Paizo Order # 1809662

Customer Service

In this order, I ordered several Amazing Stories back issues to be sent. Almost immediately after I hit the "place order" button (it figures), I realized that one of the issue numbers I ordered was wrong. Instead of ordering issue #561, I should have ordered issue #571.

Maybe it's just my tech mojo deserting me, but I can find no way to edit the order before it ships. The swap should not change any of the financial particulars of the order. Is this possible, or am I just going to have to live with (admittedly, my) mistake?

Thanks for any help!

Lantern Lodge

Unfortunately this was shipped out before we were able to make the changes to your order. You can send the incorrect issue back to us (in the same condition it arrives to you in) and we will refund you for the item's price.

Lantern Lodge

Long story short, I was able to make the switch for you.


Thank you thank you! You guys are amazing!

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