind based on the facts you see, not what someone else shows you, and tells you to think.

Fine, I'll do the leg work for you:

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/11/07/house-oversight-chair-calls-for- probe-into-acorn-occupy-wall-street/

http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/ex_acorn_operatives_playing_role_s3zSPpX 4NnFRoMpEGIxUBK

http://online.wsj.com/video/union-members-swell-occupy-wall-street-protests /F28574FB-8971-415F-9936-5239AC3AD6C4.html

Brought to you by the union thug who said "We need to get the bastards" refering to tea party people at an Obama speech.

http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/new_york_marxist_epicen ter_gVrMJIKezP82E3Gkki2IvO?CMP=OTC-rss&FEEDNAME=&utm_content=PostOp inion&utm_campaign=SocialFlowNewYorkPost&utm_source=SFnewyorkpost



I really could go on and on and on. But I'm tired of doing what you should be doing. And I haven't even begun with all the evidence of rape, crapping on the american flag, violence, property damage etc...

If these are the people someone wants to associate with and tie themselves to, then it is a reflection of one's self.

2 NY Post articles and a Fox news one...

NY Post has been hammered for being completely bias in reporting, and blatantly lieing on some occasions, with regard to OWS. Fox news is owned by the same parent corporation as the NY Post. Since the beginning, they have been pissed about the protesters since the protestors have targeted them as the most bias and obviously corporately controlled media outlet.

Also, why is union support for a populous-based movement wrong? Unions were created to support populous-based movements. Sure, they have had some history of corruption and many are terrible, but that does not mean that their support is inherently a bad thing. They were created to protect people, and in many cases still do.

Ox, you take the post seriously? I didn't know anyone did that!

Caineach wrote:


2 NY Post articles and a Fox news one...

Before you jump to conclusions, the NYPost piece was written by Charles Gasparino,a Fox Business Network senior correspondent.

So it's more like 2 Fox news and 1 NYPost (which was a 404 error).

Totally different.

Seriously though, you are citing an opinion piece as evidence.

Stop letting other people tell you what to think, and go see for yourself.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Fergie wrote:
Stop letting other people tell you what to think, and go see for yourself.

Yeah, Ferie's right! Do what Fergie says.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Evil Lincoln wrote:
Fergie wrote:
Stop letting other people tell you what to think, and go see for yourself.
Yeah, Ferie's right! Do what Fergie says.

Evil Lincoln's right! Do what Evil Lincoln says to do about what Fergie says!

I promise you, you won't get raped, drugged, or pooped on.

I don't really care to address the arguments with Citizen Oxlar, but one thing that you Obama-voting Democrats better fess up to is that the movement is, indeed, strongly supported by labor unions, communists and anarchists. Like me.

Break with the Democrats!

Kryzbyn wrote:
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:

Didn't say it wasn't.

Mines a dig at the few there for the wrong reasons.

If you guys came up with those on your own, I am impressed.

EDIT: Nevermind, I guess you didn't.

I did as well.

Dear Citizen Kryzbyn,

You have been found guilty of being an enemy of the revolution and are hereby ordered to report to Galt forthwith. Your poetry has also been condemned as petty-bourgeois and individualist. This is the second time you have been placed on an "Eradicate-on-Sight" list this year. You seem to be making a habit of it.

Yours truly you mad dog of counterrevolution,
Doodlebug Anklebiter
Recording-Secretary of the People's Commissariat of Galt

Vive le Galt!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:

Didn't say it wasn't.

Mines a dig at the few there for the wrong reasons.

If you guys came up with those on your own, I am impressed.

EDIT: Nevermind, I guess you didn't.

I did as well.

Dear Citizen Kryzbyn,

You have been found guilty of being an enemy of the revolution and are hereby ordered to report to Galt forthwith. Your poetry has also been condemned as petty-bourgeois and individualist. This is the second time you have been placed on an "Eradicate-on-Sight" list this year. You seem to be making a habit of it.

Yours truly you mad dog of counterrevolution,
Doodlebug Anklebiter
Recording-Secretary of the People's Commissariat of Galt

Vive le Galt!

Hooray for big government...err, wait...


re: the whole throw all the bums out an elect in decent people.

If you have a basement that has been flooded for as long as anyone can remember, what on earth makes you think that the problems can be solved with a bucket? If you are continually taking on water your problem is not the water, the problem is that you're built in a swamp and you haven't waterproofed the walls.

