[4WFG] Random Acts of... Violence now available!

Product Discussion

Random Acts of... Violence, the first in our new Random Acts of... line is now available at DriveThruRPG and Your Games Now for only $1.99!

It should hopefully be available here at Paizo soon as well!

A dart flies across the inn's common room and hits a PC in the face...

Random Acts of...Violence, first in our new line of PDF products, presents a GM with 100 different randomly generated acts of violence, from randomly hurled mugs in a tavern to the aftermath of a murder in an alleyway. In no case are stats for any NPCs given - no names are even given - and no weapon, spell or damage stats are included. This allows a GM to use the Random Acts of...Violence with many different game systems.

A GM can pick one of the acts from the list, usually picking one that will work best for the current situation, or she can roll d100 (d%) to randomly generate a true random act. Entire random encounters can be created by using the random acts table!

The Random Acts of... line is currently geared for the fantasy genre. Future installments of the series will be designed for super hero, sci-fi, and other genres.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

That's... different.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
That's... different.

Well, we aim for different!

I love generic random d100 tables. I'm excited (the title alone sold me, to be honest).

Necromancer wrote:
I love generic random d100 tables. I'm excited (the title alone sold me, to be honest).

Cool! Hopefully it will be up here at Paizo soon. Had some issues with the uploader last night when I was trying to upload it, but the Paizonians have been alerted and are on it!

And it's now up here at Paizo as well!

Random Acts of... Violence received a 5-star review from Featured Reviewer Megan Robertson over at DriveThruRPG!

Random Acts of... Violence received a 4-star review from Featured Reviewer Alexander Lucard over at DriveThruRPG!

This appeals to my intrests as both a gamer, and a new DM.
I believe it will be a multiple use per sitting type of item for me :)

Thank you very much for this fantastic product.

Has'Kar wrote:

This appeals to my intrests as both a gamer, and a new DM.

I believe it will be a multiple use per sitting type of item for me :)

Thank you very much for this fantastic product.

You bet! I hope you get lots of use out of it!

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