Record Keeping for Online Games

GM Discussion

Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5

I am running a game online - when completing the chronicle sheet, I can easily update the pdf and send the the pc's electronically ....except for the signature. Is an e-sig ok, or must I use a physical signature, scan and email to the players?

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Talwynor wrote:
I am running a game online - when completing the chronicle sheet, I can easily update the pdf and send the the pc's electronically ....except for the signature. Is an e-sig ok, or must I use a physical signature, scan and email to the players?

Until such time as we have built in digital completion of Chronicles in our PDFs, you'll need to sign, scan, and email.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Talwynor wrote:
I am running a game online - when completing the chronicle sheet, I can easily update the pdf and send the the pc's electronically ....except for the signature. Is an e-sig ok, or must I use a physical signature, scan and email to the players?

The way we do it on tangled web is every character that plays with us has their own thread and after the scenario is finished we post the gold/prestige they've earned and have them reply to the scenario thread to show what they're buying/selling and all that other stuff, then we scan and upload the chronicle sheet to their thread, from there they can download it if they wish.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber
Talwynor wrote:
I am running a game online - when completing the chronicle sheet, I can easily update the pdf and send the the pc's electronically ....except for the signature. Is an e-sig ok, or must I use a physical signature, scan and email to the players?

I just created a signature in MS Paint and put a watermark behind it. I just import these into my PDF's and email them to the players. Works fine, is fairly secure, and very fast.


I run online scenarios over at Myth-Weavers.

I have Adobe Acrobat...I'd love to do markup on the pdf chronicle sheets, as I can do that from my iPad. I can even sign the pdf's on my iPad. The issue I am having is I cannot extract the chronicle sheets from the scenario pdfs. Would it be possible to have either a generic, non-filled in chronicle sheet PDF available, or have Paizo extract the chronicle sheets from the scenarios and provide them with the pdf copy of the scenario?

If this has already been discussed, I apologize. I just hate to have to print six copies of a sheet, to fill in and scan, just to throw out the's a waste of trees.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I REALLY wish there was a digital version of the chronicle sheets.


Chris Manos wrote:

I have Adobe Acrobat...I'd love to do markup on the pdf chronicle sheets, as I can do that from my iPad. I can even sign the pdf's on my iPad. The issue I am having is I cannot extract the chronicle sheets from the scenario pdfs. Would it be possible to have either a generic, non-filled in chronicle sheet PDF available, or have Paizo extract the chronicle sheets from the scenarios and provide them with the pdf copy of the scenario?

If this has already been discussed, I apologize. I just hate to have to print six copies of a sheet, to fill in and scan, just to throw out the's a waste of trees.

Would it be possible to "print" the Chronicle page of the adventure as a one-page PDF? I use a freeware program called CutePDF to print as PDFs on my Windows machine; I'm sure there are other ways to do that.

If you can print just that page as a PDF, you can do the markups on that PDF, then send them out.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

My usual method for online chronicles is to print out one copy, add in my signature, then scan it back in. Then I can photoshop in the player's info and send it off to them. Then I take the hard copy and fill it out for my GM credit and put it in my character binder.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Take a screen shot of the Chronicle sheet.
Paste it into Paint.
Fill it in and save.
(I use a .jpg of my signature as well)
Send it to the player.


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