Thats what the protest is about. Waterproof the damned walls already. Keep the corporate money out of politics and our representatives can start representing us.

houstonderek wrote:
March on Washington. Go to the source. Government workers get paid regardless, so less collateral damage. And it's where the problem needs to be solved.

Let it snow and you'll see who the Gov't REALLY needs to operate. Also, they ones that can't get in to work will be b$*$&ing about ODC for weeks afterwards. OWS? The 7th accountant at some nameless insurance consultancy operation does not have the ear of anyone other than the 6th accountant!

You can lead a horse to water...

Fine on the flag, just replace it with something else like police car. Point remains the same.

Look, I'm not saying people don't have justifiable grievances. Hell, I share some of them. But I'm also aware of what going in the wrong direction looks like. I've seen many of the demands this movement has. Some I may even share. But it is heavily steeped in Socialism and the destruction of capitalism, not just corporatism.

And all mainstream media is controlled by an agenda, even fox. But my inclination is to go to the source that actually questions the validity of something. That means if a neo con gets elected this next cycle, I'll be watching those that question him/her and administration. Its the same reason why I can't stand most of the main stream media since Obama and company took control. Because they are complicint.

I question everything. But I will tell you that the Tea Party NEVER even came close to the barbarism, anti-american sentiment, or violence, or racism of the OWS. Sure you can cite that some black house member was accosted as they walked through the protest, but there was many videos and cameras and ZERO evidence. It was fabricated, just like the pictures of some guy carrying an assault rifle with a headline about white suppremisists toting guns at rallys, but they fail to show the entire picture which is actually of a black man carrying the gun.

So two completely different movements. Many claim they both want to end govt corruption. Well by the fruits of their labors and those associated to their movement, I'll go Tea Party EVERY TIME!

Shadow Lodge

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Thats what the protest is about. Waterproof the damned walls already. Keep the corporate money out of politics and our representatives can start representing us.

But are you waterproofing the walls, or just sitting in the basement, shouting, "Help! I'm drowning!"

OWS has put light on the issue. That's good. But all the light of the Positive Energy Plane won't help if that's all you've got. Here's how the situation looks like to me:

OWS: "Get corporate power out of politics!"
Powers that be (PTB): "I'm thinking no."
OWS: "That's no fair! Do something decent!"
PTB: "Life's not fair."
OWS: "We are the 99%! You can't stop us!"
PTB: "Get offa my lawn, kids. Have some pepper."
OWS: "Ow! Come and see the violence inherent in the system!"
PTB: "Bloody peasant."
OWS: "I can has more equality nao?"
PTB: "You can has more pepper spray."
OWS: "I won't stop sitting here until things change!"
PTB: "Good. Because things won't change."

Oxlar wrote:

But I will tell you that the Tea Party NEVER even came close to the barbarism, anti-american sentiment, or violence, or racism of the OWS. Sure you can cite that some black house member was accosted as they walked through the protest, but there was many videos and cameras and ZERO evidence. It was fabricated, just like the pictures of some guy carrying an assault rifle with a headline about white suppremisists toting guns at rallys, but they fail to show the entire picture which is actually of a black man carrying the gun.

So two completely different movements. Many claim they both want to end govt corruption. Well by the fruits of their labors and those associated to their movement, I'll go Tea Party EVERY TIME!

You are sorely misinformed. You might try looking for proof of these statements instead of relying on infotainment and propaganda outlets for news.

Ox, it pains me to disagree with you on this subject, even as I admire your passion.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
You can lead a horse to water...

But if its purple, tastes remotely like grape, and has a giant animated pitcher in it going "Oh yeah! Drink up" we're going to conclude that its koolaid.

You're assuming we haven't seen these before. There's good reason we still disagree with you. Fox news has less credibility than alien abductees as far as I'm concerned. A call for a probe into something is NOT evidence that that something exists. (project bluebook anyone?)

That a group of liberal community organizers would get involved in the organization of a community after their umbrella organization went belly up is neither surprising nor sinister. You're trying to treat acorn like some leftist evil twin with the same level of power and influence as the oil lobby. This isn't remotely the case.

Union members BELONG in occupy wallstreet. What on earth makes you think they don't? Its not like unions are for some ultra elite independently wealthy tycoons, they're for hard working trades people. If decent wages, survivable working conditions and health benefits have become an unacceptable sign of affluence thats exactly WHY things need to change. Corporates are out to screw them too.

