KILLER GM's 2011 Return to the Tomb of Horrors Pathfinder Campaign!

Campaign Journals

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Surprisingly enough in my session last night the players surrendered to the foe instead of fighting to the death. From the beginning they were beneath him anyway so he did not bother to slay them.

I pitted one of his minions against one of the PC's on a wager, the damn PC won too, so he honored the bargain and gave them useless information (he was trying to get two of the evil PC's to align with him but they refused). Next time no more Mr Nice guy though, I will snuff them out if they challenge him again.

The scroll with Symbol of Death is fantastic, I will have to use that at some point!

Looking forward to the next installment KGM and so is my wife she enjoys when I relate the exploits of your doomed PC's, she thinks I am too soft because I don't have TPK's every game and I allow for characters to be raised from the dead. :-)

Killer_GM wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:

Sounds .... fun? ^__^
Actually, it does. It would be a blast to play in. If you are ever up for a once per 6-8 week CoC game, just say the word.

I think we can make this happen on a monthly schedule for HotOE, perhaps as early as the 19th of May, depending on terms.:)

Haru Has landed the auction successfully. Given prompt response from the seller in the UK, I'd hope you have it by May 21 or shortly thereafter.

Ladies, Germs, peeps, sick freaks, and aspiring killer GMs, I will likely hold my May game as the final episode of the Return to the Tomb of Horrors campaign. I suspect that the group will get to Acererack's crypt, and if they all get smoked (highly likely), then I would end the campaign there anyway. If you can't beat the demi-lich in S1, then you're not worthy of the bigger trip to Moil and beyond.

Turin the Mad will shortly be holding the Call of Cthulu game adventure, Horror on the Orient Express, and I for one, want to play in this adventure even more than I love running Tomb of Horrors. I strongly suspect that Turin will post detailed notes of the horrendous fatality count that this CoC campaign will likely generate, and I'll love every minute of getting greased as much as I would if I were on the GM's side of the screen.

Amazing, good luck. Post a link to your orient express journal Turin. I only regret I do not live close by enough to die multiple times in that campaign!

I am witholding the Horror on the Orient Express campaign journal until Haru and I are able to inspect the delivered package - more importantly, its contents! Let us hope that the UK seller is prompt and an excellent packager.

Naturally everyone is looking forward to reading about the ensuing carnage from a bona fide Call of Cthulhu ccampaign. <evil grin>

Dennis Harry wrote:
Amazing, good luck. Post a link to your orient express journal Turin. I only regret I do not live close by enough to die multiple times in that campaign!

We're in the Washington D.C. suburbs in Virginia. If we end up playing at a private residence, maybe you can be Skype'd in or something...

We'll certainly do a journal on this game. It would be a crime not to do one.

I for one am wagering that Haru will buy the farm as often as Hexen Ineptus.

Killer_GM wrote:
Dennis Harry wrote:
Amazing, good luck. Post a link to your orient express journal Turin. I only regret I do not live close by enough to die multiple times in that campaign!

We're in the Washington D.C. suburbs in Virginia. If we end up playing at a private residence, maybe you can be Skype'd in or something...

We'll certainly do a journal on this game. It would be a crime not to do one.

I for one am wagering that Haru will buy the farm as often as Hexen Ineptus.

I'm wagering that everyone will die and/or go insane and/or both like so many lemmings off a cliff.

I would love to Skype in on a session if possible. That of course would be up to Turin I think but I appreciate the suggestion KGM!

Dennis Harry wrote:
Amazing, good luck. Post a link to your orient express journal Turin. I only regret I do not live close by enough to die multiple times in that campaign!

I will post that journal here on Paizo. Naturally the players are welcome to chime in with any entertaining details that are forgotten. I will endeavor to drag along a recorder to enhance recollections for later transcription. <evil grin>

EDIT: particulars on Skype I leave in Sir Al of N's hands to arrange. If such can be done, you're welcome aboard!

Killer_GM wrote:
Ladies, Germs, peeps, sick freaks, and aspiring killer GMs, I will likely hold my May game as the final episode of the Return to the Tomb of Horrors campaign. I suspect that the group will get to Acererack's crypt, and if they all get smoked (highly likely), then I would end the campaign there anyway. If you can't beat the demi-lich in S1, then you're not worthy of the bigger trip to Moil and beyond.

What are your plans for continuing your classic modules campaign? If ToH is out, I vaguely recall you had plans for other classic killer modules such as DCC 12 and 12.5.

