Order #1804623 (Tome of Horrors PDF) Stuck on "Personalizing"

Customer Service

I just purchased the Tome of Horrors PDF, but when I go to the downloads page, and click on it, I get the message "Personalizing... Click link again in 10 seconds to download" next to it. Waiting, even for a few minutes, and clicking again doesn't seem to work.

What should I do?

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

It looks like heavy demand for the Tome of Horrors is overworking the personalizer. I just checked and it's about ten minutes behind in handling requests. It will eventually get around to every request but at the moment the "ten seconds" estimate is clearly over-optimistic.

Ah, that makes sense.

Thanks! =)

Why did you even return to Personalizing? It was problematic in he beginning, then you changed the way downloads were handled and everything finally worked and now you're back to personalizing and I have to click a million times for it to work.

How about adding a direct download links in our proof of purchase emails? That way we won't be bothered by this personalizer.

I realize it's a huge undertaking to handle this many request etc. but it's becoming frustrating.

And the list of "My Downloads" is becoming unwieldy. I don't want to remember what PDFs I just purchased (mostly through the subscription). Just give me the links to my most recent purchases and keep the rest under that.



Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

You can sort the downloads on your my downloads page by date added, date updated and date last downloaded. You can also hide any category by clicking the triangle next to it.

We haven't changed the fact that we personalize all of our PDFs, but what we did do recently was to better handle cases where the personalizer is overloaded. If the personalizer responds quickly enough then the download begins immediately. If the personalizer is taking too much time to respond we simply refresh the page in hopes that it will have finished the request soon.

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