And whats wrong with communists? If you don't want communism to look like an appealing alternative then you should be as willing to end crony capitalism as the wallstreeters. If you believe in capitalism you should be with the protestors because wallstreet is smearing your name.

Benicio Del Espada wrote:
You are sorely misinformed. You might try looking for proof of these statements instead of relying on infotainment and propaganda outlets for news.

Um no. To ignore whats happening, you really have to put your fingers in your ears, chant nya nya nyah I can't hear you, and close your eyes tight to not see these things. The proof is everywhere.

Oxlar wrote:
Benicio Del Espada wrote:
You are sorely misinformed. You might try looking for proof of these statements instead of relying on infotainment and propaganda outlets for news.
Um no. To ignore whats happening, you really have to put your fingers in your ears, chant nya nya nyah I can't hear you, and close your eyes tight to not see these things. The proof is everywhere.

Please show proof that the examples of violence at OWS rallies are anything other than isolated incidents. Please show evidence that it was organized by, not just attended by members of, labor unions.

You're making the claim here, show your work.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
You can lead a horse to water...

But if its purple, tastes remotely like grape, and has a giant animated pitcher in it going "Oh yeah! Drink up" we're going to conclude that its koolaid.

You're assuming we haven't seen these before. There's good reason we still disagree with you. Fox news has less credibility than alien abductees as far as I'm concerned. A call for a probe into something is NOT evidence that that something exists. (project bluebook anyone?)

That a group of liberal community organizers would get involved in the organization of a community after their umbrella organization went belly up is neither surprising nor sinister. You're trying to treat acorn like some leftist evil twin with the same level of power and influence as the oil lobby. This isn't remotely the case.

Union members BELONG in occupy wallstreet. What on earth makes you think they don't? Its not like unions are for some ultra elite independently wealthy tycoons, they're for hard working trades people. If decent wages, survivable working conditions and health benefits have become an unacceptable sign of affluence thats exactly WHY things need to change. Corporates are out to screw them too.

And whats wrong with communists? If you don't want communism to look like an appealing alternative then you should be as willing to end crony capitalism as the wallstreeters. If you believe in capitalism you should be with the protestors because wallstreet is smearing your name.

"And whats wrong with communists?"

Seriously?!?!?! This tells me that I am wasting any time even discussing this with you. Nothing that I say will take hold with someone like you.

My family are first generations from countries that were heavily socialist and even communist. They remember all too well whats wrong with communist and socialist countries.

meatrace wrote:
Oxlar wrote:
Benicio Del Espada wrote:
You are sorely misinformed. You might try looking for proof of these statements instead of relying on infotainment and propaganda outlets for news.
Um no. To ignore whats happening, you really have to put your fingers in your ears, chant nya nya nyah I can't hear you, and close your eyes tight to not see these things. The proof is everywhere.

Please show proof that the examples of violence at OWS rallies are anything other than isolated incidents. Please show evidence that it was organized by, not just attended by members of, labor unions.

You're making the claim here, show your work.

Turn on the radio of the local news. Check out local news for various cities where the big crowds are. It really is that simple.

How many isolated incidences of violence occured at tea parties, even with 90% of main stream media trying to demonize them?

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, they're winning. You guys are seriously debating about which U.S. news outlet (all corporate owned, btw) is lying to you more. I love it!

It's almost as funny when y'all argue over who's screwing you less, Dems or Repubs.

Y'all are so cute when you don't get it. :-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Oxlar wrote:

"And whats wrong with communists?"

Seriously?!?!?! This tells me that I am wasting any time even discussing this with you. Nothing that I say will take hold with someone like you.

My family are first generations from countries that were heavily socialist and even communist. They remember all too well whats wrong with communist and socialist countries.

No. They came from countries that were dictatorships in disguise where people claimed it was communism or socialism. They were not communist or socialist. You can be democratic and socialist at the same time. And Socialist and Capitialist are not the only values on the slider that is economic policy. Just because people want the government to actually help and protect people does not make those people evil.

Shadow Lodge

You're still asking us to find your evidence, Oxlar.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I personaly like "the Unions won't screw us when they have the power" idea.
Great faith in humanity is required to think any one group of people given power can't or won't be corrupted or act in it's own best interests.
Or that they already aren't.

Oxlar wrote:

Turn on the radio of the local news. Check out local news for various cities where the big crowds are. It really is that simple.