Macharius wrote:

What are your plans for continuing your classic modules campaign? If ToH is out, I vaguely recall you had plans for other classic killer modules such as DCC 12 and 12.5.

For better or worse, those plans are on ice for the time being. I think that the break will likely do both me and the players some good. I suspect that if I continued the current campaign, I was going to have to insert a happy, zero-fatality, high gold & magic adventure after Tomb of Horrors to try to bolster the pessimism that my players have of late, (I have found that Tomb of Horrors tends to bring out that emotion in players)... before returning to repeated PC destruction afterwards:)

Depending on how things pan out following the CoC game, which could be extended to include "At the Mountains of Madness" following Horror on the Orient Express, I may be able to return to/resume the current campaign. If I were to continue to GM Pathfinder, I would certainly do so. Regards, KGM

Dennis Harry wrote:
I would love to Skype in on a session if possible. That of course would be up to Turin I think but I appreciate the suggestion KGM!

If the capability exists wherever we play, I'll see what I can do. I'd often toyed with the idea of Skype'ing in a former group member in times past, (Don the "Dying One") but that never materialized at the time. Were the Dying One to somehow rejoin for this CoC game, I think he'd have one or more character fatalities on just the car ride over to the game, much less during the game itself...:D Rumor has it however that an invite may be floated to a certain fellow Paizo poster (Ineptus), and he doesn't disappoint in the character fatality department either...

We'll see what we can do on this one Dennis.

Excellent KGM I hope I can fill up the Death Ledger for Turin with my halpless human sacrifices.

My last CoC session netted several player fatalities half of which were inflicted by other players! Madness and stray bullets make your fellow players (almost) as dangerous as Mythos creatures themselves. :-)

Dennis Harry wrote:

Excellent KGM I hope I can fill up the Death Ledger for Turin with my halpless human sacrifices.

My last CoC session netted several player fatalities half of which were inflicted by other players! Madness and stray bullets make your fellow players (almost) as dangerous as Mythos creatures themselves. :-)

They become VERY dangerous when explosives and/or access to unstable chemicals are involved! ^__^

Here layeth the path to madness and death.

The Horror on the Orient Express begins 16th June 2012, ladies and gentlecritters. Please be so kind as to stop by for the AARs. <evil grin>

Damn I will be leaving for North Carolina on that day so it does not look like I could skype in even if it was a possibility. Oh well, I will simply enjoy the carnage from afar!

Dennis Harry wrote:
Damn I will be leaving for North Carolina on that day so it does not look like I could skype in even if it was a possibility. Oh well, I will simply enjoy the carnage from afar!

Be sure to throw a few investigators off of your trail while you're there. I recommend the top of the Kitty Hawk Memorial. Or you could arrange for "accidents" when they're distracted with hang gliding lessons off the dunes. If you have any deep ones on standby, that would make a lovely mess of things when they go fishing on a boat.

I never did post the stats on the Degenerate Serpentfolk monk, so here it is, extremely belated...:

