The Thing 2011 Re-Make


John Carpenter's The Thing still remains one of my favorite monster movies of all time and I caught the trailer to its newest incarnation on Netflixs this Summer. Who's up for the newest installment of the Thing? Anyone checking it out in October?

From what I understand, it's not so mucha remake as it's supposed to be the Norwegian base camp that first uncovered the Thing in the ice before the events that were shown in the orginal movie, a prelude or prequel of sorts.

Prelude huh? I'm still going to check it out.

Correct. It's a prequel. I've been anticipating it for a long time (though we can assume how it ends, since seemingly nobody from the Norwegian camp seemed to have survived the original).

I, too, consider Carpenter's flick not only one of the best monster movies, but a damn fine flick, period. Still tense and watchable after all these years.

Yeah I am exited for the new movie as well. Love the original and hope this is at least half as good.

Dragon78 wrote:
Yeah I am exited for the new movie as well. Love the original and hope this is at least half as good.

The 1951 original, or are you talking about Carpenter's '82 remake?

The Carpenter's 82 remake but I still like the 1950's version as well.

Liberty's Edge

Bruunwald wrote:
seemingly nobody from the Norwegian camp seemed to have survived the original

Yes and no. At least two Norwegians survived their encounter with The Thing only to be killed while attempting to kill the malamute at the beginning of the film. The helicoter pilot blows himself up by accident and the sniper is shot by the Americans who think he trying to kill them. It's possible the writers of the prequel could say a third member of the camp survived, perhaps chasing the dog via snowcat and then becoming lost in a storm or something.

I think it would be awesome if John Carpenter shows up in a cameo since he actually plays one of the dead Norwegians in the '82 film.

Saw the trailer and was disheartened. Good looking teens running around whilst CVG effects go into overload. They're just cashing in on John Carpenter's classic by using the same name and premise. Boo! Get some new ideas.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

But it's Mary Elizabeth Winstead.



I'm so there.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'll probably wait for the dvd, but I'm excited to see Norwegian actors in an international movie :)

As for the Thing. I like the movie, but the beginning is horrible for me as a Norwegian. First time I watched it, they spoiled the whole movie by having them explaining everything in badly accented Norwegian :p

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Woo Flaxman wrote:
Saw the trailer and was disheartened. Good looking teens running around whilst CVG effects go into overload. They're just cashing in on John Carpenter's classic by using the same name and premise. Boo! Get some new ideas.

I seen it tonight. I liked it and it is indeed the prequel to John Carpenters one. I won't spoil it but there was a few interesting twists and some unanswered questions left. Most of the cast where not teens nor good looking. Mary Winstead being the exception.

I saw it tonight also and agree with Dark_Mistress it was good.

Unfortunitly, I will not get to see it until at least tuesday, if I am lucky.

I actually liked this movie, not as good as the original, but anyone who expected it to be was fooling themselves anyway.

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