How many isolated incidences of violence occured at tea parties, even with 90% of main stream media trying to demonize them?

I listen to the radio, I watch local news. I have attended my local Occupy rally. No one was hurt, no incidents of violence were reported. Since your test has proven false, I must assume your claim is false. If YOU cannot provide evidence, cite specific examples wherein the MAJORITY of OWS rallies are violent, then you're just babbling incoherently.

Kryzbyn wrote:

I personaly like "the Unions won't screw us when they have the power" idea.

Great faith in humanity is required to think any one group of people given power can't or won't be corrupted or act in it's own best interests.
Or that they already aren't.

So here's the problem. The right in this country would have us believe that the unions ARE in control. See the false equivalence between labor union contributions to political campaigns as opposed to those by multinational corporations. The unions only make money when their members earn higher wages and when more people belong to the union. Hence the union has a vested interest in gaining more members and seeing its members earn a higher wage.

The corporations profit more the LESS we earn*. Their only purpose is the turn of profit.

Even assuming that both are as corrupt as the other, and both participate in the same sorts of unethical behavior, we can only expect both to attain their goal (money) through established methods. If the unions somehow gain more political power than the corporations and seek to continue that power, the only way they can do that is by enforcing higher wages for their members and growing membership. Which...is what I want.

*Actually this is only true in the very short term. The truth is that in an economy such as ours based on consumer spending, the whole machine works better if the bottom quintile has disposable income. In the long run. Supply-side economics incentivizes short term earnings at the cost of long term growth.

meatrace wrote:
*Actually this is only true in the very short term. The truth is that in an economy such as ours based on consumer spending, the whole machine works better if the bottom quintile has disposable income. In the long run. Supply-side economics incentivizes short term earnings at the cost of long term growth.

Things are geared towards short-term profit over long-term sustainability. Shareholders want to know the net profits this quarter. The path to personal wealth, as a CEO, is to run your company into the ground as quickly as possible and escape with a golden parachuite large enough to ensure your permanent fortune. If the taxpayers then bail out said company so that someone else can do the same thing with it next year, so much the better!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

This is one of the things I really try hard to buck, is the idea that all unions are evil or bad for America.
As a conservative, I hear it very often. I only persoinally think public sector unions are a horribad idea, but if labor in a private company wants to uniionize, they have a right to, or not to. I think with gov't jobs, there is a built in conflict of interest.

On the other hand, I can't help but thinking, that if corporations were called to heel, and the power shifted to the unions, even if as a whole their interest is only for the welfare of their workers, the folks that do nothing but work for the unions themselves will be the ones we'll need to watch out for. Something will happen, and there will be creis for more oversight, then cries for regulation, and we'll end up with the pendulum having swug to the completely opposite side.

You can say it won't happen. I think that's naive.
All it will take is for enough people only in it for money to get high positions, and it'll happen.

Shadow Lodge

I've heard enough bad stories about unions to know that they need policing just as much as management. The mob is a union, after all.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Things are geared towards short-term profit over long-term sustainability. Shareholders want to know the net profits this quarter. The path to personal wealth, as a CEO, is to run your company into the ground as quickly as possible and escape with a golden parachute large enough to ensure your permanent fortune. If the taxpayers then bail out said company so that someone else can do the same thing with it next year, so much the better!

Class warfare. You just want a free BMW. ;-)

Shadow Lodge

The hell would I want a BMW for? I can't imagine what my insurance payment would look like.

Nothing your phat welfare check couldn't handle. ;)

Shadow Lodge

Military base pay only goes so far. :P

meatrace wrote:
Oxlar wrote:
Benicio Del Espada wrote:
You are sorely misinformed. You might try looking for proof of these statements instead of relying on infotainment and propaganda outlets for news.
Um no. To ignore whats happening, you really have to put your fingers in your ears, chant nya nya nyah I can't hear you, and close your eyes tight to not see these things. The proof is everywhere.

Please show proof that the examples of violence at OWS rallies are anything other than isolated incidents. Please show evidence that it was organized by, not just attended by members of, labor unions.

You're making the claim here, show your work.







Yeah just isolated incidents. I've also made it a point to participate on the occupywallstreet.org website that is cooridinating a lot of the movement. Its absolutely insane to see those calling for martyrs and violence. Some of them want someone to instigate it to the point where someone gets killed so they can bolster the movement and fire it up. These are the occupy people. I've listened to them and read their rants and ideas.

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