Odd Job, CR 10
Degenerate Serpentfolk Monk 10, advanced template (CR 4+1+5) Monk levels are Non-Key
The Bestiary 2 gives ability bonuses to generate characters with, and I used these. I did not use the 4/4/2/2/0/-2
STR 18+10race+4advanced+2lvl incr=34(40)
DEX 14+2race+4advanced=20
CON 18+8race+4advanced=30(34)
INT 12-6race+4advanced=10
WIS 8+2race+4advanced=14
CHA 10-4race+4advanced=10
HD 5d10+10d8+Con 180+15=300(330) w/ Bear’s Endurance
Speed 60’
Initiative 5+4=+9
AC (+5 Dex+7Natural+2Deflection+2Monk)
Saves: Fort: 1+7 base, 10(12) Con, 3 resist, 2 Misc=+23(25)
Ref: 4+7 base, 5 Dex, 3 resist=19 Evasion
Will: 4+7 base, 2 Wis, 3 resist=16
Ki Points: 7(Swift Action)
BAB 12
CMB 15+12(15)=27(30)+d20
CMD 15+12(15)+5+10=42(45)
ATK: 12+12(15)+3+1=+28/23/18 (31/26/21) w/
DMG d8+15(22 two handed)+3=d8+25
Power Attack -3/+9
Flurry of Blows: (full round action) +27/27/22/22 (30/30/25/25)
DMG d10+12(15), Power Attack add +6 Dmg to each hit
Add 1 Atk/round to Flurry of Blows: cost 1 Ki Point (doesn’t stack with haste?)
Bite: +18(21)
DMG d6+12(15)+Poison DC 22 (24 w/ Bear’s Endurance, 26 w/ Ability Focus Feat)
Ki Point = A) 1 extra attack at highest bonus, B) +20’ move for 1 round, C) +4 Dodge bonus to AC for 1 round.
Ki: Unarmed Strikes are treated as magical and lawful for overcoming DR
Skills (ability bonuses NOT included): Acrobatics 5+10 ranks, Bluff 5 ranks, Disguise 5 ranks, Escape artist 5 ranks +8 racial bonus, Perception 15 ranks +4 racial bonus+10 potion, Sense Motive 5+5 ranks, Stealth 5+5 ranks, Survival 2 ranks, Swim 3 ranks, Use Magic Device 5+10 ranks+6feat.
Feats: R-Great Fortitude, R-Toughness, R-Improved Initiative, Monk-Improved Unarmed Strike, 1-Weapon Focus Unarmed Strike, 3-Skill Focus Use Magic Device, 5-Quick Draw or Improved Sunder, 7-Ability Focus +2DC bite venom, 9-Improved Critical Battle Axe, Monk 1 bonus feat: Combat Reflexes, Monk 2 bonus feat-Improved Grapple, Monk 6 bonus feat-Deflect Arrows, Monk 10 bonus feat Improved Critical Unarmed Strike
SA: (1st level) Stunning Fist Sickened DC; Slow Fall (first 100’) no damage if near a wall; High/Long Jump +10 to Jump checks, +1Ki=+20 for 1 round; Immune to All Diseases; Heal 10 HP Dmg: cost 2 Ki points; Improved Evasion
Serpent Folk SA: Immune to Poison, Paralysis & Mind Affecting Effects
SR 15
Equipment: +3 cloak of resistance, +2 Ring of Protection, Wand of Enervate (10 ch), Scroll: Wall of Stone, Wand of Flying (3 ch), Wand of Dimension Door (3 ch), Potions of Bull Strength +6, Bears Endurance, Haste, Perception (+10 bonus).

I'm noticing the development of a nasty habit of listing "or" feats in the same slot - which feat is it at 5th level for Odd Job?

Odd Job has Improved Critical (battle axe), yet he is not proficient with one. There is no axe in his equipment, however. Is Odd Job using a battle axe?

Turin the Mad wrote:

I'm noticing the development of a nasty habit of listing "or" feats in the same slot - which feat is it at 5th level for Odd Job?

Odd Job has Improved Critical (battle axe), yet he is not proficient with one. There is no axe in his equipment, however. Is Odd Job using a battle axe?

I suspect I was undecided at the time I typed up his stats. I thought the axe was a useful item to have, in the event that unarmed combat was undesirable. You're right, I didn't end up giving it to him on his equipment. Against the PCs my players used in Return to the Tomb, for all intensive purposes, it wasn't necessary. Ultimately, I'd take the improved Sunder. The improved critical battle axe would also probably get tossed unless I had savy players that I couldn't beat into the floor barehanded, with impunity...

I will likely be resuming the "Campaign Classics" campaign sometime this month. I have until recently been a pleased participant in Turin the Mad's wonderful Jade Regent campaign. My personal circumstances have changed significantly, making all Saturdays for the foreseeable future unavailable. Regrettably, I've had to bow out of the Saturday Jade Regent game, and I had thought into "retirement" from gaming.

I was conversing recently with the player of Bates/Red Shirt #10 (on this thread and the Tomb of Horrors thread that I kept just after this one), and it was agreed that I would run a short (60-90 minute game session) on Thursday evenings, (which my schedule will allow), with Bates and several of his family members as players. So, though I had not hoped to GM again for some time, I now find myself preparing to do so. It's either this arrangement or no game at all. I find myself ill-prepared for the task, but I'll give it my best effort. I suspect this continued campaign will have both pre-published (1st/2nd edition adventures) and some home-brewed material to tie it together.

I don't have a start date, but it may happen in late February. The characters will be 5th level when we start.

I don’t know the names the players will give their characters, but I do know their character classes. The line up is as follows:
Bates/Red Shirt #10 (a skulk 3rd level rogue)
a 5th level Cleric
a 5th level Fighter
a 5th level Wizard
Possibly a second 5th level fighter

I will be starting them in Dungeon Crawl Classics #17 Legacy of the Savage Kings at 5th level. Upon completing Savage Kings and reaching 6th level, I'll be whisking the group off to a weekend paradise in the 2nd edition Ravenloft adventure "Hour of the Knife." Beyond this, we'll see what happens. ~KGM

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